Massimo Motta

Cytokine serum profile in a group of Sicilian Nonagenarians

The aim of our study was to evaluate the possibility of using multiplex analysis of the cytokine profile as a marker for successful aging by comparing cytokine plasmatic levels of a group of Sicilian nonagenarians with those of young controls. We analyzed a panel of 17 cytokines, comprehensive of haematopoietic factors T helper 1 (Th1), Th2, inflammation regulatory cytokines, and chemokines. The assay was carried out using the Luminex system. Interleukin (IL)-6 levels (p = 0.01) were increased in nonagenarians, whereas no modifications of other proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were observed. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-2 levels are unmodified, suggesting a substantial mainte…

research product

Elevated plasma total homocysteine in centenarians

Homocysteine (Hcy) is a sulfur-containing metabolite of methionine and is an emerging independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown that age, gender, renal function and folic acid intake are the main factors influencing total plasma Hcy levels in humans. A unique approach to the science of human longevity is the natural model of centenarians. The objective of this study was to verify whether the previously determined risk factors for atherosclerosis and atherosclerosis-related diseases change with age and, finally, to establish the vitamin nutritional status role. We studied 54 centenarians (14 males and 40 females) aged between 100-107 years (mean age 102.6+/-1.8…

research product

Laboratory parameters in centenarians of Italian ancestry

Studies aimed at collecting reference parameters for haematochemical analysis in the elderly are scarce and for the oldest old subjects even more rare. In order to establish the reference values for the most common laboratory text in long living individuals, we measured haematochemical parameters in >100 years old subjects and in aged subjects as control. Six hundred and two centenarians accepted to be enrolled in the study. A case history containing the complete anamnesis, clinical examinations, evaluation of the clinical cognitive and functional tests, was prepared for each centenarian. Blood samples from 120 > 100 years old subjects free of chronic or acute Illness (i.e. Alzheimer’s dise…

research product

B cells in the aged: CD27, CD5, and CD40 expression.

Ageing is characterized by numerous changes in lymphocyte subpopulations. In the present paper we have focused on B cells carrying the surface markers CD27, CD5 and CD40. CD27 is considered a marker of primed (memory) cells and its engagement promotes the differentiation of memory B cells into plasma cells. CD5 is expressed on B1 cells, which are considered to be responsible for T cell-independent antibody production other than autoantibodies. The CD40 molecule binds CD40L (CD154) and is necessary for T-dependent antibody responses. Here we show that the absolute number of CD5+ and CD40+ B cells is decreased in the elderly, while CD27+ B lymphocytes only marginally decrease in centenarians.…

research product

Association between the MHC class I gene HFE polymorphisms and longevity: a study in Sicilian population.

Classes I and II human leukocyte antigens (HLA) genes encode highly polymorphic heterodimeric glycoproteins involved in the control of immune responses. The HLA class I gene HFE seemingly no longer participates in immunity because it has lost its ability to bind peptides and it has acquired the ability to form complex with the receptor for iron-binding transferrin by regulating iron uptake by intestinal cells. Thus, it indirectly regulates immune responses too, because iron availability plays a role in specific and non-specific immune responses. The distribution of HFE polymorphisms in Sicilian centenarians and nonagenarians was studied to evaluate if HFE alleles might be represented differ…

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