Rainer Fietkau
Entwicklung eines ICF-basierten Leitfadens für die Beurteilung funktioneller Aspekte bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren
Funktionelle Beeintrachtigungen bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren werden bisher im klinischen Alltag selten standardisiert erhoben. Klinische Studien mit der Zielgrose Funktionserhalt bei KHT verwenden viele verschiedene Instrumente. Die Ergebnisse sind deshalb oft schlecht vergleichbar und lassen zu wenig klinische Schlussfolgerungen zu. Es war daher notwendig und Ziel dieser Studie, die nach bisheriger Evidenz und interdisziplinarem Expertenkonsens am besten geeigneten Instrumente zur Beurteilung von Funktionsfahigkeit bei KHT zu identifizieren und Empfehlungen fur deren Verwendung in einem Leitfaden zusammenzustellen. In Vorstudien wurde unter Verwendung festgelegter Kriterien eine Vorauswahl an Ins…
Cetuximab, fluorouracil and cisplatin with or without docetaxel for patients with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (CeFCiD) : an open-label phase II randomised trial (AIO/IAG-KHT trial 1108)
Abstract Background The combination of cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and cetuximab (PFC) is the reference first-line treatment for recurrent/metastatic (R/M) squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). We analysed whether treatment intensification by the addition of docetaxel to PFC improved efficacy in R/M SCCHN. Methods A total of 180 patients with R/M SCCHN (1:1) were assigned to receive either cisplatin (40 mg/m2), docetaxel (40 mg/m2) and 5-FU (2000 mg/m2) at days 1 and 8 and cetuximab (400/250 mg/m2) at days 1, 8 and 15 (DPFC) or standard cisplatin (100 mg/m2) at day 1, 5-FU (1000 mg/m2) at days 1–4 and cetuximab (400/250 mg/m2) at days 1, 8 and 15 (PFC). Chemotherapy was…
S3-Leitlinie „Magenkarzinom” -
Adjuvant vs. neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: the German trial CAO/ARO/AIO-94.
Aim The standard treatment for patients with clinically resectable rectal cancer is surgery. Postoperative radiochemotherapy (RCT) is recommended for advanced disease (pT3/4 or pN+). In recent years, encouraging results of pre-operative radiotherapy have been reported. This prospective randomized phase-III-trial (CAO/ARO/AIO-94) compares the efficacy of neoadjuvant RCT to standard postoperative RCT. We report on the design of the study and first results with regard to toxicity of RCT and postoperative morbidity. Patients and methods Patients with locally advanced operable rectal cancer (uT3/4 or uN+, Mason CS III/IV) were randomly assigned to pre or postoperative RCT: A total dose of 50.4…
Clinical outcome of concomitant vs interrupted BRAF inhibitor therapy during radiotherapy in melanoma patients
Background: Concomitant radiation with BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) therapy may increase radiation-induced side effects but also potentially improve tumour control in melanoma patients. Methods: A total of 155 patients with BRAF-mutated melanoma from 17 European skin cancer centres were retrospectively analysed. Out of these, 87 patients received concomitant radiotherapy and BRAFi (59 vemurafenib, 28 dabrafenib), while in 68 patients BRAFi therapy was interrupted during radiation (51 vemurafenib, 17 dabrafenib). Overall survival was calculated from the first radiation (OSRT) and from start of BRAFi therapy (OSBRAFi). Results: The median duration of BRAFi treatment interruption prior to radiothera…
Adjuvant versus Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer A Progress Report of a Phase-III Randomized Trial (Protocol CAO/ARO/AIO-94)
The standard treatment for patients with clinically resectable rectal cancer is surgery. Postoperative radiochemotherapy is recommended for patients with advanced disease (pT3/4 or pN+). In recent years, encouraging results of preoperative radiotherapy have been reported. This prospective randomized phase-III trial (CAO/ARO/AIO-94) compares the efficacy of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy to standard postoperative radiochemotherapy. We report on the design of the study and first results with regard to toxicity of radiochemotherapy and postoperative morbidity. Patients and Methods: Patients with locally advanced operable rectal cancer (uT3/4 or uN+, Mason CS III/IV) were randomly assigned to pr…