Wittlich N

Quantitative comparison of new image processing methods for volumetric analysis of left ventricular contrast echocardiograms

An effort has been made to develop image processing methods which allow a definite and precise tracking of the borderline of the ventricle in two-dimensional echocardiograms. Experience is reported with two new methods, which are based on the gray-level rise (GL) and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in combined heart-phase-triggered image series. A quantitative comparison of these time-series methods is presented with respect to the interpretation of a single native image (noncontrast image), a single contrast-material image, the corresponding subtraction image, and the corresponding color superposition image. The comparison is based on the calculation of the ejection fraction using the abov…

research product

Detection of central pulmonary artery thromboemboli by transesophageal echocardiography in patients with severe pulmonary embolism.

Transthoracic echocardiography generally provides only indirect signs of pulmonary embolism. In contrast, with transesophageal echocardiography the thromboembolus itself can be visualized in the central parts of the pulmonary artery. The aims of our study were to evaluate, first, the incidence of central pulmonary artery thromboemboli in patients with severe pulmonary embolism, and second, the accuracy of the echocardiographic diagnosis. Our study group comprised 60 patients with proved severe pulmonary embolism. All patients were examined by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. The echocardiographic findings concerning the absence or presence of central pulmonary artery thro…

research product

Value and limitations of transesophageal echocardiography in the evaluation of aortic prostheses.

Results of 34 transesophageal (TEE) studies in patients with suspected aortic prosthetic dysfunction were compared with transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) results and to anatomic findings. Mass lesions noted at surgery (autopsy) were correctly described in 93% by TEE versus 43% by TTE. Abscesses were detected in 88% by TEE versus 18% by TTE. Bioprosthetic degeneration was visualized in 88% versus 38% and prosthetic obstruction correctly identified in 75% versus 50% by TEE and TTE, respectively. Anatomic aortic regurgitant lesions were identified in 96% by TEE versus 77% by TTE, whereas the correct origin was detected in 88% of cases by TEE versus 54% of cases by TTE. TEE provides valuabl…

research product

Diagnosis of aortic dissection: the value of transesophageal echocardiography.

Using the transesophageal approach the descending part of the aorta can be imaged by two-dimensional enchocardiography in cross sections comparable to computer tomograms. The value of combined transesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography was evaluated in 53 patients who were studied consecutively from 1983 to 1986 with symptoms of aortic dissection and compared with computed tomography, angiography, surgery and/or autopsy. In all patients the transthoracic aorta could be visualized and the dissection could be classified according to DeBakey: in 9 of 29 patients (34%) type I dissection, in 4 (14%) type II dissection and in 16 (55%) type III dissection was found. Operation was carried o…

research product

Color-Doppler Flow Mapping of the Heart in Normal Subjects

research product

Echocardiographic and angiographic evaluation of left ventricular function during percutaneous transluminal aortic valvuloplasty.

Transesophageal echocardiography was used to study the effect of the balloon inflation on left ventricular function in 20 patients with critical aortic stenosis undergoing balloon valvuloplasty. Balloon inflation caused an increase of end-diastolic (15% to 34%) and end-systolic (57% to 72%) left ventricular volume. Left ventricular wall stress increased from 30 +/- 10 x 10(3) dyn/cm2 at diastole and 121 +/- 40 x 10(3) dyn/cm2 at systole to 44 +/- 11 x 10(3) dyn/cm2 and 191 +/- 55 x 10(3) dyn/cm2, respectively, when the balloon was inflated (P less than 0.05). Turbulent regurgitant jet across the mitral valve increased from 15 +/- 2% to 25 +/- 3% during balloon inflation (P less than 0.01). …

research product

Comparison of Statistical Methods for the Detection of Contrast Material in Echocardiographic Image Sequences

