Enzyme replacement therapy with agalsidase alfa in patients with Fabry's disease: an analysis of registry data
Summary Background We analysed 5-year treatment with agalsidase alfa enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Fabry's disease who were enrolled in the Fabry Outcome Survey observational database (FOS). Methods Baseline and 5-year data were available for up to 181 adults (126 men) in FOS. Serial data for cardiac mass and function, renal function, pain, and quality of life were assessed. Safety and sensitivity analyses were done in patients with baseline and at least one relevant follow-up measurement during the 5 years (n=555 and n=475, respectively). Findings In patients with baseline cardiac hypertrophy, treatment resulted in a sustained reduction in left ventricular mass (LVM) index af…
Longitudinal analysis of endurance and respiratory function from a natural history study of Morquio A syndrome
Objectives: Baseline data from the Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program (MorCAP) revealed that individuals with Morquio A syndrome show substantial impairment in multiple domains including endurance and respiratory function (Harmatz et al., Mol Genet Metab, 2013). Here, 1- and 2-year longitudinal endurance and respiratory function data are presented.Methods: Endurance was assessed using the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and the 3-minute stair climb test (3MSCT). Respiratory function was evaluated by measuring forced vital capacity (PVC) and maximum voluntary ventilation (MW). Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANCOVA models. Annualized estimates of change were determined using model es…
Burden of disease in patients with Morquio A syndrome: results from an international patient-reported outcomes survey
WOS: 000335253700001
Impact of elosulfase alfa in patients with morquio A syndrome who have limited ambulation: An open-label, phase 2 study.
Efficacy and safety of elosulfase alfa enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) were assessed in an open-label, phase 2, multi-national study in Morquio A patients aged ≥5 years unable to walk ≥30 meters in the 6-min walk test. Patients received elosulfase alfa 2.0 mg/kg/week intravenously for 48 weeks. Efficacy measures were functional dexterity, pinch/grip strength, mobility in a modified timed 25-foot walk, pain, quality of life, respiratory function, and urine keratan sulfate (KS). Safety/tolerability was also assessed. Fifteen patients received elosulfase alfa, three patients discontinued ERT due to adverse events (two were grade 3 drug-related adverse events, the other was not drug-related), …
Niemann-Pick disease type C symptomatology: an expert-based clinical description
Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare, progressive, irreversible disease leading to disabling neurological manifestations and premature death. The estimated disease incidence is 1:120,000 live births, but this likely represents an underestimate, as the disease may be under-diagnosed due to its highly heterogeneous presentation. NP-C is characterised by visceral, neurological and psychiatric manifestations that are not specific to the disease and that can be found in other conditions. The aim of this review is to provide non-specialists with an expert-based, detailed description of NP-C signs and symptoms, including how they present in patients and how they can be assessed. Early dise…
The Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program: Baseline results illustrating progressive, multisystemic clinical impairments in Morquio A subjects
Abstract Objectives The objectives of this study are to quantify endurance and respiratory function and better characterize spectrum of symptoms and biochemical abnormalities in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA subjects. Methods MorCAP was a multicenter, multinational, cross sectional study amended to be longitudinal in 2011. Each study visit required collection of medical history, clinical assessments, and keratan sulfate (KS) levels. Results Data from the first visit of 325 subjects (53% female) were available. Mean age was 14.5 years. Mean ± SD height z-scores were − 5.6 ± 3.1 as determined by the CDC growth charts. Mean ± SD from the 6-minute-walk-test was 212.6 ± 152.2 m, revealing limitation…
Multi-domain impact of elosufase alfa in Morquio A syndrome in the pivotal phase III trial
Objective: To report and discuss the multi-domain impact of elosulfase alfa, with focus on tertiary and composite endpoints, in the 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial in patients with Morquio A syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IVA). Methods: Patients with Morquio A syndrome >= 5 aged years were randomized 1:1:1 to elosulfase alfa 2.0 mg/kg/week (qw; N = 58), elosulfase alfa 2.0 mg/kg/every other week (qow; N = 59), or placebo (N = 59) for 24 weeks. Primary and secondary efficacy measures were 6-minute walk test (6MWT; primary), 3-minute stair climb test (3-MSCT) and urinary keratan sulfate (KS). Safety was also evaluated. Tertiary efficacy measures included r…