Demanda de autonomía en la relación entre los adolescentes y sus padres: normalización del conflicto
In a family setting, disagreements between parents and their teenage children are commonplace. This study seeks to measure a teenager’s degree of independence alongside their level of communication with their parents in order to identify the most relevant factors in this relationship and to understand its signifi cance. The study shows that teenagers exhibit a marked tendency to seek increased independence as they develop, although their parents may measure the speed at which their children mature differently. The variables of age, self-esteem, and sex (of both the children and their parents) reveal that confl ict between teenagers and their parents is a natural step in the maturation proce…
Discrepancia entre padres e hijos en la percepción del funcionamiento familiar y desarrollo de la autonomía adolescente.
El estudio se enmarca en el paradigma contextual dialéctico, realizando una aproximación conceptual a la adolescencia, la familia, y la autonomía, y describiendo la transformación que han experimentado estas realidades. Desde el prisma evolutivo-educativo se entiende la autonomía adolescente como parte del proceso madurativo de definición de la primera identidad (Teoría Epigenética de Erikson). Parece que el conflicto paterno-filial, apoyado en la cercanía emocional en las relaciones, es un requisito necesario para su desarrollo. Desde esta perspectiva, el objetivo de la investigación es analizar las relaciones entre diferentes dimensiones del funcionamiento familiar con dos facetas de la a…
Educar jugando y dialogando. Derechos de la infancia, intencionalidad, familia y lenguaje
[EN] The article reviews the rights that contribute to the achievement of a happy life from childhood and seizes on the key elements that seek dignity in order to develop happiness. First, the role of the family in setting up personal identity and security, and in establishing personal relationships. Second, the integral personal training and the education in the development of the critical sense and freedom for responsible exercise, as well as the ability to understand, express and communicate to improve or overcome problematic situations. Finally, gambling, as a basic tool of enjoyment in childhood, and, at the same time, learning in the two previous domains, sometimes unique complement o…
Educar jugando y dialogando. Derechos de la infancia, intencionalidad, familia y lenguaje
[EN] The article reviews the rights that contribute to the achievement of a happy life from childhood and seizes on the key elements that seek dignity in order to develop happiness. First, the role of the family in setting up personal identity and security, and in establishing personal relationships. Second, the integral personal training and the education in the development of the critical sense and freedom for responsible exercise, as well as the ability to understand, express and communicate to improve or overcome problematic situations. Finally, gambling, as a basic tool of enjoyment in childhood, and, at the same time, learning in the two previous domains, sometimes unique complement o…