Stylianos Nicolaidis
Conditioned taste aversion in rats for a threonine-deficient diet
Rats avoid a diet that is deficient in one or more essential amino acids (EAAs). This phenomenon is thought to involve the development of a "learned aversion" for the sensory properties or spatial placement associated with the deficient diet. The dietary self-selection technique has been widely used to show this avoidance of the deficient diet. Because avoidance does not necessarily imply taste aversion, we used the Taste Reactivity Test initially created by Grill and Norgren (1978) to analyze the affective reactivity pattern of rats that ingested a threonine-deficient diet. The results showed that there was an increase in the aversive responses when ingesting the threonine-deficient (Thr-D…
Spatial cues are relevant for learned preference/aversion shifts due to amino-acid deficiencies.
Rats are able to choose appropriately between two versions of a novel diet, when one is amino-acid devoid and the other corrected. Recognition of the deficiency has been reported to occur within hours and to initiate a strong conditioned aversion. For that purpose the rat can use either oro-sensory cues or another alternative as the conditioned stimulus (CS) with which to associate the unconditioned stimuli (US) of either the adequate diet or the devoid diet. The present investigation was designed to determine whether rats have the ability to use place as a cue in amino-acid preference/aversion. In order to avoid interfering with any other than spatial sensory discrimination between the dev…
Feeding enhances extracellular lactate of local origin in the rostromedial hypothalamus but not in the cerebellum.
Abstract The use of brain microdialysis together with chronic vascular catheterization allowed us to assay extracellular fluid lactate (ECF L ) in both the ventromedial–paraventricular (VMH–PVN) area of the hypothalamus and the cerebellum, in parallel with measures of plasma levels, and in relation to food intake. A 45 min scheduled meal increased VMH–PVN ECF L by 28%. This increase was not observed in the cerebellum. The prandial increase in plasma glucose (43%, from 4.74 to 6.77 mM) and lactate (84%, from 0.83 to 1.53 mM) showed a different temporal pattern and lasted longer than that of the ECF L . Glucose delivery by reverse dialysis for 45 min into the VMH–PVN area increased ECF L by 4…
Acute sodium depletion modifies septo-preoptic neuron sensitivities to neurohormones.
Sodium (Na+) depletion induces sodium appetite to replenish Na+ loss. It appears to be a consequence of enhanced levels of aldosterone (Aldo) and angiotensin II (AII) in the plasma as well as in the brain. Mineralocorticoid pretreatment modifies the sensitivity of septo-preoptic neurons to locally applied AII and Aldo. Therefore, we investigated septo-preoptic neuronal sensitivities to AII and Aldo, as well as to the specific AII type-1 receptor (AT-1) non-peptide antagonist losartan (Los) and to the specific AII type-2 receptor (AT-2) non-peptide antagonist PD123319 after one Na+ depletion without repletion. We found that one Na+ depletion induced increases in the proportion of neurons inh…