Rafaela Pascoal
Processing the questionnaire: from the objectives to the formulation of the items to be included
The PROVIDE project’s research involved, among many other commitments, assessing the training needs of the operators and stakeholders. These investigations actually permitted us to structure the training course (see chapter 2 above) and evaluate the training provided, by recourse to both ex-ante and ex-post assessments, and devise indicators useful for the formulation of the necessary questionnaires.
Il cibo come mezzo per una convivenza ostipitale. Gli equilibri fragili del cotto e del crudo fra migranti e popolazione autoctona in un mercato di Palermo
In questo articolo le ricercatrici riesaminano il concetto di ostipilità (Derrida, 2000) alla luce della cultura materiale, del cibo e delle pratiche alimentari connesse, per analizzare i collegamenti tra cibo, appartenenza e commensalità. L’osservazione partecipante e le interviste semi-strutturate di questa ricerca hanno permesso di segnare i confini del mercato di Ballarò, di individuare le tipologie di attività commerciale, fondate sul “cotto” e/o sul “crudo”, che contraddistinguono le diverse aree di mercato, come pure le forme di “convivenza armata” in atto fra autoctoni e migranti. Se il cibo cotto è ospitale a determinate condizioni, il cibo crudo ha maggiori probabilità di stabilir…
Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
This book discusses motherhood of Nigerian and Romanian women in Italy and Romania, who are human trafficking victims for sexual purposes. It provides a broad gender approach to emerge on the phenomenon of human trafficking with an analytic perspective of all the social, cultural, legal and economic components that play an important role during all phases of motherhood. The book compares the motherhood of these two nationalities within a context of an illegal/legal status in the European territory. It reflects on the used terms of vulnerability, sexual exploitation, victim, resistance and resilience. This book enlightens scholars and students with a broad perspective on this complex phenome…
The EU’s legislative framework and the issue of violence perpetrated against migrant women
Following the traces of the introductory section of this book, the present chapter focus on the emerge intersection of the phenomena of violence and migration, through the chronological evolution of the European legal framework on the subject. As previously remarked, the western society in the last century brought up into the public attention a shared concern on the issue violence (Warr 1994), that has expanded through time (Gelles & Straus 1979). At an initial phase, the phenomenon has been mostly characterised by the gender aspect, there is, the association of violence to an asymmetric distribution of power between the genders (Bourdieu 1998). It is exactly on the asymmetric distribut…
Motherhood of Nigerian and Romanian Women in Sexual Exploitation
Motherhood in human trafficking can cause a transition from an invisible individual, marginalised by their administrative and social status, into a ‘recognised citizen’ (Brouckaert and Longman 2018). This is to do with ‘the constitute maternal act’ (Ruddick 1995), in which the role of care is assumed regarding the child necessities, bringing with it help for the mother in order to fulfil necessary services (Brouckaert and Longman 2018). Therefore, motherhood can be perceived, especially by the trafficker as an added vulnerability factor, due to the responsibility that the victim feels in protecting the baby. However, on the other hand, the responsibility in protecting another life can also …
Protection and Victim’s Assistance
Identification of a human trafficking victim is a herculean task, not only due to the complexity of the definition of human trafficking, but also due to the perception of victimhood and vulnerability. The last chapter of this book is written after the increase of the migration flows in Italy in the last years, where IOM declared that 80% of the Nigerian women arriving in Italy were potential human trafficking victims. In an era of a continuous overlap of categories, such as human trafficking victims, non-accompanied minors, refugees, and asylum seekers, legal frameworks can hinder the adequate protection of a human trafficking victim. This chapter profoundly analyses the hybrid category of …
Fra endowment e entitlement: il confine dei diritti delle donne nigeriane nello sfruttamento sessuale in Italia
