David Dahlgren
The effects of three absorption-modifying critical excipients on the in vivo intestinal absorption of six model compounds in rats and dogs.
Pharmaceutical excipients that may affect gastrointestinal (GI) drug absorption are called critical pharmaceutical excipients, or absorption-modifying excipients (AMEs) if they act by altering the integrity of the intestinal epithelial cell membrane. Some of these excipients increase intestinal permeability, and subsequently the absorption and bioavailability of the drug. This could have implications for both the assessment of bioequivalence and the efficacy of the absorption-enhancing drug delivery system. The absorption-enhancing effects of AMEs with different mechanisms (chitosan, sodium caprate, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) have previously been evaluated in the rat single-pass intestin…
Preclinical Effect of Absorption Modifying Excipients on Rat Intestinal Transport of Model Compounds and the Mucosal Barrier Marker 51Cr-EDTA
There is a renewed interest from the pharmaceutical field to develop oral formulations of compounds, such as peptides, oligonucleotides, and polar drugs. However, these often suffer from insufficient absorption across the intestinal mucosal barrier. One approach to circumvent this problem is the use of absorption modifying excipient(s) (AME). This study determined the absorption enhancing effect of four AMEs (sodium dodecyl sulfate, caprate, chitosan, N-acetylcysteine) on five model compounds in a rat jejunal perfusion model. The aim was to correlate the model compound absorption to the blood-to-lumen clearance of the mucosal marker for barrier integrity, 51Cr-EDTA. Sodium dodecyl sulfate a…
Regional Intestinal Drug Permeability and Effects of Permeation Enhancers in Rat
Sufficient colonic absorption is necessary for all systemically acting drugs in dosage forms that release the drug in the large intestine. Preclinically, colonic absorption is often investigated using the rat single-pass intestinal perfusion model. This model can determine intestinal permeability based on luminal drug disappearance, as well as the effect of permeation enhancers on drug permeability. However, it is uncertain how accurate the rat single-pass intestinal perfusion model predicts regional intestinal permeability and absorption in human. There is also a shortage of systematic in vivo investigations of the direct effect of permeation enhancers in the small and large intestine. In …
Prevention of Rat Intestinal Injury with a Drug Combination of Melatonin and Misoprostol
A healthy intestinal barrier prevents uptake of allergens and toxins, whereas intestinal permeability increases following chemotherapy and in many gastrointestinal and systemic diseases and disorders. Currently, there are no approved drugs that target and repair the intestinal epithelial barrier while there is a medical need for such treatment in gastrointestinal and related conditions. The objective of this single-pass intestinal perfusion study in rats was to investigate the preventive cytoprotective effect of three mucosal protective drugs&mdash
Optimization of the Ussing chamber setup with excised rat intestinal segments for dissolution/permeation experiments of poorly soluble drugs.
AbstractContext: Prediction of the in vivo absorption of poorly soluble drugs may require simultaneous dissolution/permeation experiments. In vivo predictive media have been modified for permeation experiments with Caco-2 cells, but not for excised rat intestinal segments.Objective: The present study aimed at improving the setup of dissolution/permeation experiments with excised rat intestinal segments by assessing suitable donor and receiver media.Methods: The regional compatibility of rat intestine in Ussing chambers with modified Fasted and Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluids (Fa/FeSSIFmod) as donor media was evaluated via several parameters that reflect the viability of the excised in…