Hubertus Riedmiller
Immunotherapy of Metastasizing Renal Cell Carcinoma
119 patients with stage-IV renal cell carcinoma were treated using immunotherapy with autologous tumor vaccine. The immunization was carried out at monthly intervals, the patients were restaged every
Mainz Pouch for Augmentation Bladder Substitution or Continent Urinary Diversion
Extent of Surgery in Rhabdomyosarcoma of Urogenital Structures
After high inguinal semicastration in group-1 paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the patient having undergone chemotherapy can be followed closely by CT scanning without retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy. In contrast, retroperitoneal RMS should be operated on as radically as possible after downstaging the tumor mass. In RMS of the female genitalia locally limited organ-preserving surgery is the method of choice. The prognosis is excellent with adjuvant chemotherapy. Only 20% of all bladder RMS arise from the bladder dome or the movable part of the bladder, where primary partial resection including a safety margin of 3 cm of healthy tissue is possible. The majority, however, arising from t…
Treatment of Iatrogenic Functional or Morphologic Bladder Loss
From 1984 to 1986, six children from 4 to 13 years of age, received a bladder augmentation by ileocecal cystoplasty (Mainz-pouch technique) because of an iatrogenic functional or morphologic bladder loss. Indications for operation were incontinence due to the low bladder capacity or threat to the upper urinary tract due to ureteral obstruction or vesicorenal reflux. Two of the children had already undergone supravesical urinary diversion by sigmoid conduit. After a follow-up period of 2 to 19 months, (mean 11 months), five of the six children are completely continent. One boy with a known weak sphincter still has slight, but decreasing, enuresis nocturna in periods of complete filling of th…
EAU Guidelines on Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children
Context: Primary vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a common congenital urinary tract abnormality in children. There is considerable controversy regarding its management. Preservation of kidney function is the main goal of treatment, which necessitates identification of patients requiring early intervention.Objective: To present a management approach for VUR based on early risk assessment.Evidence acquisition: A literature search was performed and the data reviewed. From selected papers, data were extracted and analyzed with a focus on risk stratification. The authors recognize that there are limited high-level data on which to base unequivocal recommendations, necessitating a revisiting of thi…
Long-Term Follow-Up of Children with Surgically Treated Vesicorenal Reflux: Renal Growth
Renal growth after successful surgical correction of vesicoureterorenal reflux (VUR) in childhood was observed in 137 female and 22 male patients over a mean follow-up period of 10.5 years. The renal parenchymal area was determined using a compensatory planimeter. For each measured value, the standard deviation score (SDS) was calculated by comparison with a normal population. On average, renal growth after reflux operation nearly paralleled the expected normal growth rate. Scarred kidneys had a worse growth prognosis than refluxing renal units (RU) without renal damage, growth retardation being correlated with the degree of pyelonephritic changes. The diminished growth rate of scarred kidn…
Ureterosciatic Hernia A Rare Cause of Pyonephrosis
A female patient presented as an emergency case with pyonephrosis and septicemia as a result of ureterosciatic hernia. Septicemia was treated successfully by immediate percutaneous nephrostomy tubing. After complete disappearance of symptoms, the hernia was closed operatively. Topographic anatomy of ureterosciatic hernia is presented.
An Anti-Ubiquitin Antibody Response in Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder
BackgroundTo use combinatorial epitope mapping ("fingerprinting") of the antibody response to identify targets of the humoral immune response in patients with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder.MethodsA combinatorial random peptide library was screened on the circulating pool of immunoglobulins purified from an index patient with a high risk TCC (pTa high grade plus carcinoma in situ) to identify corresponding target antigens. A patient cohort was investigated for antibody titers against ubiquitin.ResultsWe selected, isolated, and validated an immunogenic peptide motif from ubiquitin as a dominant epitope of the humoral response. Patients with TCC had significantly higher anti…
Long-term follow-up of children with surgically treated vesicorenal reflux: postoperative incidence of urinary tract infections, renal scars and arterial hypertension.
With a mean follow-up of 10.8 years, 160 female and 29 male patients were investigated after successful correction of vesicoureterorenal reflux. All patients suffered from urinary tract infection (UTI) preoperatively, while postoperatively 42% of the patients developed further UTIs but with a significantly diminished rate of febrile infections. In comparison to a group of patients without postoperative UTI (n = 16), the uroepithelial cells of those patients with a high infection rate after reflux correction showed a significantly lower bacterial growth suppression (n = 37). Renal scars were found in 22% of the investigated renal units with operated ureters (n = 211). Of the preoperatively u…
Pyelotransverse pyelocolostomy: an alternative method for high urinary diversion in patients with extended bilateral ureter damage.
After previous radiation due to pelvic malignoma or after multiple operations, the ileal conduit as well as sigmoid conduit are associated with an increased rate of complications. In these patients, the middle and distal ureter often cannot be considered for reimplantation due to fibrosis. High anastomosis to a bowel segment which is undamaged proves favorable. The transverse colon, conveniently situated in the cranial abdomen, is close enough to the kidneys for such a high anastomosis and is mostly spared from irradiation. In cases where severely damaged ureters forbid connection to a normal transverse conduit, we performed a pyelotransverse pyelocolostomy with high anastomosis of the bowe…
Postersitzung 13: Inkontinenz — Harnabflußstörungen
Den guten Fruhresultaten von 80–90% stehen masige Langzeiterfolgsquoten von 50–70% nach 5 Jahren bei den bekannten urethralen Suspensionsmethoden entgegen. Aus der Schlusfolgerung, das primar befriedigende funktionelle Verhaltnisse vorliegen, ergibt sich der Ansatz, durch Optimierung bereits bestehender Verfahren bessere Langzeitergebnisse anzustreben.
Radical Cystectomy - Often Too Late?
From 1967 to 1985, 246 cystectomies for treatment of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder were performed. Perioperative mortality decreased from 15% in the early years to 0% in 1985. Preoperative radiotherapy was not given. Patients who underwent cystectomy immediately following the diagnosis of invasive bladder carcinoma had a significantly better prognosis than those having cystectomy after recurrence of a transurethrally resected invasive carcinoma in spite of identical G and T criteria. A total of 26 patients who were cystectomized because of tumor recurrence after definitive radiotherapy (salvage cystectomy) represented the group with the worst prognosis: they had a 5-yea…