Urszula Wybraniec-skardowska
Foundations for the formalization of metamathematics and axiomatizations of consequence theories
Abstract This paper deals with Tarski's first axiomatic presentations of the syntax of deductive system. Andrzej Grzegorczyk's significant results which laid the foundations for the formalization of metalogic, are touched upon briefly. The results relate to Tarski's theory of concatenation, also called the theory of strings, and to Tarski's ideas on the formalization of metamathematics. There is a short mention of author's research in the field. The main part of the paper surveys research on the theory of deductive systems initiated by Tarski, in particular research on (i) the axiomatization of the general notion of consequence operation, (ii) axiom systems for the theories of classic conse…
The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto
Building on our diverse research traditions in the study of reasoning, language and communication, the Polish School of Argumentation integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Our primary goal is to craft a methodological programme and establish organisational infrastructure: this is the first key step in facilitating and fostering our research movement, which joins people with a common research focus, complementary skills and an enthusiasm to work together. This statement—the Manifesto—lays the foundations for the research programme of the Polish School of Argumentation.
Generalized Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces
This paper presents a generalization of Pawlak’s conception of rough sets [6] and [7]. It is more general than Pawlak’s solution of the problem of the definability of sets, the knowledge of which is incomplete and vague. The authors’ conception is based on conception of contextual space [4], which was inspired by Ziarko’s approach [12] to rough sets. Rough sets introduced by Pawlak [6] are particular cases of contextual rough sets defined in the contextual approximation space. This space is defined axiomatically by means of so called context relations. Every contextual rough set determined by set X can be determined by the union of the lower approximation of X and a subset of the boundary o…
Vagueness and Roughness
The paper proposes a new formal approach to vagueness and vague sets taking inspirations from Pawlak's rough set theory. Following a brief introduction to the problem of vagueness, an approach to conceptualization and representation of vague knowledge is presented from a number of different perspectives: those of logic, set theory, algebra, and computer science. The central notion of the vague set, in relation to the rough set, is defined as a family of sets approximated by the so called lower and upper limits. The family is simultaneously considered as a family of all denotations of sharp terms representing a suitable vague term, from the agent's point of view. Some algebraic operations on…
Calculus of Contextual Rough Sets in Contextual Spaces
ABSTRACT The palier explains the methods of approximation of set which were earlier put forth by the authors (1995a, 1995b) and by W. Marek and H. Rasiowa (1986). An essential part of this paper is devoted to the presentation of a certain calculus of rough sets and contextual rough sets in contextual spaces.
Rough Sets and Vague Sets
The subject-matter of the consideration touches the problem of vagueness. The notion of the rough set, originated by Zdzislaw Pawlak, was constructed under the influence of vague information and methods of shaping systems of notions leading to conceptualization and representation of vague knowledge, so also systems of their scopes as some vague sets. This paper outlines some direction of searching for a solution to this problem. In the paper, in connection to the notion of the rough set, the notion of a vague set is introduced. Some operations on these sets and their properties are discussed. The considerations intend to take into account a classical approach to reasoning, based on vague pr…
A Logical Explication of the Concepts of Incomplete and Uncertain Information
Discovery of elementary knowledge and its constituents, i.e. information contained in objects of reality is realized through asking questions including certain aspects called attributes in this paper. We describe a fragment of a discovered reality as an information system (cf. Pawlak [1,3,4]), which consists of the universum U of all the objects of this reality we are concerned with, and of a set A of attributes understood as functions each of which assigns to every object of U 1) a value of given attribute belonging to A or 2) an interval of approximate values of this attribute, i.e. an established set of possible values of this attribute. From the point of view of the cognitive agent and …
On Language Adequacy
Abstract The paper concentrates on the problem of adequate reflection of fragments of reality via expressions of language and inter-subjective knowledge about these fragments, called here, in brief, language adequacy. This problem is formulated in several aspects, the most general one being: the compatibility of the language syntax with its bi-level semantics: intensional and extensional. In this paper, various aspects of language adequacy find their logical explication on the ground of the formal-logical theory of syntax T of any categorial language L generated by the so-called classical categorial grammar, and also on the ground of its extension to the bi-level, intensional and ex- tensio…
Rough Pragmatic Description Logic
In this chapter, a rough description logic is built on the basis of a pragmatic standpoint of representation of knowledge. The pragmatic standpoint has influenced the acceptance of a broader definition of the semantic network than that appearing in the literature. The definition of the semantic network is a motivation of the introduced semantics of the language of the descriptive logic. First, the theoretical framework of representation of knowledge that was proposed in the papers [24,25] is adjusted to the description of data processing. The pragmatic system of knowledge representation is determined, as well as situations of semantic adequacy and semantic inadequacy for represented knowled…
Extensions and intentions in the rough set theory
Abstract The approach to rough set theory proposed in this paper is based on the mutual correspondence of the concepts of extension and intension. It is different from the well-known approaches in the literature in that the upper approximations and the lower approximations of ‘unknown’ sets are considered as certain families of ‘known’ sets. This approach makes it possible to formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of operations on rough sets, which are analogous to classical operations on sets. The basic results presented in this paper, based on certain ideas of the second author, were formulated by the first author in his doctoral dissertation prepared under the su…