Antero Malin
Learning strategies explaining differences in reading proficiency. Findings of Nordic and Baltic countries in PISA 2009
Abstract There are useful metacognitive learning strategies improving learning results significantly. Students can be trained to use them to achieve a higher level of proficiency in different academic domains, including reading. The current study was aimed to discover how student awareness and use of learning strategies explains differences in reading literacy test results, using PISA (the Program for International Student Assessment) 2009 data of three Nordic and three Baltic countries. The student level differences appeared partly due to the differences between schools, in the Baltic countries more than in the Nordic countries, which is considered a concern in the countries stating the eq…
Literacy, Age and Recentness of Education Among Nordic Adults
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between reading literacy and age in an adult population aged 25 to 65 in Nordic countries using PIAAC 2012 data. More specifically, the study examined to what extent variations in the literacy proficiency of adults are explained by age and the recentness of qualifications when variables related to education, occupation, and skill use are controlled. The statistical method was regression analysis. The recentness of education explained only a part of the performance gap between the oldest adults and others. The significance of the length and scope of initial education in developing literacy proficiency overall, is difficult to c…
VET workers’ problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments: European approach
International journal for research in vocational education and training 1 (2014) 1, S. 57-80
Finnish Students' School Engagement Profiles in the Light of PISA 2003
The aim of this study is to examine Finnish students' school engagement profiles in the light of the data collected in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) in 2003. Even though Finnish students' cognitive achievement has proved excellent in various international assessments, their school engagement has not been flattering. The article first defines the concept of school engagement and discusses some previous findings on students' attitudes and socio‐emotional disposition towards school life. Next, on the basis of students' responses to the PISA 2003 survey questionnaire, students are grouped and the groups profiled by cluster analysis into six distinct clusters in terms…
The role of informal learning in adults' literacy proficiency
This study used the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) dataset to examine informal literacy learning’s effects on adults’ literacy proficiency. Also, the factors associated with informal literacy learning at and outside of work were studied. The study participants were Nordic adults aged 35–65 years. The statistical method was regression analysis, and the results indicate that informal literacy activities at work are associated primarily with occupation, and informal literacy activities outside of work with education, parents’ education and gender. Initial education, occupation, language background and age exerted the strongest estimated associations with r…
Aikuisten lukutaito tiedon käsittelyn ja hallinnan avaintaitona
Kansainväliset oppimistulosten ja osaamisen arvioinnit elävät kultakauttaan, ja lähes joka vuosi Suomessakin julkaistaan eri kohderyhmien avaintaitoja kartoittavien tutkimusten tuloksia. Tutkimusten kohteena olevat taidot vaihtelevat tutkimuksesta toiseen, mutta lukutaitoa pidetään arkielämän, oppimisen ja työn kannalta niin keskeisenä, että se sisältyy käytännössä kaikkiin arviointitutkimuksiin. nonPeerReviewed
Tulevaisuuden osaajat : Pisa 2000 Suomessa
Kansainvälinen aikuistutkimus arvioi väestön perustaitoja
Investointi lukutaitoon hyödyttää paitsi yksittäisiä henkilöitä elämänlaadun ja ansiotason paranemisena, myös koko yhteiskuntaa terveydenhuollon, rikollisuuden ja sosiaaliturvan kustannusten vähenemisenä. Lukutaidon ohessa numerotaitoa ja ongelmaratkaisutaitoa voidaan pitää jopa perustavanlaatuisena ihmisoikeutena. Uusi kansainvälinen aikuistutkimus pyrkii mittaamaan näitä taitoja moniulotteisesti.
PISA 2000 results of reading literacy in Finland
Associations between age and cognitive foundation skills in the Nordic countries : a closer look at the data
Education and working life: VET adults' problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments
The rapidly-advancing technological landscape in the European workplace is challenging adults' problem-solving skills. Workers with vocational education and training need flexible abilities to solve problems in technology-rich work settings. This study builds on Finnish PIAAC data to understand adults' (N?=?4503) skills for solving problems in technology-rich environments. The results indicate the critical issue that more than two thirds of adults with vocational education and training have weak skills or lack the skills in solving problems in technology-rich environments and that more than one fifth of these adults are at risk. Furthermore, this study indicates that the likelihood of havin…
Koulutuksen kulttuurit ja hyvinvoinnin politiikat : Verkkojulkaisu
Factors behind low reading literacy achievement
The initial results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicated that Finnish and Swedish students are among the best readers in all OECD countries. However, the literac ...
Osaaminen kestävällä pohjalla : PISA 2003 Suomessa
Finnish students' multiliteracy profiles
Finnish students' multiliteracy profiles are examined from the perspectives of both traditional printed reading and Internet activities in the light of the data collected as a national option integrated into the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000 study. After reciting some previous findings on reader profiles as revealed by the initial international analyses of PISA data, the perspective is widened to encompass multiliteracy, which is defined according to the sociocultural view. Based on responses to a survey questionnaire, students were grouped by cluster analysis into six distinct clusters according to the frequency with which they read diverse printed materials an…