Bernard Lété


Manulex-infra: Distributional characteristics of grapheme—phoneme mappings, and infralexical and lexical units in child-directed written material

It is well known that the statistical characteristics of a language, such as word frequency or the consistency of the relationships between orthography and phonology, influence literacy acquisition. Accordingly, linguistic databases play a central role by compiling quantitative and objective estimates about the principal variables that affect reading and writing acquisition. We describe a new set of Web-accessible databases of French orthography whose main characteristic is that they are based on frequency analyses of words occurring in reading books used in the elementary school grades. Quantitative estimates were made for several infralexical variables (syllable, grapheme-to-phoneme mappi…

research product

At what age did you learn ‘Dog’, ‘Harp’ and other words that you know? The issue of what adult age of acquisition (AoA) estimates really measure

International audience

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Consistency and word-frequency effects on spelling among first- to fifth-grade French children : A regression-based study.

We describe a large-scale regression study that examines the influence of lexical (word frequency, lexical neighborhood) and sublexical (feedforward and feedback consistency) variables on spelling accuracy among first, second, and third- to fifth-graders. The wordset analyzed contained 3430 French words. Predictors in the stepwise regression analyses were grade-level-based and compiled from child-directed written materials. In all grades, feedforward consistency and word frequency had independent effects. However, whereas the feedforward-consistency contribution remained high and did not vary across grades, the impact of word frequency exhibited a massive jump between first and second grade…

research product

Ponctuation et Connecteurs: Une Approche Textuelle et Génétique

Deux experiences on ete conduites en vue d’etudier le fonctionnement textuel de la ponctuation et de certains connecteurs, et son developpement. Des sujets de 7, 9, 11 et 13 ans ont eu a recopier en les ponctuant quatre recits construits selon la «grammaire narrative» de Mandler et Johnson (1977) et presentes sans ponctuation. Les resultats montrent que le taux de ponctuation varie en fonction du site: fort en debut et fin de texte, il diminue tres significativement au milieu. D’autre part, l’insertion de et entraine une forte chute de ponctuation.Alors etapres restent, eux, le plus souvent ponctues maisalors s’associe surtout a des virgules. Ces tendances ne sont significatives qu’a partir…

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