Ben A. Stefanek

Third family quark–lepton unification at the TeV scale

We construct a model of quark-lepton unification at the TeV scale based on an $SU(4)$ gauge symmetry, while still having acceptable neutrino masses and enough suppression in flavor changing neutral currents. An approximate $U(2)$ flavor symmetry is an artifact of family-dependent gauge charges leading to a natural realization of the CKM mixing matrix. The model predicts sizeable violation of PMNS unitarity as well as a gauge vector leptoquark $U_1^\mu = ({\bf 3}, {\bf 1}, 2/3)$ which can be produced at the LHC -- both effects within the reach of future measurements. In addition, recently reported experimental anomalies in semi-leptonic $B$-meson decays, both in charged $b \to c \tau \nu$ an…

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Gravitational wave probes of axionlike particles

We have recently shown that axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) may emit an observable stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background when they begin to oscillate in the early universe. In this note, we identify the regions of ALP parameter space which may be probed by future GW detectors, including ground- and space-based interferometers and pulsar timing arrays. Interestingly, these experiments have the ability to probe axions from the bottom up, i.e. in the very weakly coupled regime which is otherwise unconstrained. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of finite dark photon mass and kinetic mixing on the mechanism, as well as the (in)sensitivity to couplings of the axion to Standard Mo…

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Ricci Reheating

We present a model for viable gravitational reheating involving a scalar field directly coupled to the Ricci curvature scalar. Crucial to the model is a period of kination after inflation, which causes the Ricci scalar to change sign thus inducing a tachyonic effective mass $m^{2} \propto -H^2$ for the scalar field. The resulting tachyonic growth of the scalar field provides the energy for reheating, allowing for temperatures high enough for thermal leptogenesis. Additionally, the required period of kination necessarily leads to a blue-tilted primordial gravitational wave spectrum with the potential to be detected by future experiments. We find that for reheating temperatures $T_{\rm RH} \l…

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Flavor Non-universal Pati-Salam Unification and Neutrino Masses

We analyze the neutrino mass spectrum and discuss the extra-dimensional interpretation of a three-site Pati-Salam model which i) unifies all families of quark and leptons, ii) provides a natural description of the Standard Model Yukawa couplings, iii) could account for the recent $B$-physics anomalies. The key feature of the model is a breaking of the Pati-Salam and electroweak gauge symmetries localized on opposite sites, communicated to the other sites in an attenuated manner via nearest-neighbor interactions. We show that in this context gauge-singlet fermions localized on each site, receiving hierarchical Majorana masses, can allow the implementation of an inverse seesaw mechanism leadi…

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Gravitational Waves from an Axion-Dark Photon System: A Lattice Study

In this work, we present a lattice study of an axion - dark photon system in the early Universe and show that the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background produced by this system may be probed by future GW experiments across a vast range of frequencies. The numerical simulation on the lattice allows us to take into account non-linear backreaction effects and enables us to accurately predict the final relic abundance of the axion or axion-like particle (ALP) as well as its inhomogeneities, and gives a more precise prediction of the GW spectrum. Importantly, we find that the GW spectrum has more power at high momenta due to $2\rightarrow1$ processes. Furthermore, we find the degree of po…

research product

Gravitational Imprints of Flavor Hierarchies

The mass hierarchy among the three generations of quarks and charged leptons is one of the greatest mysteries in particle physics. In various flavor models, the origin of this phenomenon is attributed to a series of hierarchical spontaneous symmetry breakings, most of which are beyond the reach of particle colliders. We point out that the observation of a multi-peaked stochastic gravitational wave signal from a series of cosmological phase transitions could well be a unique probe of the mechanism behind flavor hierarchies. To illustrate this point, we show how near future ground- and space-based gravitational wave observatories could detect up to three peaks in the recently proposed $PS^3$ …

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