Isto Ruoppila
Birth cohort differences in cognitive performance in 75- and 80-year-olds: a comparison of two cohorts over 28 years.
Abstract Objective To evaluate cohort differences in cognitive performance in older men and women born and assessed 28 years apart. Methods Data in this study were drawn from two age-homogeneous cohorts measured in the same laboratory using the same standardized cognitive performance tests. Participants in the first cohort were born in 1910 and 1914 and assessed in 1989–1990 (Evergreen project, n = 500). Participants in the second cohort were born in 1938 or 1939 and 1942 or 1943 and assessed in 2017–2018 (Evergreen II, n = 726). Participants in both cohorts were assessed at age 75 and 80 years and were recruited from the population register. Cognitive performance was measured using the Dig…
The outdoor mobility and leisure activities of older people in five European countries
ABSTRACTMany gerontological studies have dealt with the leisure activities of older people and they have generated many important theories. Although outdoor activities and mobility promote good health in old age, both decrease with increasing age as people lose physical and mental functions. This paper examines the outdoor and indoor leisure activities of 3,950 older adults and their variations by personal and environmental characteristics in Germany, Finland, Hungary, The Netherlands and Italy. The main dimensions of activity were established by factor analysis, and in all countries four factors were found: home activities, hobbies, social activities, and sports activities. Both similar an…
Age-related changes of the work ability construct and its relations to cognitive functioning in the older worker : a 16-year follow-up study
The aim was to find out age-related changes in the Work Ability Index (WAI) and cognitive functions as well as their cross-sectional and longitudinal relations. The data are based on the follow-up study of municipal employees which begun in 1981 when subjects' (N=6257) age-range varied between 44 and 58 years. The first dataset consists of those who replied to the questionnaires in 1981-1997, and remained at work until 1992 (n=717). The second consists of those who attended the laboratory tests and were occupationally active in 1981-1985 (n=68). It was expected that both the WAI and cognitive functions decrease during the 11 years, the changes being greater in the WAI than in cognitive func…
Meaning in Life as an Important Component of Functioning in Old Age
The purpose was to locate different measures of meaning in life in a multidimensional space of functioning in old age. Fifty-five persons born in 1910 and 1914 participated in laboratory tests, a medical examination, and interviews over a three-year period from 1994 to 1997. Measures of meaning in life included a sense of meaning in life, a sense of coherence, and four indices derived from a life-line drawing (linearity, trend, mean level in the past, and mean level in the future). The other measures of functioning were the number of chronic diseases, functional disability, walking speed, self-rated health, cognitive capacity, provision of social relationships, loneliness, depressive mood,…
Gerontologia Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Tower of Hanoi and working memory in adult persons with intellectual disability
Persons with intellectual disability (ID) have been found to perform more poorly than their mental age would suggest in the visuo-spatial problem solving task Tower of Hanoi (TOH). Inefficient performance has been assumed to be related to inability to use sophisticated problem solving strategies because of restricted working memory capacity. In the present study, the TOH performance of adult persons with ID was found to be equal to that of fluid-intelligence-matched general children. However, persons with ID violated the rules of the TOH more often, and needed more trials to solve the TOH problems than the children did. Visuo-spatial and executive working memory tasks were significantly con…
Changes in Intensity of Physical Exercise as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms among Older Adults: An Eight-Year Follow-Up
Abstract Background. Epidemiological research suggests that regular physical activity may be associated with reduced depressive symptoms. The present study examines the predictive value of physical exercise in relation to depressive symptoms among samples of adults aged 65+ during an 8-year period. Methods. The subjects (N = 663) who participated both at the baseline (1988) and the follow-up (1996) interviews were selected for the analyses. The dependent variable depressive symptoms was assessed by the Finnish modified version of Beck's 13-item depression scale. The independent variable was the intensity of physical exercise. Results. The intensity of physical exercise decreased among the o…
The Relationship Between Generalized Resistance Resources, Sense of Coherence, and Health Among Finnish People Aged 65-69
Abstract. The present study investigated the appropriateness of Antonovsky's model, in which generalized resistance resources (GRRs) facilitate an individual's sense of coherence (SOC); which in turn is assumed to sustain health. The proposed model was tested using a sample of 320 Finnish persons (132 of them were men and 188 women) aged 65-69 years. The GRRs investigated were family income, cognitive functioning, years of formal education, marital status, and physical exercise. Health was measured by means of a multidimensional indicator composed of physical, social and mental health. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) within the framework of LISREL models were used to test the hypothesi…
Life expectancy of people with intellectual disability: a 35-year follow-up study.
A 35-year follow-up study based on a nation-wide population study of the life expectancy of people with intellectual disability (ID) was undertaken. The study population consisted of a total of 60,969 person-years. A prospective cohort study with mortality follow-up for 35 years was used and the life expectancy of people with ID was calculated for different levels of intelligence. Proportional hazard models were used to assess the influence of level of intelligence and associated disorders on survival. People with mild ID did not have poorer life expectancy than the general population and subjects with mild ID did not have lower life expectancy in the first 3 decades of life. In cases with …
Meaning in Life in Three Samples of Elderly Persons with High Cognitive Functioning
The study examined the relationships between meaning in life and cognitive functioning in three elderly samples. The participants in Sample I were 78 persons aged 82–87, in Sample II 182 persons aged 83–92, and in Sample III 299 persons aged 65—69. The samples took part in interviews and cognitive tests in 1996–1997. Several interview questions together with the Sense of Coherence questionnaire were used to study the degree and content of meaning in life. Cognitive functioning was measured by Digit Span, Digit Symbol, and Word Fluency in Sample I and Mini-D in Samples II and III. Each sample was divided into the group of persons with high cognitive functioning (including those whose result…
The stability of sense of coherence: comparing two age groups in a 5-year follow-up study
In the original theoretical formulation, Antonovsky (1987a) proposed that sense of coherence is a developmental construct that becomes stabilized at the age of 30. The present 5-year follow-up study was designed to test this hypothesis by investigating the differences in stability in sense of coherence among two age groups the younger group of which consisted of individuals under and the older group of individuals over 30 years of age. The participants were Finnish technical designers (N=352) of whom 40% (n=141) comprised the younger age group (25–29 years) and 60% (n=211) the older age group (35–40 years). The 13-item Orientation to Life Questionnaire (Antonovsky, 1987a) was used to measur…
Outdoor mobility and social relationships of elderly people.
