Marja Jylhä
Older women's personal goals and exercise activity: an 8-year follow-up.
This study investigated the associations of personal goals with exercise activity, as well as the relationships between exercise-related and other personal goals, among older women. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs were used with a sample of 308 women ages 66–79 at baseline. Women who reported exercise-related personal goals were 4 times as likely to report high exercise activity at baseline than those who did not report exercise-related goals. Longitudinal results were parallel. Goals related to cultural activities, as well as to busying oneself around the home, coincided with exercise-related goals, whereas goals related to own and other people’s health and independent living…
Family's role in long‐term care : A qualitative study of Finnish family members' experiences on supporting the functional ability of an older relative
Family members are important providers of care for older people. In residential long-term care, however, their role is not always simple and straightforward: responsibility for care provision rests officially with staff members, but in practice family members often contribute to providing care. The main reason for admission to long-term care is functional decline. At the same time, the maintenance of functional ability is a central goal in long-term care. It is therefore reasonable to assume that functional ability is also an important factor in the relationship between family members and long-term care residents. This study aims to explore how family members experience their role in suppor…
Understanding functional ability: Perspectives of nurses and older people living in long-term care
The functional ability of older people has come to play a significant role in their care. Policies and public debate promote active aging and the need to maintain functioning in old age, including among older people living in long-term care. This study explores the meanings given to functional ability in the interview talk of long-term care nurses (n=24) and older people living in long-term care (n=16). The study is based on discourse analysis and positioning theory. In this study, accounts of functioning differed between nurses and older residents. For the nurses, functional ability was about the basic functions of everyday life, and they often used formal and theoretical language, whereas…
Mobility Limitation and Changes in Personal Goals Among Older Women.
Objectives. Several theoretical viewpoints suggest that older adults need to modify their personal goals in the face of functional decline. The aim of this study was to investigate longitudinally the association of mobility limitation with changes in personal goals among older women. Method. Eight-year follow-up of 205 women aged 66–78 years at baseline. Results. Health-related goals were the most common at both measurements. Goals related to independent living almost doubled and goals related to exercise and to cultural activities substantially decreased during the follow-up. Higher age decreased the likelihood for engaging in new goals related to cultural activities and disengaging from g…
Personal goals and changes in life-space mobility among older people
Abstract Objective Life-space mobility – the spatial extent of mobility in daily life – is associated with quality of life and physical functioning but may also be influenced by future orientation expressed in personal goals. The aim of this study was to explore how different personal goals predict changes in older people's life-space mobility. Methods This prospective cohort study with a 2-year follow-up included 824 community-dwelling people aged 75 to 90 years from the municipalities of Jyvaskyla and Muurame in Central Finland. As part of the Life-Space Mobility in Old Age study (LISPE), which was conducted between 2012 and 2014, the participants responded to the Life-Space Assessment an…
Self-rated health and self-assessed change in health in elderly men and women — A five-year longitudinal study
The purpose of the present investigation was two fold: (1) to examine how men and women self-rate their health as they age from 75 to 80 yr and how they assess the change in their health over the five year period; and (2) to ascertain how self-assessed change in health over the follow-up period corresponded to the difference in self-ratings of health between the assessments performed at baseline and at follow-up. The study was part of the Evergreen-project with the study group comprising all inhabitants born in 1914 (N = 388) living in Jyväskylä, central Finland. At baseline, 93.4%, and at follow-up, 93.3%, of those who were eligible participated in the interview. Self-rated health, when as…
A path analysis model of self-rated health among older people.
The aim of this study was to examine the structure of self-rated health among 75-year-old men and women. The study was part of the Evergreen project, comprising all the 75-year-old residents (N = 382) of Jyväskylä, in central Finland, in 1989. The data were collected by interviews, questionnaires and laboratory examinations, focusing on different domains of health and functional capacity. Of the target group, 91.6% (119 men and 231 women) participated in the interview, and 77.2% (104 men and 191 women) took part in the clinical and laboratory examinations. Path analysis models (LISREL 8) were used to examine the structure of self-rated health. About half the participants self-rated their he…
Self-rated health and mortality: Could clinical and performance-based measures of health and functioning explain the association?
