Eric Lichtfouse
Agroecology and Strategies for Climate Change
; Sustainable agriculture is a rapidly growing field aiming at producing food and energy in a sustainable way for humans and their children. Sustainable agriculture is a discipline that addresses current issues such as climate change, increasing food and fuel prices, poor-nation starvation, rich-nation obesity, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control, and biodiversity depletion.Novel, environmentally-friendly solutions are proposed based on integrated knowledge from sciences as diverse as agronomy, soil science, molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, ecology, economy, and social sciences. Indeed, sustainable agriculture decipher mechanisms of processes that occur fro…
Cows do not eat publications
International audience; Scientific journals are facing an increasing competition directly impacting publishers and editorial boards. In addition, access to scientific information and reading patterns have deeply changed. From 2003 the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD) has adapted its editorial policy to this highly competitive and moving environment in order to stand out and improve its impact (1). The scope, language and title of the journal were modified. A preselection step was introduced, several calls for reviews were made and spin-off books were published (2). Particular attention was given to abstracts, titles, colour figures and photos. A sister book series named Su…
Identification of bound alcohols in soil humic acids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
International audience; Humic acids are complex, partly macromolecular, yellow-brownish substances occurring in soils, waters and sediments. In order to shed some light on their molecular structure, crop humic acids were cleaved by alkaline hydrolysis (KOH). The products were fractionated by thin layer chromatography to give mono-alcohols which were analysed as acetate derivatives by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Linear alcohols, sterols, stanols and plant-derived triterpenoid alcohols were identified by co-injection of pure standards and by comparison with literature data. These findings imply that alcohols could have been incorporated into the humic matrix by esterifica…
The success of Agronomy for Sustainable Development: from IF 0.566 rank 29/53 to IF 2.9 rank 4/75
Scientific journals are facing an increasing competition directly impacting publishers and editorial boards. In addition, access to scientific information and reading patterns have deeply changed. From 2003 the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD) has adapted its editorial policy to this highly competitive and moving environment in order to stand out and improve its impact (1). The scope, language and title of the journal were modified. A preselection step was introduced, several calls for reviews were made and spin-off books were published (2). Particular attention was given to abstracts, titles, colour figures and photos. A sister book series named Sustainable Agriculture Re…
Strategies to blog journal articles
L'écosystème des réseaux sociaux. Editorial du numéro 3 de Publier la Science
International audience; Vous êtes submergés par des dizaines d'emails indésirables ? Alors voici une bonne nouvelle : la messagerie email est en train de disparaître au profit du réseau social. Comment expliquer ce phénomène ? D'un coté l'email est un média classique, unidirectionnel, comme les journaux au format papier qui vous imposent des informations non désirées, autant dire la préhistoire à l'ère du smartphone... De l'autre coté le réseau social diffuse des informations sélectionnées et personnalisées. Mieux, le réseau social est un véritable écosystème numérique dans lequel des individus et les communautés - les groupes d'amis ou de relations - évoluent et s'adaptent dans un environn…
Novel bibliographic maps to guide research units
National audience; Publication is a major issue for research evaluation. As a consequence research units need strategies to improve their publications. Bibliometry and cartography are new tools to study the publications of research teams. In particular bibliometry give an overall picture and good criteria to choose a strategy for publishing and to guide the priorities of research. Here we studied the publications of the INRA Agroécologie research unit, Dijon. This unit has 107 scientists and professors, equivalent 80 full-time positions for research, and published 125 original articles in 2012. We present several examples of maps and measurements obtained using Web of science, Excel, Sphinx…
Facebook age science publishing
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Journée Scientifique de l'Unité Mixte de Recherche Microbiologie des Sols - Géochimie des Interfaces Sol-Eau
High impact articles in environmental chemistry letters and agronomy for sustainable development
International audience
Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable Word
International audience
Comment publier dans les meilleures revues scientifiques
Fate of organic pollutants after sewage sludge spreading on agricultural soils: a 30-years field-scale recording
Le DOI mentionné dans l'article 10.2166/WPT.2007.008 ne fonctionne pas; International audience; Toxic organic compounds, such as the surfactants linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) and nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPE), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and residues derived from plastics (PAE-phthalates) end up in sewage sludge. In order to evaluate and quantify the potential environmental risks associated with the xenobiotic introduction into biological life cycle, the EU BIOWASTE project (QLK5-CT-2002-01138) devotes one task to the study of the fate of xenobiotic in a sandy soil after sludge spreading on a 30-year field-scale record experiment. Experimental maize crop fields from Bo…
Rédiger pour être publié ! Conseils pratiques pour les scientifiques
Séminaire Robioss à Poitiers; Publier ou périr. Cet adage illustre l'importance de la communication scientifique; essentielle pour les chercheurs, elle est aussi un secteur stratégique pour la compétitivité d'une nation. Domaine souvent négligé, la communication scientifique prend une importance vitale avec les nouvelles technologies informatiques qui accélèrent et modifient en profondeur la diffusion des connaissances. La nécessité de bien communiquer ses découvertes aux spécialistes devient cruciale pour les chercheurs,les instituts et les universités du fait du recours récent aux facteurs d'impact pour évaluer et financer la recherche. Ce manuel expose les règles d'or de la rédaction d'u…
13C/12C composition, a novel parameter to study the downward migration of paper sludge in soils
δ13C values of crop and forest soils were measured 8 years after disposal of paper sewage sludge. The carbon transfer from paper sludge downward to the first humic layer is evidenced by a 13C-enrichnient of up to + 5.6‰ due to the input of 13C-enriched sludge carbonates. 13C/12C composition is thus a novel, sensitive parameter to follow the downward transfer of paper sludge carbon.
