Claude Ponsard
On the imprecision of consumer's spatial preferences
Faced with a set of needs of different intensities and which he perceives more or less indistinctly, a consumer is not normally capable of selecting among the elements belonging to his set of possible consumptions, those he prefers or is indifferent to and those from which he is likely to derive utility. Moreover the goods and services are attainable to different degrees (available in supply space) and his knowledge is perfect only in border-line cases with the result that his world is generally imprecise. Even someone with an exceptional gift for discrimination is not capable of formulating for any pair of goods, his preference or indifference according to binary logic. The purpose of this…
La région en analyse spatiale
Traiter d'aménagement et de développement régional et interrégional renvoie à la question de savoir comment définir la région. Malheureusement, l'analyse spatiale n'apporte pas une solution claire à ce problème. Le mot "région" lui-même est si vague qu'il est utilisé concurremment avec d'autres, tout aussi vagues, tels que zone, aire, province, district, domaine, voire espace. La région, comme concept, soulève a fortiori de redoutables difficultés. A la limite, dans certains travaux d'économie régionale ou urbaine,ce concept est vidé de tout contenu spatial. La région ou la ville n'ont ni dimension, ni forme. Elles sont assimilées à des points. Ce type d'études est,il faut le souligner, étr…
Partial spatial equilibria with fuzzy constraints
It is implicitly accepted by spatial economic analysis that the economic behaviour of agents located in given spaces (market areas, regions, etc.) is precise, that is to say, their behaviour is such that a possible action (consumption, production) is, or is not, preferable to another. In otherwords, economic agents are assumed to make accurate economic calculations and optimise the objective functions under strict constraints of resource limitation. These objective functions have clearly defined arguments and well-controlled parameters.
A theory of spatial general equilibrium in a fuzzy economy
Let an economic space be characterized by the existence of a given distribution of locations, i.e. consumers' residential locations and producers' plants. It is equipped with a system of prices. The economy is fuzzy because the economic behaviors of agents are imprecise. In this context, spatial partial equilibria theories are applications of a fuzzy economic calculation model. The aim of the present paper is to study the conditions which must be fulfilled in order that the compatibility of consumers' equilibria and producers' equilibria be verified. Mathematical tools are Butnariu's theorems which extend the Brouwer's and Kakutani's theorems to the cases of fuzzy functions and fuzzy point-…
Some dissenting views on the transitivity of individual preference
(1) The transitivity property is not a necessary condition for the rationality of all individual preference relations. (2) A weakened definition of the transitivity is not necessarily relevant. (3) The non-transitivity of fuzzy preference relations is not inconsistent with a fuzzy total preorder structure on the set of alternatives.
Producer's spatial equilibrium with a fuzzy constraint
The classical theory of the producer’s equilibrium rests on two sets of particularly restrictive hypotheses. First it is implicitely assumed that all inputs and outputs are located in a single place where the producer is also implanted and where the production is carried out. Next it is assumed that the producer follows a precise behaviour pattern, by this we mean that the producer has complete information concerning the conditions of hisproductive activity and he has perfect command over both the set of inputs and the set of outputs; he realises the maximum profit allowed by the technological constraint which limits his possible actions and by the given price system. The aim of this study …