Olivier Dulieu


Rovibrational controlled-NOT gates using optimized stimulated Raman adiabatic passage techniques and optimal control theory

International audience; Implementation of quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates in realistic molecular systems is studied using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) techniques optimized in the time domain by genetic algorithms or coupled with optimal control theory. In the first case, with an adiabatic solution (a series of STIRAP processes) as starting point, we optimize in the time domain different parameters of the pulses to obtain a high fidelity in two realistic cases under consideration. A two-qubit CNOT gate constructed from different assignments in rovibrational states is considered in diatomic (NaCs) or polyatomic (SCCl2) molecules. The difficulty of encoding logical states in…

research product

FitAik: a package to calculate least-square fitted atomic transitions probabilities. Application to the Er+ lanthanide ion

We present a new method implemented in our new package \textit{FitAik}, to perform least-squares fitting of calculated and experimental atomic transition probabilities, by using the mono-electronic transition integrals $\langle n\ell |r| n'\ell' \rangle$ (with $r$ the electronic radial coordinate) as adjustable quantities. \textit{FitAik} is interfaced to the Cowan suite of codes, for which it automatically writes input files and reads output files. We illustrate our procedure with the example of Er$^{+}$ ion, for which the agreement between calculated and experimental Einstein coefficients is found to be very good. The source code of \emph{FitAik} can be found on GitLab, and the calculated…

research product

Rovibrational controlled-NOT gates using optimized stimulated Raman adiabatic passage techniques and optimal control theory

Implementation of quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates in realistic molecular systems is studied using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) techniques optimized in the time domain by genetic algorithms or coupled with optimal control theory. In the first case, with an adiabatic solution (a series of STIRAP processes) as starting point, we optimize in the time domain different parameters of the pulses to obtain a high fidelity in two realistic cases under consideration. A two-qubit CNOT gate constructed from different assignments in rovibrational states is considered in diatomic (NaCs) or polyatomic $({\text{SCCl}}_{2})$ molecules. The difficulty of encoding logical states in pure rota…

research product

Optical Shielding of Destructive Chemical Reactions between Ultracold Ground-State NaRb Molecules

Polar quantum gases represent promising platforms for studying many-body physics and strongly correlated systems with possible applications e.g. in quantum simulation or quantum computation. Due to their large permanent electric dipole moment polar molecules in electric field exhibit strong long-range anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions (DDIs). The creation and trapping of ultracold dipolar diatomic molecules of various species are feasible in many experimental groups nowadays. However long time trapping is still a challenge even in the case of the so called nonreactive molecules which are supposed to be immune against inelastic collisions in their absolute ground state [1] . Various hyp…

research product

Ultracold Rare-Earth Magnetic Atoms with an Electric Dipole Moment

We propose a new method to produce an electric and magnetic dipolar gas of ultracold dysprosium atoms. The pair of nearly degenerate energy levels of opposite parity, at 17513.33 cm$^{-1}$ with electronic angular momentum $J=10$, and at 17514.50 cm$^{-1}$ with $J=9$, can be mixed with an external electric field, thus inducing an electric dipole moment in the laboratory frame. For field amplitudes relevant to current-day experiments, we predict a magnetic dipole moment up to 13 Bohr magnetons, and an electric dipole moment up to 0.22 Debye, which is similar to the values obtained for alkali-metal diatomics. When a magnetic field is present, we show that the electric dipole moment is strongly…

research product

Two-photon optical shielding of collisions between ultracold polar molecules

We propose a method to engineer repulsive long-range interactions between ultracold ground-state molecules using optical fields, thus preventing short-range collisional losses. It maps the microwave coupling recently used for collisional shielding onto a two-photon transition, and takes advantage of optical control techniques. In contrast to one-photon optical shielding [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 153202 (2020)], this scheme avoids heating of the molecular gas due to photon scattering. The proposed protocol, exemplified for 23Na39K, should be applicable to a large class of polar diatomic molecules.

research product

Purely long-range polar molecules composed of identical lanthanide atoms

International audience; Doubly polar molecules, possessing an electric dipole moment and a magnetic dipole moment, can strongly couple to both an external electric field and a magnetic field, providing unique opportunities to exert full control of the system quantum state at ultracold temperatures. We propose a method for creating a purely long-range doubly polar homonuclear molecule from a pair of strongly magnetic lanthanide atoms, one atom being in its ground level and the other in a superposition of quasi-degenerate opposite-parity excited levels [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 063201 (2018)]. The electric dipole moment is induced by coupling the excited levels with an external electric field. W…

research product

Anisotropic light-shift and magic-polarization of the intercombination line of Dysprosium atoms in a far-detuned dipole trap

We characterize the anisotropic differential ac-Stark shift for the Dy $626$ nm intercombination transition, induced in a far-detuned $1070$ nm optical dipole trap, and observe the existence of a "magic polarization" for which the polarizabilities of the ground and excited states are equal. From our measurements we extract both the scalar and tensorial components of the dynamic dipole polarizability for the excited state, $\alpha_E^\text{s} = 188 (12)\,\alpha_\text{0}$ and $\alpha_E^\text{t} = 34 (12)\,\alpha_\text{0}$, respectively, where $\alpha_\text{0}$ is the atomic unit for the electric polarizability. We also provide a theoretical model allowing us to predict the excited state polari…

research product