Social relationships and activities are important elements in the quality of life of older people. With advancing age, they are made more difficult through the possible loss of physical functions, through societal processes of differentiation, and through unfavourable environmental and technological conditions. Therefore, mobility becomes a fundamental prerequisite for the participation in social relations and activities. This article presents some initial findings of a project which investigates the mobility needs of the elderly and the main factors hindering their desired mobility in three European countries. It became apparent that there is a clear connection between the social situation…
Age identification in the framework of successful aging. A study of older Finnish people.
A person-oriented approach was used in a study of age identification among community-dwelling older people. The study was based on 8-year follow-up data; 843 persons aged 65–84 were involved in the first phase of the study, and 426 persons aged 73–92, in the second phase. Loosely, on the basis of the distinction between successful, usual, and pathological aging (Rowe & Kahn, 1987, 1997), participants were grouped according to their self-ratings of cognitive and physical functioning as “Positive,” “Negative,” and “Others.” Participants possessing at least 4 out of the 5 criteria used as indicators of successful aging in the study (no illness or injury presenting problems in daily life, …
Difficulties in mobility among elderly people and their association with socioeconomic factors, dwelling environment and use of services.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the extent to which elderly people have difficulties in mobility, and determine their association with socioeconomic factors, dwelling environment and use of services. The study groups were composed of two random samples of 800 persons aged 65–74 and 75–84, respectively. In all, 1224 non- institutionalized persons (80%) were interviewed at home. The respondents were asked to assess their ability to get about the house, negotiate stairs and walk outdoors, as well as manage certain physical exercise tasks. Difficulties in getting about outdoors were found most frequently among the women in the older age group (52% reported difficulties), and least freq…
Change in subjective age among older people over an eight-year follow-up: 'getting older and feeling younger?'.
The purpose of this prospective study was to describe changes in subjective age over an 8-year period among community-dwelling people aged 65 to 84 years in Finland. At the baseline 1155 respondents met study criteria and 451 of these participated in the follow-up study. Participants described in years the age they felt themselves to be (feel age) and their preferred age (ideal age). Discrepancy scores relative to chronological age were calculated for feel age and ideal age. No significant mean-level changes were observed in the age discrepancy scores over the 8-year time frame. The baseline discrepancy between chronological and feel age remained constant among 48% of the participants, with…
Cognitive skills among Nepalese child labourers
The cognitive skills of 61 Nepalese 10-14-year-old working children with at least 2 years working experience (WE) were compared to two groups of children, beginners (N = 29) with less than 1 year of WE and a school group (N = 104) matched for age and ethnic background. All the children (N = 194) were tested by the Bender test, WISC-R for Arithmetic, Digit Span, and the Word Fluency test. The main results showed that the school group was better in all the cognitive tests, except for Digit Span Backwards, where the working group had the highest average score. The second main finding shows no major differences in cognitive skills between the beginner and working groups. However, the work exper…
Akzeptanz und Nutzung öffentlicher Automaten durch Ältere: Ergebnisse einer europÄischen Untersuchung
Die Autoren dieses Beitrags stellen Befunde uber altere Manner und Frauen als Nutzer von Fahrkartenautomaten, Bankautomaten und Kartentelefonen vor. Basis der Analysen bilden Daten, die im Rahmen des internationalen Kooperationsprojektes „Keeping the Elderly Mobile“ in vier europaischen Stadten erhoben wurden. Die Untersuchungen fanden 1995 in Mannheim (Westdeutschland) mit 404, in Chemnitz (Ostdeutschland) mit 400, in Ancona (Italien) mit 600 und in Jyvaskyla (Finnland) mit 618 in Privathaushalten lebenden Befragten statt, die aus den jeweiligen Einwohnermeldedregistern zufallig ausgewahlt wurden. Die nach Geschlecht und Alter disproportional geschichtete Stichprobe setzte sich zu gleichen…
Use and acceptance of new technology by older people. Findings of the international MOBILATE survey: ‘Enhancing mobility in later life’
Technology has become part of today’s life. It constitutes a fundamental aspect of the environment also for older people who are not familiar with most of the new technologies. Is their use of technology based on certain abilities and is this related with such factors as income, lack of alternatives, past performance, or availability of equipment? Methods The MOBILATE 2000 database of a survey conducted in 5 European countries was aimed at the enhancement of out-of-home mobility of older people. The project offers data describing the use and acceptance of new technologies. Insight can be gained into the characteristics of users and non-users of more or less common technologies like ATM, tic…
The effects of training on the grammar of preschool children
The acquisition of morphological and syntactic rules of language during early childhood has been the object of intensive study in many languages during the last few years. As regards English, some surveys have already been published on the results (McNeill, 1970; Slobin, 1971). Research on the acquisition of morphological and syntactic patterns has been influenced on the one hand by psycholinguistics, on the other by the psychology of learning. This duality of starting points manifests itself also in the way of presenting problems and in the interpretation of results. One of the methodological difficulties when studying the acquisition of grammar was for a long time how to separate those la…