Anton Kaiser
Synthetische Antitumor-Vakzine aus MUC1-Glycopeptiden mit zwei immundominanten Domänen - Induktion einer starken Immunreaktion gegen Brusttumorgewebe
Synthetic Antitumor Vaccines from Tetanus Toxoid Conjugates of MUC1 Glycopeptides with the Thomsen-Friedenreich Antigen and a Fluorine-Substituted Analogue
A Synthetic Vaccine Consisting of a Tumor-Associated Sialyl-TN-MUC1 Tandem-Repeat Glycopeptide and Tetanus Toxoid: Induction of a Strong and Highly Selective Immune Response
Ein synthetischer Impfstoff aus einem tumorassoziierten Sialyl-TN-MUC1-Tandem-Repeat-Glycopeptid und Tetanustoxoid zur Induktion einer starken, hochselektiven Immunantwort
Tumor-Associated MUC1 Tandem-Repeat Glycopeptide Microarrays to Evaluate Serum- and Monoclonal-Antibody Specificity
Titelbild: Tumor-Associated MUC1 Tandem-Repeat Glycopeptide Microarrays to Evaluate Serum- and Monoclonal-Antibody Specificity (Angew. Chem. 44/2009)
Fully synthetic vaccines consisting of tumor-associated MUC1 glycopeptides and a lipopeptide ligand of the Toll-like receptor 2.
Synthetische Antitumorvakzine aus Tetanus-Toxoid-Konjugaten von MUC1-Glycopeptiden mit Thomsen-Friedenreich-Antigen und dessen fluorsubstituiertem Analogon
Vollsynthetische Vakzinen aus tumorassoziierten MUC1-Glycopeptiden und einem Lipopeptid-Liganden des Toll-like Rezeptors 2
Synthetic antitumor vaccines containing MUC1 glycopeptides with two immunodominant domains-induction of a strong immune response against breast tumor tissues.
A shot in the arm for cancer treatment: two MUC1 tetanus toxoid vaccines were synthesized and induced a strong immune response in mice. The antibodies elicited by the vaccines show a high selectivity for the tumor cells in mammary carcinoma tissues and also distinguish between tumor tissues at different stages.