

Comperative studies with Culex pipiens egg rafts. Immunogenetic, electrophoretic and enzymatic analysis of unfertilized, compatible and incompatible fertilized eggs.

Wolfgang Schumann


chemistry.chemical_classificationContext (language use)General MedicineRaftBiologyOuchterlony double immunodiffusionIsozymeMolecular biologyAminopeptidaseEnzymechemistryBiochemistryGeneticsAlkaline phosphataselipids (amino acids peptides and proteins)Agronomy and Crop SciencePolyacrylamide gel electrophoresisBiotechnology


By applying immunologic, electrophoretic and enzymatic methods, extracts of different raft types of Culex pipiens were analysed. Rafts of the crosses Pa x Pa and Ha x Ha contained four common antigens, while unfertilized rafts of Pa and Ha (no antisera were prepared against them) and rafts of the crosses Og x Og, Og x Pa, and Pa x Og shared three common antigens with the remaining raft extracts. Disk-electrophoresis of raft extracts in acrylamide gel resulted in different electropherograms. Ten protein bands were common to all these raft types. The unfertilized rafts of Pa and Ha yielded three more protein bands, the crosses Pa x Ha and Ha x Pa one more, the crosses Og x Og and Pa x Og three more, and Og x Pa two more. Many enzymes were demonstrated in the raft extracts after they were separated in acrylamide gel and incubated with the corresponding substrate solutions. All the raft types possessed one enzyme type for glutaminate-, lactate-, glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase and catalase. Malate-dehydrogenase and leucine aminopeptidase occurred in each raft type as two isoenzymes. Alkaline phosphatase was observed as a single enzyme, but was lacking in rafts of the crosses Pa X Pa and Ha X Ha. While rafts of the crosses Og x Og and Og x Pa possessed two acid phosphatases, three could be demonstrated for the remaining raft types. Up to eight esterases appeared; rafts of the crosses Og x Og and Og x Pa possessed seven such activities. The results obtained by the Ouchterlony test, disk-electrophoresis and the histochemical enzyme tests are discussed in context and checked according to the phenomenon of incompatibility.
