Beatriz González López-valcárcel
Effectiveness of Safety Warnings in Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
Studies conducted to obtain drug authorization are often of short duration and based on small sample sizes in selected populations. Policies on drug safety rely on the validity of the methods used to achieve rapid and effective communication of new information. No formal evaluation has ever been made of the Spanish communications system, although indirect data have raised questions about its effectiveness.To evaluate the impact of two safety warnings issued by the Spanish Drug Agency, and of a later prior authorization requirement involving the use of atypical antipsychotic drugs in the elderly.The study was based on a time-series analysis constructed with data corresponding to monthly invo…
[Insight on how to assess and improve the response to the COVID-19 pandemic].
Resumen: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado de manera particularmente intensa a España, pese a su nivel de desarrollo y la elogiada solidez de su Sistema Nacional de Salud. Para comprender qué ha pasado e identificar cómo mejorar la respuesta creemos imprescindible una evaluación independiente multidisciplinaria de la esfera sanitaria, política y socioeconómica. En este trabajo proponemos objetivos, principios, metodología y dimensiones a evaluar, además de esbozar el tipo de resultados y conclusiones esperadas. Nos inspiramos en los requerimientos formulados por el panel independiente de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y en las experiencias evaluativas en otros países, y detallamos la…
Obesity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors : from Childhood to Adulthood
Obesity has become a major epidemic in the 21st century. It increases the risk of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, which are known cardiometabolic risk factors and components of the metabolic syndrome. Although overt cardiovascular (CV) diseases such as stroke or myocardial infarction are the domain of adulthood, it is evident that the CV continuum begins very early in life. Recognition of risk factors and early stages of CV damage, at a time when these processes are still reversible, and the development of prevention strategies are major pillars in reducing CV morbidity and mortality in the general population. In this review, we will discuss the role of well-known but also …
The effects of the financial crisis on primary prevention of cancer
The present financial crisis will affect primary cancer prevention through several avenues: personal lifestyle choices, exposure to environmental risk factors, decisions made in the private sector and public policy on cancer prevention. Whilst it is clearly problematic to reach solid conclusions on a direct connection between economic crises and cancer mortality, we can identify trends that provide guidance for further action. For some lifestyle choices such as smoking or diet, we argue that public policy may channel existing tendencies during times of crisis for clear added value. In other areas, including research and health system investments, we will make the case that the resources not…