It is well established that self-rated health (SRH) predicts mortality even when other indicators of health status are taken into account. It has been suggested that SRH measures a wide array of mortality-related physiological and pathological characteristics not captured by the covariates included in the analyses. Our aim was to test this hypothesis by examining the predictive value of SRH on mortality controlling for different measurements of body structure, performance-based functioning and diagnosed diseases with a population-based, prospective study over an 18-year follow-up. Subjects consisted of 257 male residents of the city of Jyväskylä, central Finland, aged 51-55 and 71-75 years.…
Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference With Physical Functioning: The Vitality 90+ Study
BACKGROUND Both obesity and underweight are associated with impaired physical functioning, but related information on the oldest old population is scarce. Our purpose was to examine whether body mass index, waist circumference (WC), and their combination are associated with physical performance and activities of daily living (ADL) disability in 90-year-old women and men. METHODS Data are from the Vitality 90+ Study, which is a population-based study of persons with age ≥90 years living in the area of Tampere, Finland. Altogether 416 women and 153 men, aged 90-91 years, provided data on body mass index, WC, chair stand, and Barthel Index. Comorbidity, physical exercise, smoking history, livi…
Are body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio associated with leptin in 90-year-old people?
Data on how body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are associated with body fat in the oldest-old people are scarce. The purpose of this study was to examine if BMI, WC or WHR are associated with leptin, a biological surrogate measure of body fat in 90-year-old people. The data comes from the Vitality 90+ Study, a prospective population-based study of people living in Tampere, Finland. BMI, WC, WHR and plasma concentration of leptin were available for 160 women and 54 men aged 90 years. BMI and WC had a strong significant positive association with leptin both in women and in men, but WHR was associated with leptin only in men. In conclusion, based on th…
Gerontology Research Center (GEREC), Universities of Jyväskylä and Tampere, Finland
Uutta tutkimustietoa iäkkäiden sosiaalisesta hyvinvoinnista – SoWell-tutkimushankkeen laaja kyselyaineisto on valmistunut
publishedVersion Non peer reviewed
Health-Related Quality of Life in Old Age: How to Define it, How to Study?
Quality of life, in the words of Alvan R. Feinstein is something like intelligence. “Everyone knows it exists and thinks they can identify it in various ways, but we may not be able to evoke universal agreement on what it is” (Feinstein, 1987, p. 639). This is also true of quality of life when we consider it from a health point of view. The concept itself seems to be perfectly useful, but at the same time there is something very confusing and even irritating about it. What are we talking about when we talk about health-related quality of life? Do we really need this concept if we think of all the countless number of terms and concepts that refer to different dimensions of health-related phe…
Mikä muuttui vai muuttuiko mikään? Yli 65-vuotiaiden arki korona-aikana
Koronapandemian leviämisen estämiseksi asetetut rajoitukset ovat kohdistuneet erityisesti ikäihmisiin, joille tauti on vaarallisin. Miten korona-aika rajoituksineen on näkynyt ikääntyneiden elämässä ja hyvinvoinnissa? Tutkimuksemme aineistona on 31 kesällä 2020 tehtyä puhelinhaastattelua. Korona-aika rajoituksineen oli vaikuttanut haastateltujen arkeen ja hyvinvointiin eri tavoin. Suuri osa koki arkensa muuttuneen vain vähän tai ei ollenkaan, osa taas koki hyvinvointinsa huonontuneen merkittävästi. Jotkut kokivat arkensa jopa parantuneen. Niillä, joilla arki ei ollut juuri muuttunut, elämä oli saattanut olla jo ennestään rajoittunutta huonon toimintakyvyn ja vähäisten sosiaalisten kontaktie…
Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference as Predictors of Disability in Nonagenarians : The Vitality 90+ Study
Background Only scarce data exist on the association between obesity and disability in the oldest old. The purpose of this prospective study is to examine if body mass index and waist circumference (WC) are associated with incident mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) disability in nonagenarians. Methods We used longitudinal data from the Vitality 90+ Study, which is a population-based study conducted at the area of Tampere, Finland. Altogether 291 women and 134 men, aged 90–91 years, had measured data on body mass index and/or WC and did not have self-reported mobility or ADL disability at baseline. Incident mobility and ADL disability was followed-up on median 3.6 years (range 0.…
Self-rated health and mortality in older men and women: A time-dependent covariate analysis
Although the relation between self-rated health (SRH) and mortality is widely known, most of the studies have relied in baseline measurements unheeding the dynamics of the phenomenon. Our aim was to analyze how SRH both as a constant and as a time-dependent covariate predicts mortality in older men and women and to compare these different approaches. Subjects consisted of 110 male and 208 female (n = 318) residents in the city of Jyvaskyla, central Finland, aged 75 years at the baseline in 1989. The follow-up data was gathered in 1994 and mortality was followed for 10 years. Results showed that poor SRH was strongly associated with higher mortality risk in women in all models. In men, the a…
Standardised functional assessment in long-term care for older people: perspective of Finnish care workers
Objective measures and documentation are increasingly used in the care for older people to promote efficiency and productivity. A standardised assessment of functional capacity is one such measure. In this study, we examined the meanings given to standardised functional assessment by care workers who provide long-term care for older people. Gathered from eight Finnish long-term care facilities, the data consisted of one-on-one interviews with practical and registered nurses (n = 24). In the data analysis, we employed the discursive approach. We identified three discourses in the care workers’ talks that differed in the meaning given to standardised functional assessment in the process of ca…
Changes in health, functional performance and activity predict changes in self-rated health: a 10-year follow-up study in older people.
