Seasonal Mapping of Irrigated Winter Wheat Traits in Argentina with a Hybrid Retrieval Workflow Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers to monitor plant development along the crop’s phenological cycle, which is particularly relevant for irrigated agricultural areas. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral instrument leverages the possibility to estimate leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), and vegetation water content (VWC) from space. Therefore, our study presents a hybrid retrieval workflow combining a physically-based strategy with a machine learni…
Assessing Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass from Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imagery
Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) biomass has been identified as a priority variable for upcoming spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions, calling for a quantitative estimation of lignocellulosic plant material as opposed to the sole indication of surface coverage. Therefore, we propose a hybrid model for the retrieval of non-photosynthetic cropland biomass. The workflow included coupling the leaf optical model PROSPECT-PRO with the canopy reflectance model 4SAIL, which allowed us to simulate NPV biomass from carbon-based constituents (CBC) and leaf area index (LAI). PROSAIL-PRO provided a training database for a Gaussian process regression (GPR) algorithm, simulating a wide range of non…
Prototyping Crop Traits Retrieval Models for CHIME: Dimensionality Reduction Strategies Applied to PRISMA Data
In preparation for new-generation imaging spectrometer missions and the accompanying unprecedented inflow of hyperspectral data, optimized models are needed to generate vegetation traits routinely. Hybrid models, combining radiative transfer models with machine learning algorithms, are preferred, however, dealing with spectral collinearity imposes an additional challenge. In this study, we analyzed two spectral dimensionality reduction methods: principal component analysis (PCA) and band ranking (BR), embedded in a hybrid workflow for the retrieval of specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area index (LAI), canopy water content (CWC), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), the fraction of absorbed photo…
Quantifying Irrigated Winter Wheat LAI in Argentina Using Multiple Sentinel-1 Incidence Angles
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an appealing opportunity for all-weather day or night Earth surface monitoring. The European constellation Sentinel-1 (S1) consisting of S1-A and S1-B satellites offers a suitable revisit time and spatial resolution for the observation of croplands from space. The C-band radar backscatter is sensitive to vegetation structure changes and phenology as well as soil moisture and roughness. It also varies depending on the local incidence angle (LIA) of the SAR acquisition’s geometry. The LIA backscatter dependency could therefore be exploited to improve the retrieval of the crop biophysical variables. The availability of S1 radar time-series data at d…
Gaussian processes retrieval of crop traits in Google Earth Engine based on Sentinel-2 top-of-atmosphere data.
The unprecedented availability of optical satellite data in cloud-based computing platforms, such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), opens new possibilities to develop crop trait retrieval models from the local to the planetary scale. Hybrid retrieval models are of interest to run in these platforms as they combine the advantages of physically-based radiative transfer models (RTM) with the flexibility of machine learning regression algorithms. Previous research with GEE primarily relied on processing bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) reflectance data, which requires atmospheric correction. In the present study, we implemented hybrid models directly into GEE for processing Sentinel-2 (S2) Level-1C (L1C)…
Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review
Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method
Abstract Hyperspectral acquisitions have proven to be the most informative Earth observation data source for the estimation of nitrogen (N) content, which is the main limiting nutrient for plant growth and thus agricultural production. In the past, empirical algorithms have been widely employed to retrieve information on this biochemical plant component from canopy reflectance. However, these approaches do not seek for a cause-effect relationship based on physical laws. Moreover, most studies solely relied on the correlation of chlorophyll content with nitrogen, and thus neglected the fact that most N is bound in proteins. Our study presents a hybrid retrieval method using a physically-base…
Quantifying Fundamental Vegetation Traits over Europe Using the Sentinel-3 OLCI Catalogue in Google Earth Engine
Thanks to the emergence of cloud-computing platforms and the ability of machine learning methods to solve prediction problems efficiently, this work presents a workflow to automate spatiotemporal mapping of essential vegetation traits from Sentinel-3 (S3) imagery. The traits included leaf chlorophyll content (LCC), leaf area index (LAI), fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), and fractional vegetation cover (FVC), being fundamental for assessing photosynthetic activity on Earth. The workflow involved Gaussian process regression (GPR) algorithms trained on top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance simulations generated by the coupled canopy radiative transfer model (RTM) SC…
Towards Quantifying Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation for Agriculture Using Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy
Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) has been identified as priority variable in the context of new spaceborne imaging spectroscopy missions. In this study we provide a first attempt to quantify NPV biomass from these unprecedented data streams to be provided by multiple recently launched or planned instruments. A hybrid workflow is proposed including Gaussian process regression (GPR) trained over radiative transfer model (RTM) simulations and applying active learning strategies. A soybean field data set including two dates with NPV measurements on yellow and senescent (brown) plant organs was used for model validation, resulting in relative errors of 13.4%. This prototype retrieval model wa…
Top-of-Atmosphere Retrieval of Multiple Crop Traits Using Variational Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes within a Hybrid Workflow.
