Ieva Poppele

Sēnes Lentinula edodes celmu raksturošana pēc lignināžu aktivitātes

Lentinula edodes ir plaši kultivējama sēne, kura sintezē enzīmus spējīgus degradēt koksnē esošo lignīnu. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir atlasīt Lentinula edodes celmus pēc to spējas sintezēt ligninolītiskos enzīmus un degradēt lignīnu. Vispirms tika veikts 15 L. edodes celmu skrīnings lignīnu degradējošo enzīmu notektēšanai, tad celmi tika audzēti barotnē ar un bez lignocelulozes (LC) piedevas un noteikta enzīma lakkāzes aktivitāte. Tika noteikts, ka visi L. edodes celmi sintezē divu veidu lignīnu degradējošos enzīmus – lakkāzi un mangāna peroksidāzi. Celmu augšanas intensitāte būtiski neatšķīrās, augot uz agarizētās barotnes ar un bez LC piedevas, bet celmu micēlija biomasa pieauga līdz pat 2 reizē…

research product

Bioethanol and lipid production from the enzymatic hydrolysate of wheat straw after furfural extraction

This study investigates biofuel production from wheat straw hydrolysate, from which furfural was extracted using a patented method developed at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry. The solid remainder after furfural extraction, corresponding to 67.6% of the wheat straw dry matter, contained 69.9% cellulose of which 4% was decomposed during the furfural extraction and 26.3% lignin. Enzymatic hydrolysis released 44% of the glucose monomers in the cellulose. The resulting hydrolysate contained mainly glucose and very little amount of acetic acid. Xylose was not detectable. Consequently, the undiluted hydrolysate did not inhibit growth of yeast strains belonging to Saccharomyces cerev…

research product

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose for Bioethanol Production

Abstract The effect of temperature, time and amount of enzyme on hydrolysis of wheat straw lignocellulose remaining after furfural production was studied. The residual substrate was subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis at different temperatures — 45 °C, 50 °C and 55 °C. Hydrolysis time was 72 hours, and samples were taken every 24 hours. The maximum glucose yield (76.5% of the theoretically possible) was reached when hydrolysis temperature 50 °C was used. The production rate of glucose increased with a hydrolysis period of time. The yield of glucose significantly depended on the ratio of enzyme to substrate.

research product