Daniele Ragaglia
Revenue models, in-app purchase, and the app performance: Evidence from Apple's App Store and Google Play
The effect of revenue models on app performance depends on the app store.The effect of in-app purchase on app performance depends on the app store.Paid, freemium and in-purchase models are shown to be effective in app store.Freemium and in-app purchase models are shown to be less effective in Google Play.App category influences the effects of both revenue models and in-app purchase. In this paper, we empirically examine how the revenue model (paid, free, or freemium) adopted for a given app affects the app revenue performance as measured by the app daily revenue rank. We also study the impact of in-app purchase on this measure of performance. Moreover, we study how such relationships are co…
Factors influencing success in the Italian app markets: an empirical analysis
Understanding the Drivers of the Daily App Rank: The Role of Revenue Models
In this paper, based on data from two major app stores (Apple Store and Google Play), we study the role of several revenue models adopted by developers in the success of an app measured in terms of daily rank.