Gaëtan Chanteloup

Tracking the evolution of circulating exosomal-PD-L1 to monitor melanoma patients

ABSTRACT In the era of immunotherapies there is an urgent need to implement the use of circulating biomarkers in clinical practice to facilitate personalized therapy and to predict treatment response. We conducted a prospective study to evaluate the usefulness of circulating exosomal-PD-L1 in melanoma patients’ follow-up. We studied the dynamics of exosomal-PD-L1 from 100 melanoma patients by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that PD-L1 was secreted through exosomes by melanoma cells. Exosomes carrying PD-L1 had immunosuppressive properties since they were as efficient as the cancer cell from which they derive at inhibiting T-cell activation. In plasma from melanoma patie…

research product

PD-L1 dans les exosomes circulants de patients atteints de mélanome : un nouveau biomarqueur ?

Le pronostic des patients atteints de melanome avance s’est considerablement ameliore depuis l’avenement des therapies ciblees et des immunotherapies. Cependant, tous les patients ne beneficient pas de ces traitements (tts) a cause de resistances primaires ou acquises. Il apparait donc indispensable de developper des biomarqueurs permettant de selectionner les patients potentiellement repondeurs aux tts, d’evaluer precocement l’efficacite de ces tts et diagnostiquer precocement la recidive de la maladie. Nous avons evalue l’interet du dosage de PD-L1 dans les exosomes circulants de patients atteints de melanome avance. Cent patients suivis entre novembre 2016 et janvier 2019 etaient inclus.…

research product

Visualization of RNA-Quadruplexes in Live Cells

Visualization of DNA and RNA quadruplex formation in human cells was demonstrated recently with different quadruplex-specific antibodies. Despite the significant interest in these immunodetection approaches, dynamic detection of quadruplex in live cells remains elusive. Here, we report on NaphthoTASQ (N-TASQ), a next-generation quadruplex ligand that acts as a multiphoton turn-on fluorescent probe. Single-step incubation of human and mouse cells with N-TASQ enables the direct detection of RNA-quadruplexes in untreated cells (no fixation, permeabilization or mounting steps), thus offering a unique, unbiased visualization of quadruplexes in live cells.

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Exosomal HSP70 for Monitoring of Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: Clinical and FDG-PET Correlation

We aimed to study the expression of circulating heat-shock protein HSP70 and exosomes in plasma of a cohort of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) at different stages. We performed correlations with clinical scales and FDG-PET. HSP70 levels were higher within exosomes than free in plasma. Moderate correlations were found between exosomal HSP70 and CDR, FTLD-CDR, and extension of hypometabolism. Our results suggest modifications in the level of exosomal HSP70 during the course of neurodegeneration, regardless of AD or FTD, and therefore HSP70 could have a potential role in the follow-up of these disorders.

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Membrane-anchored heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70) in cancer.

International audience; Hsp70 is a highly conserved and inducible heat shock protein that belongs to the HSP70 family of molecular chaperones and plays a central role in protein homeostasis. The main function of Hsp70 is to protect cells from physiological, pathological and environmental insults, as it assists an ATP-dependent manner the process of protein folding. Since Hsp70 provides critical cell survival functions, cancer cells are assumed to rely on this chaperone. Strong evidence suggests that Hsp70 is upregulated in different type of cancers and is involved in tumor growth, invasion, migration and resistance to anti-cancer therapy. Interestingly, this Hsp70 upregulation induces Hsp70…

research product

Membrane-bound exosomal HSP70 as a biomarker for detection and monitoring of malignant solid tumours: a pilot study

Abstract Background Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally. Early detection and disease management lead to a better survival rate. Consequently, discovery of novel methods in cancer early diagnosis is a field of active research. Minimally invasive liquid biopsies are generating growing interest. Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) have been identified in patients’ blood; nevertheless, these cells are rare and heterogeneous. Exosomes are extracellular nanovesicles released into the extracellular environment via the endosomal vesicle pathway and found in different body fluids. Exosomes deliver bioactive cargo such as proteins, mRNA and miRNA to recipient cells in the tumour environm…

research product

Suivi du taux de PD-L1 dans les exosomes pour évaluer la réponse tumorale dans le mélanome

Introduction Le pronostic des patients atteints de melanome avance s’est considerablement ameliore depuis l’avenement des therapies ciblees et des immunotherapies. Cependant, tous les patients ne beneficient pas de ces traitements a cause de resistances primaires ou acquises. Il apparait donc indispensable de developper des biomarqueurs permettant de selectionner les patients potentiellement repondeurs et permettant de surveiller l’efficacite des traitements. Nous avons evalue l’interet du dosage de PD-L1 dans les exosomes circulants de patients atteints de melanome avance. Materiel et methodes Cent patients suivis entre novembre 2016 et janvier 2019 etaient inclus. Les exosomes etaient iso…

research product

Exosomes in cancer theranostic: Diamonds in the rough

IF 3.306; International audience; During the last 10 years, exosomes, which are small vesicles of 50-200 nm diameter of endosomal origin, have aroused a great interest in the scientific and clinical community for their roles in intercellular communication in almost all physiological and pathological processes. Most cells can potentially release these nanovesicles that share with the parent cell a similar lipid bilayer with transmembrane proteins and a panel of enclosed soluble proteins such as heat shock proteins and genetic material, thus acting as potential nanoshuttles of biomarkers. Exosomes surface proteins allow their targeting and capture by recipient cells, while the exosomes' conte…

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