Ultrasonic imaging of the heart is a diagnostic tool which is increasingly used in cardiology. In addition to the representation of important anatomical information two dimensional images provided by mechanical or electronically steered sector scanners can be used for the extraction of functional parameters of the heart (as e.g. enddiastolic volume or ejection fraction). A poor definition of the endocardial border especially resulting from the noisy appearance of the images and from qualitatively restricted echocardiograms leads to uncertainties in the quantitative analysis and therefore requires refined methods for the determination of functional parameters. Our investigations which are ba…

research product

Diagnostic value of transesophageal echocardiography in patients with coronary artery disease and mitral insufficiency

Any diagnosis of mitral regurgitation must always include the etiology. The clinical history is only rarely informative, as are chest x-ray examinations. The ECG is of value to diagnose coronary artery disease with or without previous myocardial infarction — but further differentiation is not possible. During heart catheterization mitral insufficiency can be diagnosed and quantified according to Seller’s classification [1]. A differentiation of etiology is only rarely possible. Rheumatic heart disease and mitral valve prolapse can be differentiated.

research product

Effects of prostaglandin E1 and buflomedil on left ventricular function in patients with severe chronic occlusive arterial disease: a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial.

In this study, the effect of a course of prostaglandin E ( 1 ) (60 microg/d intravenously [i.v.]) or buflomedil (150 mg/d i.v.) treatment on parameters of left ventricular systolic function was investigated by echocardiography in patients of comparatively advanced age with severe peripheral occlusive arterial disease (Fontaine's stage III or IV). The study population was 20 patients, 12 men and 8 women, between 51 and 85 years of age (average age, 73. 7 years), with multiple coexisting medical conditions. These patients were no longer suitable candidates for other forms of interventional or surgical treatment. The patients were treated with prostaglandin E ( 1 ) or buflomedil in the dosages…

research product

Pulmonale Thrombendarteriektomie bei thromboembolischer pulmonaler Hypertonie: Indikationen und Frühergebnisse

Pulmonary thrombendarterectomy was performed in 32 patients (14 men and 18 women; mean age 38 +/- 15 years) with thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (New York Heart Association stage III: n = 22; stage IV: n = 10). The preoperative arterial pO2 averaged 59 +/- 11 mm Hg; pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and mean pressure (MPAP) were increased to 1,045 +/- 430 dyn.s.cm-5 and 53 +/- 12 mm Hg, respectively. The perioperative death rate was 22% (7 of 32). In the 25 survivors the pulmonary hypertension was reduced to a PVR of 194 +/- 75 dys.s.cm-5, MPAP of 28 +/- 6 mm Hg. Subsequent re-examination in 15 patients (NYHA stage I: n = 14, stage II: n = 1) after a mean of 17 +/- 5 months demonstr…

research product

Ambulatory follow-up of aortic dissection by transesophageal two-dimensional and color-coded Doppler echocardiography.

Follow-up of 18 patients with aortic dissection (five with type I, one with type II, 11 with type III dissection according to DeBakey) by transesophageal, two-dimensional and color-coded Doppler echocardiography showed a persistence of the false lumen in five of seven patients (71%) after surgery and in nine of 11 patients (82%) after medical therapy. In two patients treated with surgery, the dissected part of the aorta had been resected, whereas in two patients treated medically, a progressive and complete obliteration of the false lumen was observed. In the false lumen, thrombus formation was absent in four, localized in four, and progressive in six patients. Flow within the false lumen c…

research product

Three-dimensional imaging of cardiac mass lesions by transesophageal echocardiographic computed tomography.

Three-dimensional echocardiography is a new imaging technique that allows more realistic visualization of cardiac morphology. This study presents data about the diagnostic potentials of this technique concerning cardiac mass lesions, as well as its feasibility in clinical application. After the conventional investigation, multiple cross-sectional images were obtained during automatic forward advancement of a monoplane transducer mounted on a transesophageal probe. Three-dimensional reconstruction and volume determination were performed off line. Twenty-four patients were studied. In 14 cases results of echocardiographic computed tomography (echo-CT) were compared with those of monoplane/bip…

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