Scientific writing for impact factor journals
EASARCICAPLivre dispo. dans :hal-00832739, version 1; Publish or Perish. This old adage illustrates the importance of scientific communication; essential to research, it also represents a strategic sector for each country’s competitiveness. An often-neglected topic, scientific communication is of vital importance, with new information technologies accelerating and profoundly changing how knowledge is disseminated. The necessity of optimally disseminating experts’ findings has also become crucial to researchers, institutes and universities alike, which has prompted the recent advent of Impact Factors for the evaluation and financing of research, the goal being for scientific knowledge to be …
Milk-blood transfer of C-14-tagged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in pigs
International audience
Agronomy for sustainable development
International audience
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in grass and milk from urban and rural farms
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were studied in grass and milk sampled at two farms, one located in a non-contaminated, rural area, and another located in a urban area close to PAH sources such as highways, busy roads, fuel-powered trains and a steel plant. PAH concentration were measured by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using internal deuterated standards. In grasses, unexpectedly, although the sum of PAH concentrations was only slightly higher at the urban farm (83.1 ± 16.1 ng g−1) than the rural farm (51.8 ± 10.6 ng g−1), this difference was not observed for all PAH members. This absence of a striking difference of PAH levels between urban and rura…
Scientific writing and communication
L’INRA au colloque de l’Association Européenne des Editeurs Scientifiques
Cette présentation est un retour sur le colloque 'Editing in the Digital Age', à Tallinn, Estonie en Juin 2012 par l' European Association of Science Editors (EASE). 18 auteurs de l'INRA ont présenté 2 conférences, 3 posters, et ont animé une session 'Local Assistance of Scientists and Institutes by Editors'. Le poster de D. Millot 'Publication metrics reveal global trends in legume research' a reçu le prix du meilleur poster. La conférence plénière d'Alan Cann 'Social Media' et la session 'Publishing data' ont été remarquables.
Rédiger pour être publié ! 2e édition 2012
Publish or perish. This saying clearly exemplifies that science communication is vital for scientists, research bodies and nation competitiveness. Nowadays both computers and internet have deeply changed the way scientific articles are written and published. In an editorial world moving at accelerated pace, scientists are eager to get their papers published in the best journals because impact factors are ruling careers and funding. Since fundings are provided by various public and private bodies, scientific papers should be partly understandable by a wide audience from journalists to entrepreneurs, political leaders and the general public. However, as an editor of scientific journals, I obs…
Phytoremediation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, anilines and phenols
International audience; Phytoremediation technologies based on the combined action of plants and the microbial communities that they support within the rhizosphere hold promise in the remediation of land and waterways contaminated with hydrocarbons but they have not yet been adopted in large-scale remediation strategies. In this review plant and microbial degradative capacities, viewed as a continuum, have been dissected in order to identify where bottle-necks and limitations exist. Phenols, anilines and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were selected as the target classes of molecule for consideration, in part because of their common patterns of distribution, but also because of the urgent …
Conseils par section
Cette section decrit la structure generale d’un article de recherche et les principales articulations entre les differentes sections de cet article.
Sustainable energy, food risk and emerging pollutants : expect the unexpected
The topics that would be covered in this session, but not limited to, are major achievements of environmental chemistry of biofuels, solar and alternative energies, and novel pollutants such as nano chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the food chain. Contributions that anticipate unexpected issues at the global scale such as the impact of biofuels on food security, the consequence of chemicals on obesity, and social rejection of novel technologies, are welcome
Agroecological engineering
Earth has recently entered the new era of the Anthropocene, during which the rise of human activities are impacting for the first time ecosystems and climate on the global scale. Since the 1960s the green revolution has improved food production in quantity using industrially-designed agriculture, which has led to global pollution by pesticides and losses of food quality, biodiversity and soil carbon. As a consequence there is a need to implement agroecological practices in order to produce food safely and in a sustainable way. This virtual issue presents principles and applications of agroecological engineering, exemplified in 19 selected review articles from the journal Agronomy for Sustai…
Isolation and characterisation of Nocardioides sp. SP12, an atrazine-degrading bacterial strain possessing the gene trzN from bulk- and maize rhizosphere soil
International audience; We report the characterisation of Nocardioides sp. SP12, an atrazine-degrading bacteria isolated from atrazine-treated bulk- and maize rhizosphere soil. Based on 16S rDNA alignment, strain SP12 showed close phylogenic relationships with Nocardioides sp. C157 and Nocardioides simplex. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of strain SP12 were longer than those of other Nocardioides sp. and present Ala- and Ile-tRNA unlike Actinomycetales. Nocardioides sp. SP12 presents a novel atrazine catabolic pathway combining trzN with atzB and atzC. Atrazine biodegradation ends in a metabolite that co-eluted in HPLC with cyanuric acid. This metabolite shows an absorption spe…