Alba Puig-denia

The effect of hotel chain affiliation on economic performance: The moderating role of tourist districts

Abstract This paper offers a pioneering analysis of the impact that integration in different types of hotel chains has on firm performance, and the moderating effect of the tourist destination in this relationship. Studies in the literature examine both size and location independently, without reconciling the apparently contradictory trends of globalization and conservation of the local base. The aim of the research is to analyze the comparative effects on tourism firms’ performance of belonging to different types of hotel chains while maintaining the advantages of location in a tourist destination. Based on a study of 292 Spanish hotels, the authors test the proposed hypotheses using hiera…

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Managerial Capabilities in the Family Tourist Business: Is Professionalization the Key to Their Development?

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the elements of the particular governance structure of the family business and the involvement of the family in the business in order to verify its effects on managerial capabilities. Likewise, professionalization in this type of company will be studied as a moderating variable. To address this analysis, the Resource and Capabilities Based-View and the Agency Theory will be taken as a basis. The empirical study is carried out on a base of 591 Spanish tourism companies using a multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that many of the peculiar characteristics of the family business have a negative effect on their managerial skills, p…

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The Accumulation of Distinctive Competences in Family Firms

Taking as its basis the resource- and capability-based view of the firm, this study provides an in-depth exploration of the ability of the family tourism firm to accumulate and develop the distinctive competences that are key to its success. Specifically, the analysis centres on how the family tourism firm acquires distinctive competences through the development of managerial capabilities. Using structural equation modelling (SEM), the empirical analysis focuses on a sample of 1,019 Spanish tourism firms. The results of the study suggest that family businesses face certain problems in accumulating distinctive competences. Moreover, the study indicates that such problems are due in part to t…

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Family governance systems: the complementary role of constitutions and councils

The understanding of family businesses from the family side is still in its infancy. This is especially true in relation to how family members manage their relationships with one another and with the firm. Family growth and evolution are usually accompanied by a reduction in shared family meaning and purpose and greater divergence in the form of factional interests and intentions that harm the family and the firm. To counterbalance this negative impact, scholars generally advocate a set of corporate governance practices. However, few papers have analysed how family regulatory frameworks and family governance institutions affect family firm performance. To the best of our knowledge, no paper…

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The Importance of Internal Resources and Capabilities and Destination Resources to Explain Firm Competitive Position in the Spanish Tourism Industry

This study draws on the Resource-Based View to analyze the effects of distinctive competences in tourism firms and location in a tourism district on competitive position, and explores the moderating effects of the tourism destination. Multiple linear regression was used to test the research hypotheses on a sample of 1019 Spanish tourism firms. Results reveal that financial resources and dynamic and production capabilities favor a better competitive position for tourism firms in general; however, coordination and marketing capabilities are key factors for firms embedded in a tourism district, while dynamic capabilities have a negative effect in this case. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, …

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Are quality management practices enough to improve process innovation?

The popularity of quality management as a system for continuous improvement has not been accompanied by deep theoretical understanding of its effects on process innovation. In this work, the resource-based view serves as the basis for the construction of a model designed to explain the effects of quality management practices (QMP) on process innovation performance and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities in this relationship. The empirical data were analysed using the structural equation modelling technique by examining 6 competing models that represent full, partial mediation and non-mediation relationships on a sample of 550 Spanish industrial companies. The findings indicate that t…

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Las capacidades directivas en la empresa familiar turística: ¿Es la profesionalización la clave para su desarrollo?

Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo analizar los elementos de la particular estructura de gobierno de la empresa familiar y la implicación de la familia en el negocio con tal de comprobar sus efectos sobre las capacidades directivas. Asimismo, se estudiará la profesionalización en este tipo de empresas como variable moderadora. Para abordar este análisis, se tomarán como base el Enfoque Basado en Recursos y Capacidades y la Teoría de la Agencia. El estudio empírico se lleva a cabo sobre una base de 591 empresas turísticas españolas mediante un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados demuestran que muchas de las características peculiares de la empresa familiar ejercen u…

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Return on capital in Spanish tourism businesses: A comparative analysis of family vs non-family businesses

The analysis of the keys to competitiveness in the tourism sector has an unquestionable justification for its importance in the Spanish economy and its global growth prospects. The need for a better understanding of the keys to the competitiveness of the tourism firm is also fuelled by the magnitude of the challenges that it faces and by the sector structure, characterised by a notable weight of family-owned businesses. The objective of this research lies precisely in developing a diagnosis of the return on capital of the tourism sector and the determinants of its evolution in the family business (FB) vs non-family business (NFB). Specifically, this study focuses on the analysis of both fir…

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