J. P. Dufour
Correlation between the Ionicity Character and the Charge Density in Semiconductors
Using the electronic charge densities obtained by the empirical pseudopotential method for tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors, an ionicity scale is established that is in good agreement with the Phillips ionicity scale.
Numerical study of photolithography system: electromagnetic differential method
The R-matrix propagation algorithm is incorporated into the differential method to achieve an extended capability for modelling a photolithography systems. We show throughout this work the ability of the R-matrix algorithm and differential method to analyse gratings of arbitrary depth, profile, and conductivity without encountering numerical instabilities. We calculate the field intensity and the transmitted amplitudes in the 0 and −1 orders below different masks. We study also the influence of the various parameters (incidence, groove spacing, groove depth and index of refraction) on the field intensity maps and the transmittivity power. These results agree with the experimental patent: we…
Local excitation of surface plasmon polaritons at discontinuities of a metal film: Theoretical analysis and optical near-field measurements
Nonresonant excitation of surface plasmon polaritons at discontinuities of a gold film is numerically studied and experimentally observed with scanning near-field optical microscopy. It is shown that surface polaritons can be effectively launched at the edges of a metal film illuminated at an angle of incidence greater than the resonant angle of surface polariton excitation. The electromagnetic near-field distribution over a thin metal film exhibits significantly different features under resonant and nonresonant excitations due to different surface polariton excitation mechanisms. In the latter case the field distribution is determined by the interference of the excitation light and surface…
Numerical simulations of photon scanning tunneling microscopy: role of a probe tip geometry in image formation
Abstract Numerical simulations of two-dimensional probe–object system emulating a photon scanning tunnelling microscope are presented. R -matrix propagation algorithm incorporated into the differential method was used to achieve an extended capability to rigorously model a realistic system consisting of both a probe and a sample. Influence of the probe tip parameters on image formation in scanning near-field microscopy has been investigated. Coupling of the near-field to a single-mode probe and formation of a guided fundamental mode in a probe were investigated for various probe widths and lengths. The influence of the probe taper shape and apex size on near-field images was studied for sin…
Characterization By Electroreflectance Of Thin Films And Thin Film Interfaces In Layered Structures.
This paper reports investigations of ZnS quasi-amorphous films by electroreflectance (ER). The films were produced by thermal evaporation and their structure determined by electron diffraction. A voltage Vo cos cut was applied through the film with two evaporated Al electrodes. A lock-in amplifier gave 2 signals, Sf at f=ω/2π frequency and S2f at 2f frequency. The S2f spectrum, characteristic of the centrosymmetric bulk component of the film, reveals tails of localized states typical of amorphous semi-conductors. The Sf spectrum, characteristic of the interface layers with broken centro-symmetry, reveals tails of impurity levels which we attributed to diffusion of the electrode metal into t…
Pressure Dependence of the Band Gaps and Charge Densities in Si
The empirical local and nonlocal pseudopotentials of Si which can describe the electronic energy structure over a wide energy range of more than 20 eV from the bottom of the valence band is determined for different pressures. The nonlocality of the potential is described by the Gaussian model. The predictions for the linear and quadratic pressure coefficients are consistent with the experiment. The valence charge densities of Si under high pressure are studied. The forbidden X-ray factor F(222) is very stable under pressure and changes by less than 3% under volume changes of the order of 5%.
Quantum Monte-Carlo calculation of correlation functions of undistorted, cis-distorted and trans-distorted polyacene
Abstract We have studied polyacene within the Hubbard model to explore the effect of electrons correlations on the bond–bond correlation as well as spin–spin correlation functions. We employ the determinantal quantum Monte-Carlo to resolve the microscopic Hamiltonian of this system which involves a nearest-neighbor electron hopping matrix element t , an on-site Coulomb repulsion U . The objective of this study is to understand the effect of electron–electron (e–e) correlations on the structural instability in polyacene. We find strong similarities between polyacene and polyacetylene. The system shows no tendency to destroy the imposed bond-alternation pattern. The spin–spin correlations sho…
Etude et étalonnage des déplacements d'un tube piézoélectrique utilisé dans le systeme de balayage d'un microscope à effet tunnel
Pressure Dependence of Positron Annihilation in Si
The pressure dependence of the electron-positron and the electron-electron momentum densities in silicon are studied. The observations that the electron-positron momentum density increases more rapidly with pressure than the electron-electron momentum density alone is explained in terms of increased positron penetration into the ion cores. The computational technique used here is based on the independent-particle model (IPM) coupled with the use of the electron pseudo-wave functions.
Photonic band gaps in highly ionic medium: CuCl, CuBr, CuI
Abstract Using the transfer-matrix-method, we have studied the propagation of electromagnetic waves through two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) dispersive photonic band gap (PBG) structures constructed from copper halides materials, especially from CuCl compounds. A special attention has been paid to the effect of the polariton gap on the PBG properties. This study reveals that “Twin gaps” and “Twin brothers” concepts and the flattened bands phenomena in both polarizations and for both structures (i.e. 2D and 3D) are all consequences of the strong photon–phonon coupling, particularly near the long wave length transverse optical phonon frequency. Furthermore, results for comparis…