Carlo Trombino

Selective Kinship in Sicilian Cultural Identity: a Land Posing.

Sicilian history could be summarized as an endless succession of rulers that came from the sea. Thus Sicilian identity could be consid-ered as the epitome of a postcolonial identity, if there could be one. Its position at the exact center of the Mediterranean has made the island the gateway between European, African and Middle Eastern culture. This mix of insularity and cosmopolitism still dramatically affects the way Sicilians see themselves; in this paper my aim is to under-stand how this mix has impacted the perception of their own history by contemporary Sicilians.This paper seeks to shed light on some of the myths of the Sicilian past that influenced writers and thinkers from Sicily an…

research product

Fare ricerca al di fuori dell'Accademia. Un documentario storico su Furio jesi.

Since September 2014 I am engaged in a multimedia research project focused on the life and works of Furio Jesi; in this article I will discuss the genesis of my research and methodological consequences arising from my choice of doing research outside of academic institutions. Assuming that the oral history in the Digital Age should not be deprived of the use of video as an investigative historiography tool, I will then try to explain how the work of the documentarian is often intertwined with that of the historian. Hence I will describe how Public History is inevitably linked to a form of private funding different from traditional Academics. In this sense I will describe my research project…

research product

Agency or impotence: Sicilian women in the context of captivity.

In this position paper I will put forward a small array of case studies in order to better understand the role of sicilian women in captivity related situations during the XVII-XVIIIXIX centuries, specifically how much gender influenced the practices of mediation, ransom and redemption of slaves. Those case studies constitutes part of my research work, and my aim is to test the conclusions of this paper by further archival research. I will highlight the role of sicilian women not only as captives but also in the mediation for the rescue of their relatives and in the funding of the redeeming missions. Of course, women in those centuries were generally subjugated to the will of their fathers,…

research product

The Ransom project. A visual, multidisciplinary research on kidnapping and mediation

I am working on a multidisciplinary and transmedia project focused on kidnapping and mediation through the centuries. Starting from the current debate on Public History, I will produce both a written, canonical dissertation and also an audiovisual project, likely a documentary or a series of short films. Kidnapping is a human practice that somehow predates human history, since it is present in several mythological narratives from all over the world. With his recurring characters, the process of kidnapping have a built-in narrativity that can be examined with the tools of comparative literature, folklore studies and semiotics. My aim is to highlight the continuities and changes in this pract…

research product

ICH in Italy, Cremona violin making school and some after-diploma impressions

This session presentation is focusing on the Violin Making education system in Cremona. Cremona violin making technique dates back to 16th century, Amati, Stradivari and Guarneri families are considered between the most influential violin makers families who have considerably contributed to the transformation of arched instruments, especially cellos, violins, violas, and contrabasses. In 2012, UNESCO inscribed the traditional violin craftsmanship technique of the city on the intangible cultural heritage list. In the old times, the transmission process was carried out inside the familial circle from father to son, but nowadays the transmission context has strongly changed. The international …

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