Ernest Reig
Fondos estructurales y política regional en la Unión Europea
The present work examines the reasons that gave rise to European Regional Policy and describes its principles and basic objectives, as well as the operational transformations it underwent from the 1988 Structural Fund reform till the approval of the Agenda 2000. Its ability to correct regional imbalances is subsequently compared with the limited ability of European Public Finance to carry out some of the functions performed by central governments in States with a federal political structure, which results in disparity between regional income levels and the corresponding tax balances. Finally, the achievements and limitations of European Regional Policy are assessed on a wide basis rather th…
La segona globalització
En el número 59 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un número especial sobre la revolució de Maig de 1968, "50 anys després del 1968", amb contribucions d'Ernest Reig, Josep Vicent Boira, Luis Moreno, Gustau Muñoz, Aitana Guia, Anna I. López, Andreu Domingo, Ricard Pérez Casado, Simona Škrabec, Josep Pérez, Antoni Segura, Lola Bañon, Juan Pecourt, Ana Aguado, Mykola Riabtxuc, Carles Feixa, Teresa Fèrriz, Josep Lluís Gómez Mompart, José E. Muratti, Xavier Mas, Ignacio Gozalo-Salellas i Francesc Torres. A més, converses amb Maria Ángeles Durán, Frigga Haug i Mladen Dolar.
Construcción de una tipología rural/urbana para los municipios españoles
[ES] Este artículo pretende establecer criterios para delimitar de modo riguroso qué es lo que constituye un territorio rural o urbano, dadas las limitaciones de las metodologías tradicionales. En segundo lugar, se propone una tipología rural/urbana a escala municipal para España tomando en consideración tres criterios: la demografía —combinando densidades con umbrales mínimos de población— la información sobre coberturas y usos del suelo y el grado de accesibilidad desde el mundo rural a las ciudades. El resultado es el establecimiento de seis tipos distintos de municipios.
Multifunctionality: Epistemic diversity and concept oriented research clusters
International audience; This paper provides a mapping of the different uses of the word multifunctionality. To explore the diversity of meanings and interpretations, a comparative analysis was conducted through five national case studies in France, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Switzerland. The analysis conducted at national level makes it possible to identify eight Concept Oriented Research Clusters (CORCs), based on a relative homogeneity in the research practices, in the research questions addressed, in the concepts used or discussed by scientists to lead their work and in the scientific disciplines, the stream of thought or possibly the epistemic community researchers belong to. Th…
Multifunctionality: refocusing a spreading, loose and fashionable concept for looking at sustainability?
International audience; The notion of agriculture's Multifunctionality (MF) emerged in the 1980s. It then followed two trajectories since the 1990s: a conflicting period linked to its use in the international trade negotiations on the one hand, a spreading in terms of meaning, use and geographically on the other hand. Specific meanings appeared in connection with policy making, at national or international levels, or through the involvement of new disciplines. Yet, very few authors discuss the implication of the chosen meaning on their findings. To explore and take advantage of using this word and to deliver it from its controversial use in international trade negotiations, it is absolutely…
Quality of life ranking of Spanish cities: A non-compensatory approach
Abstract Urban areas are hubs of economic activity, but also consumption centers where a high quality of life may attract human capital and increase prospects of economic growth and well-being. We rank 73 Spanish cities on the basis of 35 individual indicators covering three basic facets of quality of life: socio-economic performance, general livability conditions, and residents' health status. We reject the conventional approach of compensability among different quality of life dimensions in favor of a Condorcet-inspired non-compensability approach. We obtain three partial composite indicators, one for each of the aforementioned dimensions, and a global indicator that synthesizes the three…
Agricultura i alimentació: realitats presents i desafiaments futurs
Uno de los retos de la humanidad es como alimentar a una población en crecimiento sin dañar al planeta. Pensar en las necesidades actuales sin obviar que las decisiones que tomemos pueden poner en cuestión las generaciones futuras. La clave es el punto de equilibrio entre intensificación y sostenibilidad, dos conceptos que demasiado a menudo, se han visto como contradictorios y que mediante la innovación deben retroalimentarse.