Isabel Caro
An introduction to the cognitive therapy of evaluation-[1]
Abstract This paper introduces a new cognitive therapy which is evolving from the theoretical background of general semantics theory. This therapy is being tested since 1985 with several samples, the results being favorable and promising. Nevertheless, only its theoretical rational and clinical background will be introduced. Subsequently, the cognitive therapy of evaluation will be defined, and its main therapeutic ingredients described; finally, its differences and similarities with current cognitive therapies will be highlighted.
A walk through time: What you should have read by now or will read soon about psychotherapy
In this paper a five years analysis of psychotherapy is done. The sample, taken from the PsycLIT was composed of 2694 books and book's chapters which deal with psychotherapy from many perspectives. Results are offered about first author's sex, institutional affiliation and country. Besides, the content of each book and chapter is analyzed in terms of the therapeutic approach followed, the pathology and sample treated, and the specific theme or author's work reviewed. The paper ends with a thorough discussion of the most relevant results found and brief comments about the future of psychotherapy.
Let’s do Process Research in Cognitive Psychotherapy
As someone can easily deduct from the title of this paper I consider highly relevant process research for the field of cognitive therapy. The explanation is both personal and scientific, at the same time. From a personal point of view process resarch is more encouraging, funny and exciting than other type of researches. From a scientific point of view, process research could help to improve cognitive therapy, adding some light to the therapeutic cognitive change.
Evolution and future of health psychology
This paper addresses the development of new plans of integration, with the aim of undertaking a critical review of the present status of health psychology. We emphasize that health psychology has overcome its growing stage when the risk of stagnation and a consequent loss of relevance and social projection existed. During its period of professionalization there was a spreading and proliferation of approaches due more to external reasons than to reflection within the field. Today the central issue, in many countries relates to the integration of health policies through collective and global actions. Health psychology professionals should move away from the traditional academic and scientific…
The cognitive therapy of evaluation: Therapeutic techniques-[2]
Abstract The main aim of this paper is to introduce the techniques used in cognitive therapy of evaluation. The Cognitive therapy of evaluation is being developed from the theoretical background of general semantics theory and it is a therapy based on language as an instrument of cognitive processes, and on the role it plays, through word-facts identification, in the development and treatment of emotional problems. The main techniques developed (abstraction orders and the extensional devices) and other therapeutic issues are introduced and explained.
La asimilación de experiencias problemáticas a través de narraciones: un estudio de caso
Title: The assimilation of problematic experiences through narratives: A case study. Abstract: In this study we aim to describe the assimilation process through our participant narratives, Monica, who had oncological problems and to explore the advantages of the use of narratives for assimilating these expe- riences. Monica wrote 31 narratives during 8 months about her experiences of hav- ing fibroadenomas and benign tumors. These narratives were analized by the assimilation model and the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale or APES. The procedure to obtain the data ended with a sample of 373 passages that were analized with APES. Those passages were related to eight differ- ent to…
Mesa redonda cibernética: análisis de la influencia de la combinación de psicofármacos y psicoterapia, según las diferentes orientaciones de psicoterapia.
En el contexto del número monográfico de la Revista de Psicoterapia, sobre tratamientos integrados de psicofármacos y psicoterapia, decidimos incluir una novedosa mesa redonda cibernética, en la que diversos expertos hemos interactuado de una forma especial, realizando un «Análisis de la influencia de la combinación de psicofármacos y psicoterapia, según las diferentes orientaciones de psicoterapia».
Theoretical orientations of spanish psychotherapists: Integration and eclecticism as modern and postmodern cultural trends.
In this article, we focus on the theoretical orientations of Spanish psychotherapists with reference to the concepts of integration and eclecticism associated respectively with the cultural patterns of modernity and postmodernity. Data are reported from 179 Spanish therapists who responded to the Development of Psychotherapists Common Core Questionnaire (Orlinsky et al., 1999). The results indicated that these Spanish therapists do not show a tendency toward postmodern eclecticism, suggesting that present clinical practice in Spain still needs high-profile theoretical constructs.
Guest Editorial: Evolving paths in psychotherapy
Psychotherapy Integration: A main Obstacle and Challenge
Abstract Psychotherapy integration is a key trend in psychotherapy nowadays. This paper offers a critical perspective on a main obstacle and challenge for psychotherapy integration. Psychotherapy integration should be treated more as a process than as a product. For psychotherapy integration to contribute to the future of psychotherapy, it should not forget its original Exploratory spirit, avoiding and being cautious about Established approaches, and being, therefore, more a process than a product. This assumption should be related first with the core spirit of psychotherapy integration, an ongoing process of respect for different psychotherapeutic models, and an attitude of work in progres…
Linguistic Therapy of Evaluation
The linguistic therapy of evaluation (LTE) comes from the theory of general semantics (GS) developed by Alfred Korzybski. GS emphasizes the role that language plays in evaluating the world of “events,” that is, what is going on (WIGO in the individual’s world). GS is the science of both evaluation and values. “Evaluation” implies that a similar degree of importance is given to thinking and feeling. When evaluating an experience, we construe the world through language. Korzybski (1933, p. 24) defined a semantic reaction as “the psychological reaction of a given individual to words, language, symbols, and events, in connection with their meanings, and the psychological reactions, which become…
Evolución y futuro de la Psicología de la Salud
Se realiza una visión crítica de la Psicología de la Salud para plantear el desarrollo de nuevos planes de integración. La Psicología de la Salud superó la fase de crecimiento en la que pudo estancarse, perdiendo sentido y proyección social. En la fase de profesionalización se produjo la dispersión y proliferación de enfoques que se cerró más por razones externas que por la reflexión interna del campo. Hoy la cuestión central es integrar las políticas sanitarias de la mayoría de los países por medio de actuaciones colectivas y globales. Estas actuaciones intentan poner orden y homogeneizar los servicios sanitarios. Los nuevos profesionales de la psicología de la salud tendrán que alejarse d…
Vamos a Traducir los MRV(Let’s Translate the VRM): Linguistic and Cultural Inferences Drawn from Translating a Verbal Coding System from English into Spanish
Translating a verbal coding system from one language to another can yield unexpected insights into the process of communication in different cultures. This paper describes the problems and understandings we encountered as we translated a verbal response modes (VRM) taxonomy from English into Spanish. Standard translations of text (e.g., psychotherapeutic dialogue) systematically change the form of certain expressions, so supposedly equivalent expressions had different VRM codings in the two languages. Prominent examples of English forms whose translation had different codes in Spanish included tags, question forms, and "let's" expressions. Insofar as participants use such forms to convey nu…