Glomales species associated with surface and deep rhizosphere of Faidherbia albida in Senegal
Five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species were isolated and propagated from surface and deep rhizospheres of Faidherbia albida trees growing in two ecoclimatic zones of West Africa: the semi-arid Sahelian and the more humid Sudano-Guinean areas. Of these species, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus caledonium, and Glomus mosseae were trapped by F. albida roots when cultivated with either surface or deep soils. Glomus fasciculatum was found exclusively at the semi-arid Sahelian sites of Louga and Diokoul and Gigaspora margarita was isolated only from 16.5-m and 34-m-deep samples. Comparable glomalean fungal species richness was identified in deep (1.5–34 m) and surface (0.15 m) samples. The isol…