In support of cropland monitoring, operational Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) data became available globally and can be explored for the retrieval of important crop traits. Based on a hybrid workflow, retrieval models for six essential biochemical and biophysical crop traits were developed for both S2 bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) L2A and S2 top-of-atmosphere (TOA) L1C data. A variational heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression (VHGPR) algorithm was trained with simulations generated by the combined leaf-canopy reflectance model PROSAILat the BOA scale and further combined with the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6SV) atmosphere model at the TOA scale. Establishe…
Estimating soil moisture content under grassland with hyperspectral data using radiative transfer modelling and machine learning
The monitoring of soil moisture content (SMC) at very high spatial resolution (10m) using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is of high interest for precision agriculture and the validation of large scale SMC products. Data-driven approaches are the most common method to retrieve SMC with UAS-borne data at water limited sites over non-disturbed agricultural crops. A major disadvantage of data-driven algorithms is the limited transferability in space and time and the need of a high number of ground reference samples. Physically-based approaches are less dependent on the amount of samples and are transferable in space and time. This study explores the potential of (1) a hybrid method targeting the…
Synergy of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Cloud-Free Vegetation Water Content Mapping with Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
Optical Earth Observation is often limited by weather conditions such as cloudiness. Radar sensors have the potential to overcome these limitations, however, due to the complex radar-surface interaction, the retrieving of crop biophysical variables using this technology remains an open challenge. Aiming to simultaneously benefit from the optical domain background and the all-weather imagery provided by radar systems, we propose a data fusion approach focused on the cross-correlation between radar and optical data streams. To do so, we analyzed several multiple-output Gaussian processes (MOGP) models and their ability to fuse efficiently Sentinel-1 (S1) Radar Vegetation Index (RVI) and Senti…
Mapping landscape canopy nitrogen content from space using PRISMA data
Abstract Satellite imaging spectroscopy for terrestrial applications is reaching maturity with recently launched and upcoming science-driven missions, e.g. PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) and Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), respectively. Moreover, the high-priority mission candidate Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (CHIME) is expected to globally provide routine hyperspectral observations to support new and enhanced services for, among others, sustainable agricultural and biodiversity management. Thanks to the provision of contiguous visible-to-shortwave infrared spectral data, hyperspectral missions open enhanced …
Intelligent Sampling for Vegetation Nitrogen Mapping Based on Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms
Upcoming satellite imaging spectroscopy missions will deliver spatiotemporal explicit data streams to be exploited for mapping vegetation properties, such as nitrogen (N) content. Within retrieval workflows for real-time mapping over agricultural regions, such crop-specific information products need to be derived precisely and rapidly. To allow fast processing, intelligent sampling schemes for training databases should be incorporated to establish efficient machine learning (ML) models. In this study, we implemented active learning (AL) heuristics using kernel ridge regression (KRR) to minimize and optimize a training database for variational heteroscedastic Gaussian processes regression (V…
Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review
Remote detection and monitoring of the vegetation responses to stress became relevant for sustainable agriculture. Ongoing developments in optical remote sensing technologies have provided tools to increase our understanding of stress-related physiological processes. Therefore, this study aimed to provide an overview of the main spectral technologies and retrieval approaches for detecting crop stress in agriculture. Firstly, we present integrated views on: i) biotic and abiotic stress factors, the phases of stress, and respective plant responses, and ii) the affected traits, appropriate spectral domains and corresponding methods for measuring traits remotely. Secondly, representative result…
A Survey of Active Learning for Quantifying Vegetation Traits from Terrestrial Earth Observation Data
The current exponential increase of spatiotemporally explicit data streams from satellite-based Earth observation missions offers promising opportunities for global vegetation monitoring. Intelligent sampling through active learning (AL) heuristics provides a pathway for fast inference of essential vegetation variables by means of hybrid retrieval approaches, i.e., machine learning regression algorithms trained by radiative transfer model (RTM) simulations. In this study we summarize AL theory and perform a brief systematic literature survey about AL heuristics used in the context of Earth observation regression problems over terrestrial targets. Across all relevant studies it appeared that…
Retrieval of carbon content and biomass from hyperspectral imagery over cultivated areas
Monitoring Cropland Phenology on Google Earth Engine Using Gaussian Process Regression
Monitoring cropland phenology from optical satellite data remains a challenging task due to the influence of clouds and atmospheric artifacts. Therefore, measures need to be taken to overcome these challenges and gain better knowledge of crop dynamics. The arrival of cloud computing platforms such as Google Earth Engine (GEE) has enabled us to propose a Sentinel-2 (S2) phenology end-to-end processing chain. To achieve this, the following pipeline was implemented: (1) the building of hybrid Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) retrieval models of crop traits optimized with active learning, (2) implementation of these models on GEE (3) generation of spatiotemporally continuous maps and time seri…
Crop nitrogen monitoring: Recent progress and principal developments in the context of imaging spectroscopy missions
Abstract Nitrogen (N) is considered as one of the most important plant macronutrients and proper management of N therefore is a pre-requisite for modern agriculture. Continuous satellite-based monitoring of this key plant trait would help to understand individual crop N use efficiency and thus would enable site-specific N management. Since hyperspectral imaging sensors could provide detailed measurements of spectral signatures corresponding to the optical activity of chemical constituents, they have a theoretical advantage over multi-spectral sensing for the detection of crop N. The current study aims to provide a state-of-the-art overview of crop N retrieval methods from hyperspectral data…