Wolfgang Schumann
Studies on the laboratory mating habits of the mosquito Culex pipiens
SYNOPSIS The variation in copulatory activity in three strains of Culex pipiens is investigated and the results are discussed in relation to genetic control of mosquito populations.
Comperative studies with Culex pipiens egg rafts. Immunogenetic, electrophoretic and enzymatic analysis of unfertilized, compatible and incompatible fertilized eggs.
By applying immunologic, electrophoretic and enzymatic methods, extracts of different raft types of Culex pipiens were analysed. Rafts of the crosses Pa x Pa and Ha x Ha contained four common antigens, while unfertilized rafts of Pa and Ha (no antisera were prepared against them) and rafts of the crosses Og x Og, Og x Pa, and Pa x Og shared three common antigens with the remaining raft extracts. Disk-electrophoresis of raft extracts in acrylamide gel resulted in different electropherograms. Ten protein bands were common to all these raft types. The unfertilized rafts of Pa and Ha yielded three more protein bands, the crosses Pa x Ha and Ha x Pa one more, the crosses Og x Og and Pa x Og thre…