Maria Fiorella Granata

Weak and Strong Compensation for the Prioritization of Public Investments: Multidimensional Analysis for Pools

Despite the economic crisis still heavily affecting most of Europe, a possible resumption can be found in the revitalization of public and private investments. These investments should be directed not only towards the strategic areas of infrastructures and production, but also to those which allow for a higher level of the quality of life (sports facilities, parks, etc.). In such cases, the need to balance the reasons of financial sustainability with environmental and social profiles is even more evident. Thus, multicriteria techniques, supporting complex assessments, should be implemented together with a monetary feasibility study (cost-benefit analysis). Multidimensional methods allow for…

research product


Rehabilitation of ancient towns poses special questions because of the existing complex physical and social ties that can be properly integrated in decisions on sustainable urban planning by multi-criteria evaluations. This work proposes a description model aiding actions and decisions for the rehabilitation of historic centres through tourism development in Sicilian hinterland areas. The decision problem concerns the town of Cianciana, which in recent years has been appreciated by strangers who stay on this town to live with the local inhabitants. Despite this international attention, at present, the town is undergoing local’s depopulation, gentrification and economic crisis. The proposed …

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Investing in Sports Facilities: The Italian Situation Toward an Olympic Perspective. Confidence Intervals for the Financial Analysis of Pools

Given the current economic crisis, there is a lack of investments also for public sport facilities, which are vital to the urban quality of the city and the quality of life of its citizens. The situation is serious in Italy, especially after the failure of public policies for funding of major events (World Cup, 1990; Winter Olympics, 2006). Some recent laws (147/2013) have revived the sector with particular atten-tion to the medium size facilities but have neglected the small structures that represent the basic activities. In case of the latter, a convergence of objectives is needed between public administrations and private investors. Therefore, public au-thorities should think in terms of…

research product

A description model for regeneration through urban tourism in rural towns with underused historic real estate

Il presente contributo propone un modello di descrizione (description model) che trova applicazione in una situazione reale di aiuto alla decisione posto dall'urbanista per lo sviluppo turistico delle città rurali nelle zone dell'entroterra siciliano. Il problema decisionale riguarda la città di Cianciana (AG), che negli ultimi anni si è resa protagonista di un particolare fenomeno di turismo internazionale. In particolare, proponiamo un quadro valutativo multicriteriale per la riqualificazione fisica ed economica del centro storico della città attraverso lo sviluppo del turismo. Il modello presentato, relativo a un problema decisionale di tipo descrittivo, è orientato a supportare i deciso…

research product

A Prioritisation Model Aiding for the Solution of Illegal Buildings Problem

In Italia, in particolare nelle aree del Sud, la costruzione di edifici e insediamenti abusivi è un problema importante e annoso che rimane irrisolto a dispetto di tre condoni edilizi. Ne deriva che le autorità pubbliche si trovano ad affrontare il problema della demolizione di un ingente numero di edifici, come prescritto dalla legislazione in materia. Ragioni di natura sociale e finanziaria impongono tuttavia l’esecuzione degli ordini di demolizione in maniera poco concentrata nel tempo, evidenziando il problema decisionale di stabilire un ordine di priorità relativo agli edifici interessati. Questa situazione preoccupante è divenuta oggetto di uno specifico disegno di legge che propone e…

research product

Urban Growth and Real Estate Income. A Comparison of Analytical Models

I processi di crescita urbana sono notoriamente complessi dipendendo da un’ampia varietà di fattori demografici, socio-culturali ed economici. L’analisi è ancora più complessa nelle aree metropolitane che sono il risultato di antichi processi di agglomerazione in una fase d’intenso accrescimento dell’insediamento e, più recentemente, della formazione di policentrismo urbano. L’investigazione richiede l’acquisizione, l’analisi e l’elaborazione d’idonee informazioni a livello delle unità territoriali omogenee, basandosi su modelli consolidati o su nuovi protocolli da verificare. Il presente contributo analizza la crescita urbana secondo un approccio di piccola scala, individuando i distretti …

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Tentative Reflections on Construction of Assessment Models for Buildings’ Sustainability Certification

All over the word several rating systems have been produced to certificate the sustainability level of buildings. Experts agree on considering sustainability a typical field for multicriteria decision analysis, but buildings’ rating systems do not comply in a consistent manner this assessment approach. Proposals for using classical and hybrid ranking procedures are aimed to quantify the relative attractiveness of buildings, but do not give information on their absolute attractiveness. While several studies propose suitable application of multicriteria decision making techniques for assessing buildings’ sustainability with the purpose of choosing the best solution or obtaining a ranking on a…

research product

AREE DISMESSE ED ORTI URBANI: UN “VALORE SOCIALE COMPLESSO” NELLE CITTÀ Abandoned areas and urban gardens: a "complex social value" in the cities

The contribution to the welfare of citizens that urban gardens can generate represents a "social use-value". The social value of horticulture in cities can be expressed by means of an appropriate set of indicators describing the produced values. The proposed work, which is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration, highlights the potentiality of abandoned and degraded urban areas, and intends to outline a model for the assessment of the social value generated by the introduction of "urban gardens". The proposed model can be utilised for selecting the most suitable areas for the use in question, for monitoring the effects of policies for urban gardens on urban sustainability, and for …

research product

Multicriteria Prioritization for Multistage Implementation of Complex Urban Renewal Projects

Renewal projects on neighborhood scale often include several sub projects aiming at fulfill the different functions of urban areas, while public funds or activated public-private partnership can be insufficient to face the implementation of subprojects simultaneously. Therefore single parts of wider projects are frequently realized at different period of time, according to the availability of public funds or the interest of private partners in the most profitable projects. Although a major organizational effort of funding could be necessary, a more rational approach is required, which will be able to identify the most suitable sequence of realization ensuring the greatest advantage if non c…

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A Choquet Integral Based Assessment Model of Projects of Urban Neglected Areas: A Case of Study

This paper describes a multi-criteria evaluation model to support decisions related to the redevelopment of urban residual areas, a central theme in planning practices. Renewal projects on urban or neighborhood scale are complex problems because of the social, economic and environmental implications generated on the different categories of stakeholders. In the awareness of the specific characteristics of each city, the cognitive and evaluation model is especially defined for a given urban context, although it is easily adaptable to different urban ones. In order to take into account the interactions among the criteria by which we compare design alternatives, the Choquet integral is implemen…

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This study springs from a reflection on the concept of the Slow Network as a tool to strengthen the connection between a territory and its inhabitants, through the rediscovery of the agro-environmental, landscape, historical, artistic, and cultural value of each territory. Creating a slow network means utilising slow mean of mobility thus creating a "greenway" to give life to an ecomuseum and to cultural tourism in an eco-sustainable manner. The resources of an area are enhanced by creating a synergy between them, the tourism industry, and the local economy, which is dedicated to the promotion of an integrated tourism that involves rural areas, natural areas, eno gastronomic tours, and them…

research product

An Integrated Assessment Model on Local Aptitudes for Green-Energy Self-sustainability

The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si of the Holy Father Francis on “Care for our Common Home” holds human society responsible for the achievement of a fairer world, through research into solutions to environmental problems and a moderate and efficient use of nonrenewable resources. It recalls that energy usage is one of the major factors of environmental pressure and shares the crucial questions of current European and international energy policies. In Italy, for the electric sector, energy policy requires the increase of energy production by renewable sources and the development of a transmission grid able to support a diffused and non-programmed production of electrical energy (a smart grid),…

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