M. Bjørn Von Rimscha
Film und Kino im Zeichen der Medienkonvergenz
Der Beitrag skizziert die wesentlichen Merkmale des Filmmarktes. Dazu werden zunachst die Eigenschaften des Films als mediales Wirtschaftsgut bzw. als Kulturgut vorgestellt. Anschliesend werden die wichtigsten Parameter des Rezipientenmarktes und der wesentlichen Beschaffungsmarkte behandelt. In diesem Rahmen werden jeweils auch die Unterschiede zu anderen Mediengattungen herausgestellt. Die projektbasierte Wertschopfung in der Filmbranche wird als Netzwerk dargestellt. Dabei werden auch aktuelle Trends in der Branche hinsichtlich der Veranderung von Produktion und Distribution im Zuge der Digitalisierung betrachtet. Schlieslich geht der Beitrag noch auf das Kino als traditionellen Distribu…
Methoden der Medienökonomie
Die Methoden der Forschung zur Medienokonomie sind so vielfaltig wie die Zugange zum Fach. Als Teildisziplin der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft werden einerseits die Methoden dieses Fachs verwendet und die Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf okonomische Fragestellungen interpretiert. Andererseits sind die forschenden Personen im Fach oftmals in anderen Disziplinen sozialisiert worden. Damit spielen auch Methoden – insbesondere aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften – jeweils eine wichtige Rolle. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt nach einer kurzen Einfuhrung der Fachgeschichte aus methodischer Perspektive die gangigen Erhebungs- und Analysemethoden systematisch vor. Weiter wird erortert, mit welchen …
Patterns of successful media production
While it has been acknowledged that convergence is a multidimensional phenomenon, the convergence of media production processes has received little attention from researchers so far. In this article, we address this research gap with a qualitative study of production processes in different types of media. Our starting point is that independent of the media type, common product characteristics can be identified, that promote success in the audience market. We ask whether the same is true for process characteristics; whether there are converged processes that promote audience success independent of the media type. The study is based on n = 39 interviews in the German-speaking markets. Our fi…
Patterns of structural and sequential ambidexterity in cross-border media management
ABSTRACT Organisational ambidexterity – the ability of a company to successfully link exploitation and exploration – is a fruitful approach for cross-border management. It is a crucial concept for media companies that, because of the dual (cultural and economic) character of their products, need to reconcile strategies of mere expansion with local customisation when engaging across borders. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with international media managers, this article captures patterns of ambidextrous strategising and organising in cross-border media activities. The article focuses on digitisation, which has altered the opportunities for balancing exploration and exploitation in inte…
Can digitisation help overcome linguistic and strategic disadvantages in international media markets? Exploring cross-border business opportunities for German-language media companies
The media economy and production literature offers insights into the international activities of media companies that provide products in ‘world languages’. Researchers point out that English-language content and, thus, English-language companies have a linguistic advantage and dominate the global media market. In comparison, there is limited knowledge of how companies that originate from non-dominant-language territories expand their activities abroad. This is all the more relevant as digitisation and fragmentation transform markets and new business opportunities arise. Against this background, we ask whether media companies from non-dominant-language markets can benefit from new constell…
Identifying paths to audience success of media products: the media decision-makers’ perspective
Research on media success factors is a fragmented field. Definitions, measures, and methods vary, and findings are often inconsistent. In an attempt to fill this perceived research gap, we distilled generic success factors of media products from the literature. Guided by theory and empirical findings, these factors were aggregated to complex concepts, building blocks of success that we further investigated in an exploratory qualitative study. We found that the building blocks are applicable to all types of media, independent of seriality and content types of media products. Subsequently the research question of this article is: Which building blocks of success are most important for media p…
A motivation-based typology of media companies’ cross-border engagement
This article contributes to theoretical discussions in the field of transnational media management research. We argue that investigating media companies’ activities abroad from a strategy-as-practice perspective can overcome shortcomings implied in research predominantly focusing on strategies applied by entire companies. This is especially valid in times of digitization where changing technological frameworks force media companies to internationalize and restructure their business models. Based on a comparative qualitative analysis of interviews with 34 international senior media managers, this article provides a typology of cross-border activities related to three types of motivations: e…
The Economic Value of Creativity: How Much, for Whom, and What for?
The following chapter deals with the value od creativity in media management. The first part is a literature-based reflection on different perspectives on the value of creativity. While creativity generally is considered a core value of media products, I will argue that not all aspects of creativity are equally economically valuable and, thus, it is not in the best interest of media managers to maximize creative value. I will then change perspectives and address the question of the value of creativity for the individual media worker. The second part of this chapter combines the perspectives of the predominantly economically oriented media managers with that of the predominantly culturally o…