Daniel Bautista Rentero
Test de la sacarina en el estudio del aclaramiento mucociliar. Valores de referencia en una población española
Objetivo El transporte mucociliar es un importante mecanismo de defensa de las vias respiratorias. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido obtener los valores de referencia del tiempo de transporte mucociliar nasal (TTMCN) mediante el test de la sacarina. Sujetos y metodos Se ha realizado un estudio observacional, transversal y descriptivo. Las variables estudiadas fueron el TTMCN, la edad y el sexo. Se incluyo a 249 sujetos (134 varones y 115 mujeres) mayores de 10 anos, sanos y no fumadores, que se asignaron a grupos segun su edad. Para el analisis predictivo de los valores de normalidad se obtuvieron los percentiles, estableciendo los limites de referencia por los percentiles 2,5 y 97,5. Se …
[Prognostic value of interleukin 6 for death of patients with sepsis].
Abstract Background and objective To see the influence of interlukin-6 (IL-6) as an inflammatory mediator in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis, assessing whether their serum levels during their stay in intensive care unit (ICU) serve as an early mortality prognostic marker. Material and methods A prospective observational cohort study with 203 ICU patients from a third level hospital. A descriptive analysis was made, X 2 test used to compare qualitative variables, T -Student test to compare quantitative ones. We made a logistic regression multivariant analysis on admission, third and seventh day of stay with dependent variable mortality and independent …
[Saccharin test for the study of mucociliary clearance: reference values for a Spanish population].
Objective Mucociliary transport is an important defense mechanism for the airways. The aim of this study was to establish reference values for nasal mucociliary clearance time (MCT) by means of the saccharin test. Subjects and Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was performed. The variables studied were nasal MCT, age, and sex. We included 249 healthy nonsmokers (134 male and 115 female subjects) aged over 10 years and stratified the sample by age. To establish reference values, percentiles were calculated and lower and upper limits of normal were established at the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles, respectively. The association between nasal MCT and the main study variables…
Valor pronóstico de la interleucina 6 en la mortalidad de pacientes con sepsis
Resumen Fundamento y objetivo Ver la influencia de la interleucina 6 (IL-6) como mediador inflamatorio en pacientes con criterios de systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, «sindrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistemica») y sepsis valorando si su determinacion plasmatica durante el ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) sirve como marcador precoz de mortalidad. Material y metodos Estudio observacional prospectivo de cohortes con 203 pacientes ingresados en UCI de un Hospital de tercer nivel. Se efectuo analisis descriptivo comparando las variables cualitativas con el test X2, las cuantitativas con la T-Student. Tambien analisis multivariante tipo regresion logistica al ingr…