Lluís Artús

Natural optical anisotropy of h-BN: Highest giant birefringence in a bulk crystal through the mid-infrared to ultraviolet range

The giant birefringence of layered h-BN was demonstrated by analyzing the interference patterns in reflectance and transmittance measurements in the mid-infrared to the deep ultraviolet energy range. The refractive index for polarization perpendicular to the c axis is much higher than the refractive index for polarization parallel to the c axis, and it displays a strong increase in the ultraviolet range that is attributed to the huge excitonic effects arising from the unique electronic structure of h-BN. Thus, h-BN is shown to exhibit a giant negative birefringence that ranges from -0.7 in the visible to -2 in the deep ultraviolet close to the band gap. The electronic dielectric constants f…

research product

Band gap of corundumlike α−Ga2O3 determined by absorption and ellipsometry

The electronic structure near the band gap of the corundumlike $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ phase of ${\mathrm{Ga}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ has been investigated by means of optical absorption and spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements in the ultraviolet (UV) range (400--190 nm). The absorption coefficient in the UV region and the imaginary part of the dielectric function exhibit two prominent absorption thresholds with wide but well-defined structures at 5.6 and 6.3 eV which have been ascribed to allowed direct transitions from crystal-field split valence bands to the conduction band. Excitonic effects with large Gaussian broadening are taken into account through the Elliott-Toyozawa model, which y…

research product

High-Pressure Softening of the Out-of-Plane A2u(Transverse-Optic) Mode of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Induced by Dynamical Buckling

We investigate the highly anisotropic behavior of the in-plane and out-of-plane infrared-active phonons of hexagonal boron nitride by means of infrared reflectivity and absorption measurements under high pressure. Infrared reflectivity spectra at normal incidence on high-quality single crystals show strict fulfillment of selection rules and an unusually long E1u[transverse-optic (TO)] phonon lifetime. Accurate values of the dielectric constants at ambient pressure ϵ0= 6.96, ϵ∞= 4.95, ϵ 0= 3.37, and ϵ∞ = 2.84 have been determined from fits to the reflectivity spectra. The out-of-plane A2u phonon reflectivity band is revealed in measurements on an inclined facet, and absorption measurements a…

research product

Phonons of hexagonal BN under pressure: Effects of isotopic composition

Raman scattering experiments on isotopically enriched hexagonal boron nitride have been performed under pressure up to 11 GPa at room temperature. The sublinear increase of the Raman-active E2g mode frequencies has been characterized. The pressure behavior has been analyzed by means of a bond-stiffness–bond-length scaling parameter γ which takes into consideration the vast differences in a- and c-axis compressibilities. The interlayer shear mode exhibits a γ parameter similar to that of graphite, and the mode frequency in isotopically pure samples separates faster at low pressures as a result of van der Waals interactions. Because of the extremely low a-axis compressibility, the intralayer …

research product

Tuning the Direct and Indirect Excitonic Transitions of h-BN by Hydrostatic Pressure

The pressure dependence of the direct and indirect bandgap transitions of hexagonal boron nitride is investigated using optical reflectance under hydrostatic pressure in an anvil cell with sapphire windows up to 2.5 GPa. Features in the reflectance spectra associated with the absorption at the direct and indirect bandgap transitions are found to downshift with increasing pressure, with pressure coefficients of −26 ± 2 and −36 ± 2 meV GPa–1, respectively. The GW calculations yield a faster decrease of the direct bandgap with pressure compared to the indirect bandgap. Including the strong excitonic effects through the Bethe–Salpeter equation, the direct excitonic transition is found to have a…

research product

Long lifetime of the E1u in-plane infrared-active modes of h -BN

We present an infrared reflectivity study of the ${E}_{1u}$ in-plane phonons of hexagonal BN as a function of temperature in the 40--680 K range. The infrared reflectance spectra of high-quality lamellar single crystals are accurately fitted using Lowndes' factorized form of the dielectric response, where the longitudinal-optic (LO) frequency is an independent adjustable parameter. From this analysis we obtain reliable values for the phonon damping of the IR-active ${E}_{1u}$ phonons which couple to light and give rise to the phonon-polariton excitations in this hyperbolic material. Anharmonic coupling potentials are estimated from the temperature dependence of the damping parameters. The $…

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