Olli-pekka Penttinen

Using the critical body residue approach to determine the acute toxicity of cadmium at varying levels of water hardness and dissolved organic carbon concentrations

Abstract The linkage between acute adverse effects of cadmium and internal cadmium levels were investigated for the oligochaete worm Lumbriculus variegatus in water at varying degrees of hardness and two different dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. The LC50s for the effect of cadmium on the survival of the worms greatly differed depending on water hardness and DOC. We found less variability in internal metal toxicity metrics (lethal residue; LR50s) than in external toxicity metrics (lethal concentration; LC50s): LC50s varied from 2.4 to 66.1 μmol/L, while LR50s varied only from 226 to 413 μmol/kg wet weight. The cadmium body burden appeared to be independent of exposure conditio…

research product

An uptake and elimination kinetics approach to assess the bioavailability of chromium, copper, and arsenic to earthworms (Eisenia andrei) in contaminated field soils

The aim of this study was to determine the bioavailability of metals in field soils contaminated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) mixtures. The uptake and elimination kinetics of chromium, copper, and arsenic were assessed in the earthworm Eisenia andrei exposed to soils from a gradient of CCA wood preservative contamination near Hartola, Finland. In soils contaminated with 1480–1590 mg Cr/kg dry soil, 642–791 mg Cu/kg dry soil, and 850–2810 mg Ag/kg dry soil, uptake and elimination kinetics patterns were similar for Cr and Cu. Both metals were rapidly taken up and rapidly excreted by Eisenia andrei with equilibrium reached within 1 day. The metalloid As, however, showed very slow uptak…

research product

Toxicity of binary mixtures of Cu, Cr and As to the earthworm Eisenia andrei

AbstractChromated copper arsenate (CCA) mixtures were used in the past for wood preservation, leading to large scale soil contamination. This study aimed at contributing to the risk assessment of CCA-contaminated soils by assessing the toxicity of binary mixtures of copper, chromium and arsenic to the earthworm Eisenia andrei in OECD artificial soil. Mixture effects were related to reference models of Concentration Addition (CA) and Independent Action (IA) using the MIXTOX model, with effects being related to total and available (H2O and 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable) concentrations in the soil. Since only in mixtures with arsenic dose-related mortality occurred (LC50 92.5 mg/kg dry soil), it wa…

research product

Ecological risks of an old wood impregnation mill: application of the triad approach.

Although many studies deal with the distribution and mobility of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) metals in soil, the ecotoxicity of CCA-contaminated soils is rarely studied. The Triad approach was applied to determine the ecological risks posed by a CCA mixture at a decommissioned wood impregnation mill in southern Finland. A combination of (1) chemical analyses; (2) toxicity tests with plants (aquatic: Lemna minor; terrestrial: Lactuca sativa), earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus), and enchytraeids (Enchytraeus albidus) conducted on contaminated soils, their aqueous extracts, and well water collected from the site; and (3) determination of the abundance of enchytraeids and nematodes and the bio…

research product