Negli ultimi anni l’aumento dei flussi migratori verso la rotta centrale del Mediterraneo ha sfidato il sistema di asilo e accoglienza italiano. In linea con il Regolamento di Dublino, l’Italia è stata obbligata a fornire una risposta emergenziale ai flussi misti, questi ultimi costituiti da vittime di tratta, minori non accompagnati e richiedenti asilo. Fra le diverse categorie vulnerabili, enorme attenzione è stata data all’aumento significativo di donne nigeriane. Nel 2016 l’OIM (2017) ha identificato su un numero di ingressi di donne nigeriane di 11.009 unità, ben 8.277 potenziali vittime di tratta. L’intrecciarsi della categoria di “vittima di tratta” con quella di “richiedente asilo” …
Sexual Exploitation from Origin Countries to Destination Countries
Human trafficking tends to follow a pattern of phases, such as recruitment, transfer, exploitation, protection, and sometimes re-trafficking. This chapter gives the opportunity for the reader to understand the influence of several factors within human trafficking at a geographical level, from the origin and transit country to the destination country, as well as at a cultural, social, and criminological level. All factors are considered according to victim nationality, in this case Romanian and Nigerian, including the vulnerable factors created by the criminal groups. In this chapter, the difference of citizenship between Nigerian women, who are third-country nationals, and Romanian women, w…
Are Romanian children Left behind a vulnerable group to Human Trafficking?
After the fall of the Communist regime, the Romanian population has decreased approximately 15%, due to the high level of labour migration. The migration of Romanians was even more intensified later on, after Romania has joined the European Union. This decrease of population was due to an increased demand of the West-European population for domestic, construction and agricultural workers, corroborated with the entitlement of the new European citizens to free movement of workers within the territory of the European Union. As a direct consequence, a minimum of 82,464 children were left behind. Given that, more and more national and international reports have started to consider children left …
Abbagli e abusi: esperienze plurime di violenza di prossimità fra le migranti in Sicilia
The authors analyse some of the role positions found in gender dynamics among migrants, throwing light on possible processes by which mechanisms of submission to and normalisation of gender violence seem to have been internalised by these victims of proxemic violence, emphasising the viscous links existing between vulnerability and resilience.
The International Legal Framework on Human Trafficking
Approaching the issue of human trafficking, especially when referring to exploitation for sexual purposes, means dissecting concepts and ‘placing’ ourselves within the current binary scholar debate on exploitation and sex work. This chapter presents a chronological excursus on the several international treaties on the issue of human trafficking, with a particular focus on the concept of sexual exploitation. The author delimitates the concept in order to present a precise definition and exclude potential misconceptions that could mislead the reader, especially when vague concepts are included such as vulnerability and consent. Based on an analysis of the current academic debate, as well as t…
Sexual Exploitation in the Destination Country
When the vulnerability of Nigerian and Romanian women in human trafficking is concerned, it is not only important to understand the causes that led the victim into a situation of trafficking, but also to understand the factors that maintain the individual in a situation of victimisation. However, this does not mean that these factors are separated according to the different phases of trafficking. On the contrary, it demonstrates that the accumulation of different factors can generate a higher or lower level of vulnerability, as well as the balance of factors affecting the women during the different phases. Therefore, in this chapter I will put forward a general analysis of the different fac…
La tratta degli esseri umani. Nessi vischiosi fra vulnerabilità e violenza di prossimità
La definizione di “tratta di esseri umani”, adottata dal Protocollo delle Nazioni Unite, descrive con chiarezza come la comunità internazionale abbia tratteggiato i concetti di vittima e di sfruttatore. Nonostante lo sforzo definitorio del Protocollo, questo articolo evidenzia una zona grigia nella relazione fra vulnerabilità e violenza di prossimità che rende possibile lo sfruttamento consensuale della vittima da parte del trafficante e la stessa difficoltà a delimitarne i contorni nelle aule di giustizia. L’articolo analizza il concetto di vulnerabilità, in relazione con quello di violenza di prossimità, e sviluppando in una specifica accezione di “vulnerabilità prossimale” che si rende e…