Oksana Fokina

BRCA1 gene-related hereditary susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer in Latvia

Abstract Purpose In this report, we summarise data on BRCA1 gene analysis in Latvia to characterise criteria of genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility. Material/methods Analysis by SSCP/HD, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or DNA sequencing was used for mutation detection. Mutations identified were confirmed by direct DNA sequencing. Results Out of 1068 breast and 231 ovarian cancer patients from different families: 58 carried the c.5266dupC and 43 carried the c.4035delA mutations. Every 4th patient in our study did not report cancer in the family. The breast cancer was diagnosed earlier in carriers of the c.5266dupC than in carriers of the c.4035delA ( p  = 0.003). The inc…

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Genetic Structure of the Limecola Balthica Population in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea

Abstract Samples of Limecola balthica with normal and deformed shells were collected from ten sites throughout the Gulf of Riga. Genetic diversity was evaluated by the retrotransposon-based iPBS method. Samples had close mutual genetic distances, which showed that all of them belong to one wider population of the Gulf of Rīga. No direct relationship between the activity of retrotransposons and deformation of shells was found.

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Anther Culture Effectiveness in Producing Doubled Haploids of Cereals/ Putekðòu Kultûras Efektivitâte Graudaugu Dubultoto Haploîdu Izveidoðanâ

Abstract Our goal was to improve the method of obtaining double haploids (DH) by anther culture from Latvian breeding material for several agriculturally important cereals in Latvia: barley, spring and winter wheat. Hybrids from Latvian breeders were initial material. It was found that copper (2.5 mg/l) added to barley anther pre-treatment media and to both barley (C3) and wheat (liquid AMC) induction media, resulted in a higher percentage of green plants-regenerants. In general, the winter wheat hybrids exhibited lower embryogenesis than spring wheat hybrids. Obtaining a large number of DH lines from barley and wheat hybrids with unknown androgenesis response can be organized in two stages…

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Genetic Diversity of White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) from the Urban Area of Rīga Baltā Āboliņa (Trifolium Repens L.) Ģenētiskā Daudzveidība Rīgas Pilsētvidē

Baltais āboliņš (Trifolium repens L.) ir tauriņziežu dzimtas augs, plaši izplatīts gan pilsētvidē, gan ārpus tās. Tas tiek izmantots kā lauksaimniecības augs biomasas iegūšanai, un tā ir arī populāra daudzgadīgos zālienus veidojošā suga - pilsētvidē balto āboliņu sēj zālājos. Baltais āboliņš plaši pārstāvēts dažādos biotopos ar mainīgu ārējo faktoru ietekmi, tai skaitā pilsētvidē. Tādēļ tas ir piemērots modeļobjekts antropogēnās ietekmes pētīšanai. Darba mērķis bija noteikt baltā āboliņa Latvijas populācijas ģenētisko daudzveidību, izmantojot iPBS (inter primer binding sites) - uz retrotranspazoniem balstītu metodi. Iegūtie rezultāti salīdzināti starp trim augu paraugkopām: pilsētvidē augoš…

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Genetic diversity of two perch Perca fluviatilis populations of the Latgale region

Molecular markers based on retrotransposons possibility of integration into genomes of many organisms are commonly used for genetic analysis of different species. The aim of this study was to test possibility of use those markers in perch and detect genetic diversity of populations of two lakes of the Latgale region of Latvia: Cirišs and Sventes. The distance between the lakes is nearly 60 km, they belong to the same Daugava river basin but are different from ecological point of view. Forty two blood samples of <em>Perca fluviatilis </em>were collected altogether. Extracted DNA was analyzed using inter-PBS amplification technique with specifically selected retrotransposon-based …

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Genetic Diversity of Liparis loeselii in Latvia

Abstract According to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 75% of endangered species should be preserved in ex situ collections till 2020. The genus Liparis has a lot of recognised taxons, but only one species, Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., grows in Europe. L. loeselii is a rare and endangered orchid species occurring in Europe. In Latvia L. loeselii is classified as the third category of endangered and protected species. To develop the best conservation strategy, the knowledge concerning the genetic differences of protected plants in a particular area is crucial. For this purpose, the genetic diversity of L. loeselii populations from different Latvian habitats was tested. The inter-r…

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