Ana Tur-porcar
Empatía en la adolescencia. Relaciones con razonamiento moral prosocial, conducta prosocial y agresividad
ResumenEste estudio persigue un doble objetivo: i) analizar las relaciones entre empatía, conducta prosocial y razonamiento moral prosocial y sus diferencias en función del sexo; ii) analizar el valor predictor de dichas variables en la empatía, como variable dependiente. La población evaluada está compuesta por 1557 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años (M = 13.13, DT = .86; 47.4 % chicas; 52.6 % chicos). Los análisis muestran diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas. Las chicas obtienen mayores índices de empatía, conducta prosocial, razonamiento moral prosocial, en las dimensiones de interiorizado, orientado hacia la necesidad y estereotipado. Los chicos, por su parte, muestran mayores ín…
Adaptación y validación en población española de la Escala de Expectativa de los hijos adolescentes sobre la reacción de sus padres frente al comportamiento prosocial y antisocial
El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar una adaptaciòn y validación en población española de la Escala de expectativa de los hijos adolescentes sobre la reacción de sus padres frente al comportamiento prosocial y antisocial,desarrollado por Wyatt y Carlo (2002). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 631 adolescentes españoles de entre 15 y 18 años de edad,de ambos sexos, de clase media. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio para estudiar la validez de constructo de la escala y se analizó la consistencia interna a través de del cálculo de alpha de Cronbach.Los resultados indican que la escala posee buenos índices de ajuste al modelo teórico propuesto por los autores en su versión o…
What to avoid to succeed as an entrepreneur
Abstract Entrepreneurship is a driver of economic growth and development. This study highlights the importance of entrepreneurship in emerging countries and examines entrepreneurs' characteristics in these countries. In particular, the study explains what entrepreneurs should avoid to succeed in Latin America. An empirical study analyzes factors that relate to businesses and entrepreneurs in El Salvador, one of the Latin American countries with the lowest rates of business success. In the study, business factors consist of the use of formal and informal advisory services and the degree of innovation. Variables that relate to the entrepreneur are educational attainment and the demographic va…
The Effects of Perceptions of Parents' Use of Social and Materials Rewards on Prosocial Behaviors in Spanish and U.S.Youth
We examined the links between perceived parental use of social and material rewards and prosocial behaviors across youth from two countries. Six hundred forty adolescents (297 girls; [Formula: see text] age = 15.32 years) from Valencia, Spain, and 552 adolescents (321 girls; [Formula: see text] age = 13.38 years) from the United States completed measures of their perceptions of parental use of rewards, prosocial behaviors, and empathy. Results generally showed that perceived use of social rewards was directly and indirectly positively related to prosocial behaviors via empathic tendencies. In contrast, perceived use of material rewards was directly and indirectly negatively related to pros…
The Role of Emotions and Motivations in Sport Organizations
In sport organizations, a stance aimed at creating a positive emotional and social climate may be necessary. This study examines athletes' individual psychosocial factors that are linked to sports practice and sports performance. These factors include individual motivation, emotions, and beliefs. The main objective is to create a hierarchy of emotional and motivational factors that sport organizations can use to increase athletes' commitment. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to do so. This method enables analysis of priorities and criteria to support decision-making. The results show that motivation, defined here as the drive that leads individuals to develop plans to achieve th…
Parenting Styles and Internet Use
The Internet has become the most popular way for young people to communicate with one another. Recent data indicate that 95% of students have Internet access. This study examined the links between Internet use and the parenting styles that shape parent-child interactions. Empirical analysis showed that Internet use accounts for the majority of adolescents' leisure time. The neglecting parenting style has the strongest relationship with addictive Internet use by adolescent girls and boys. For boys, addictive Internet use is also related to a combination of different parenting styles resulting from inconsistencies and contradictions between parents.