Abstract The purpose was to examine changes in self-rated health (SRH) in older people and associations between these changes and various self-reported and objectively measured indicators of health status, functional performance and activity at three time-points 5 years apart. Further, our aim was to examine whether SRH takes the form of a continuum. The study group comprised all the baseline 75-year-old inhabitants of the City of Jyvaskyla, Finland (N=382). Four groups were formed according to change/stability in SRH: ‘good–good’, ‘good–bad’, ‘bad–good’ and ‘bad–bad’. Cross-tabulation and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the cross-sectional differences, and GLM Repe…
Predictors of decline in self-assessments of health among older people--a 5-year longitudinal study.
Within the framework of the Evergreen project we examined how changes in several indicators of health and functioning and physical activity predicted a decline in self-assessments of health evaluated over a 5-year period in older people by two different measurements: self-rated health (SRH) and self-assessed change in health (SACH). The study group comprised all 75-year-old persons born in 1914 (N = 382) and living in Jyvaskyla, a town in central Finland. At baseline in 1989, 91.6%, and at follow-up 5 years later in 1994, 87.3% of those eligible participated in the interview and 77.2 and 71.3%, respectively, in the examinations in the study centre, focusing on different domains of health an…
Constant Hierarchic Patterns of Physical Functioning Across Seven Populations in Five Countries
This research was aimed at identifying critical steps in the decline in physical function that often parallels aging. Six basic and nine instrumental activities of daily living (ADLs) were classified into four domains of disability characterized by specific underlying physical impairment. The hierarchical order of this classification was verified in two random samples representative of the older home-dwelling population. The concordance level of disability and results of performance-based measures of physical function were also tested. Finally, the cross-cultural reliability of the model was verified in seven population-based samples of older persons living in five European countries. In ol…
Eino Heikkinen 1939-2022
Gerontologian professori emeritus Eino Heikkinen kuoli kotonaan Helsingissä jouluaaton aattona 2022. Hän oli suomalaisen nykygerontologian tienraivaaja, jonka näkemyksellisyys ja rohkeat avaukset vaikuttivat suuresti ikääntymistutkimuksen kehitykseen ja instituutioihin. nonPeerReviewed
Self-Rated Health and Associated Factors Among Men of Different Ages
The connections of certain clinico-physiological indicators of health state, chronic diseases, felt symptoms, and psychic well-being with self-rated health were studied among men of different ages as a part of the more extensive research project Jyväskylä Studies on Functional Aging. Study population was selected by using systematic random sampling among men aged 31 to 35, 51 to 55 and 71 to 75 years in the city of Jyväskylä. Log-linear and logit models as well as regression and structural equation models within the framework of LISREL were used as methods of analysis. The associations between general self-rated health and the explanative variables were different in different age groups: In…
Structure of self-rated health among the oldest old: Analyses in the total population and those living with dementia
No previous study has explored the structure of self-rated health (SRH), a measure holding strong predictive value for future health events, in the oldest old or in individuals with dementia. The aim was to construct a structural equation model of SRH for oldest old in general and for oldest old with dementia, and to explore direct and indirect associations between health-related factors and SRH. Cross-sectional data from the Vitality 90+, a population-based study in the city of Tampere, Finland, was used. Data were gathered by a mailed questionnaire in 2014. Altogether 1299 nonagenarians, of which 408 had self-reported dementia or cognitive decline, were included. Structural equation model…
Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference as Predictors of Disability in Nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ Study.
Background Only scarce data exist on the association between obesity and disability in the oldest old. The purpose of this prospective study is to examine if body mass index and waist circumference (WC) are associated with incident mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) disability in nonagenarians. Methods We used longitudinal data from the Vitality 90+ Study, which is a population-based study conducted at the area of Tampere, Finland. Altogether 291 women and 134 men, aged 90-91 years, had measured data on body mass index and/or WC and did not have self-reported mobility or ADL disability at baseline. Incident mobility and ADL disability was followed-up on median 3.6 years (range 0.…