

Fare ricerca al di fuori dell'Accademia. Un documentario storico su Furio jesi.

Carlo Trombino


Public History; Oral History; Furio Jesi; Documentary; Digital Humanities; Transmediality.Public HistorySettore M-STO/04 - Storia ContemporaneaOral HistoryDocumentaryFurio JesiDigital HumanitieTransmediality.TransmedialitàPublic History; Storia orale; Furio Jesi; Documentario; Digital Humanities; TransmedialitàStoria oraleDocumentario


Since September 2014 I am engaged in a multimedia research project focused on the life and works of Furio Jesi; in this article I will discuss the genesis of my research and methodological consequences arising from my choice of doing research outside of academic institutions. Assuming that the oral history in the Digital Age should not be deprived of the use of video as an investigative historiography tool, I will then try to explain how the work of the documentarian is often intertwined with that of the historian. Hence I will describe how Public History is inevitably linked to a form of private funding different from traditional Academics. In this sense I will describe my research project in the light of the radical changes that have occurred in recent decades in the Italian University system and I will try to draw an approach to research that can be carried out outside of the Academy.