Psychometric Evidence of a Multidimensional Measure of Prosocial Behaviors for Spanish Adolescents
Prior theories and scholars rarely distinguished between distinct forms of prosocial behaviors (i.e., actions intended to benefit others) and most scholars operationalize prosocial behaviors as a global construct. Furthermore, stringent tests of psychometric properties of prosocial behavior measures are rare, especially in countries other than the United States. The present study was designed to examine the structure and functions of a multidimensional measure of prosocial behaviors in youth from Spain. Six hundred and 66 adolescents (46% girls; M age = 15.33 years, SD = 0.47 years) from Valencia, Spain, completed the Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (PTM-R), measures of sympathy, persp…
Development of Prosocial Behavior in Spanish Adolescents and Its Relations to Parenting Styles
The goal of this chapter is to describe how parenting relates to prosocial development in Spanish adolescents. Although not a lot of work has been done on Spanish youth, the work that has been done has largely paralleled the work done on European American youth. We present evidence from a longitudinal study that examines how support and communication, psychological control, and permissiveness from both mothers and fathers change across adolescence and relate to prosocial behavior in a large sample of Spanish adolescents. Adolescent prosocial behavior was relatively stable. Both mothers and fathers became more permissive and supportive across adolescence, but less psychologically controlling…
Achievement perceived, parenting, internet use and adolescent behavior
espanolResumen El uso intensivo de internet puede contribuir a desarrollar disfunciones psicosociales graves en la adolescencia. El objetivo de esta investigacion es analizar las relaciones de la percepcion de eficacia academica con el uso de internet para ocio, los estilos de crianza y los problemas exteriorizados e interiorizados en la adolescencia (agresividad proactiva, reactiva, fisica y verbal, afiliacion a pares rebeldes e inestabilidad emocional). Han participado 762 adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos (M = 13.69; DT = 1.40; varones 52.8%). Utilizan internet en tiempo de ocio entre cero y 98 horas semanales, de ahi que la poblacion se haya distribuido en cuartiles. Las variables se han obt…
Emociones, estilos de afrontamiento y agresividad en la adolescencia
Este estudio analiza la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y las emociones para determinar en qué medida son procesos relacionados con la conducta agresiva. Se parte del supuesto de que en la agresividad influyen los mecanismos de afrontamiento en la resolución de problemas y el manejo de las emociones: inestabilidad emocional (falta de autocontrol ante situaciones que producen tensión) o empatía (sentimientos orientados al otro que tiene un problema o necesidad). Se ha evaluado una muestra de 1.557 niños y niñas, con un rango de edad entre 12 y 15 años, escolarizados en primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en 36 Centros escolares de la Comunidad Valenciana, s…
Learning Environments in Health and Medical Studies: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence
The conventional approach to sustainability is being extended through approaches such as the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development. Under such approaches, the analysis of sustainability also involves understanding improvements in people&rsquo
Substance Use in Early and Middle Adolescence. The Role of Academic Efficacy and Parenting
espanolLos objetivos de esta investigacion son analizar la relacion del consumo de sustancias con el estilo de crianza de los padres y la percepcion de eficacia academica por parte de los adolescentes, estudiar la diferente contribucion de estos factores a la prediccion del consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia y observar la funcion de la autoeficacia academica en la relacion entre el estilo de crianza y el consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia. Participaron 762 adolescentes (53% hombres), de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 anos (M = 13.66, DT = 1.34). La muestra se selecciono con criterios probabilisticos por conglomerados, atendiendo al tipo de centro (educacion secundaria…
Empathy in adolescence. Relations with prosocial moral reasoning, prosocial behavior and aggression
Resumen Este estudio persigue un doble objetivo: i) analizar las relaciones entre empatía, conducta prosocial y razonamiento moral prosocial y sus diferencias en función del sexo; ii) analizar el valor predictor de dichas variables en la empatía, como variable dependiente. La población evaluada está compuesta por 1557 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años (M = 13.13, DT = .86, 47.4 % chicas, 52.6 % chicos). Los análisis muestran diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas. Las chicas obtienen mayores índices de empatía, conducta prosocial, razonamiento moral prosocial, en las dimensiones de interiorizado, orientado hacia la necesidad y estereotipado. Los chicos, por su parte, muestran mayores í…
Vínculos familiares e inclusión social. Variables predictoras de la conducta prosocial en la infancia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between prosocial behavior and family environment variables (attachment to the mother and father and abandonment by the mother and father), personal variables (emotional instability, aggression, and coping strategies), and variables that relate to the immediate social environment (peer acceptance and rejection). This study also examined the predictors of prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is a personal protective factor that encourages positive relationships between peers and promotes personal and social adjustment behaviors (Mikolajewski, Chavarria, Moltisanti, Hart & Taylor, 2014). A study with a sample of 1,447 chi…