Associations among immigrants at the crossroads.Transnational action and co-option risks
Resumen En este artículo tratamos de contribuir al debate en torno al papel de las asociaciones de inmigrantes en las sociedades de origen y destino, así como puente entre las mismas. El creciente número y potencial de las asociaciones ha puesto de relieve su contribución al desarrollo y a la dinamización de las sociedades civiles de uno y otro lado. Sin embargo, este proceso no está exento de limitaciones y dinámicas que pueden entrar en contradicción con el papel fundacional de las mismas asociaciones. La interacción con las instituciones de los países de origen de origen y destino, y el acceso a programas y fondos públicos estatales, habría generado un escenario en el que las asociacione…
Reexaminando la migración a partir del Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2009 / Migration Revisited: the 2009 Human Development Report
Since the 1970s, the link between migration and development has been identifi ed as a major topic of political and scientifi c debate. As a sign of a renewed interest in the issue, in 2009 the United Nations Development Programme published its Human Development Report (HDR) with the title «Overcoming Barriers: mobility and human development». Some of the data in the HDR are reviewed in this paper in order to question certain cliches regarding the relationships between international migration fl ows and development processes. Our main conclusion is that the link between the two is not one-directional, nor does it follow generalisable patterns beyond the confi rmation that the countries with …
Migration, Productive Return and Human Capital: Lessons from the new Governmental Policy on Migration in Ecuador
In 2008, the Government of Ecuador initiated a programme for productive return dubbed the Cucayo Fund, aimed at financing small businesses for migrants who were returning to the country. This programme has been a cornerstone in the new governmental policy on migration. In 2015, the IOM considered it an exemplary practice among the instruments enabling the economic and social reinsertion of returning migrants. In this article, based on the mining and analysis of the implementation data from the Cucayo Fund in the three provinces comprising Administrative Region No 7, we specifically examine the incidence of human capital accumulated by the migrants in the success of their ventures. Our resul…
Rafae l Alarcón, Luis Escala, Luis i Olga Odgers. Mudando el hogar al Norte. Trayectorias de integración de los inmigrantes mexicanos en Los Ángeles
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo en España. Una nueva radiografía sobre su perfil y tipología en el contexto del Tercer Sector
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo se han convertido en actores fundamentales de la coo peración internacional y han adquirido, a lo largo de los años, un papel destacado en la sociedad civil española. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar el perfil actual de las ONGD en nuestro país. Para ello, empleamos los da tos obtenidos a partir de una amplia encuesta realizada dentro de un proyecto de investigación financiado por la convocatoria Retos de la Sociedad en el año 2016. Los resultados de dicha encuesta nos han permitido construir una tipología que da cuenta de la diversidad del campo de las ONGD, a diferencia de otros estudios previos que mostraron un sector mucho más c…
El juego entre la exclusión y la inserción en situación inmigrada : modificación y permanencia de la identidad cultural entre los inmigrantes musulmanes
Civil society organizations in high-immigration borders. Between humanitarianism and the defense of rights
Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) en lugares de frontera con una alta migración, como son los casos de la frontera México-Estados Unidos y Marruecos-España, dos de los corredores migratorios de mayor importancia en el mundo. En estos espacios, sometidos a una vigilancia y una militarización cada vez mayores, las OSC vienen desarrollando desde hace tiempo una labor que se enfrenta crecientemente a los condicionantes impuestos por las políticas de control migratorio y de fronteras de los Estados. El artículo se basa en los resultados de del trabajo de terreno desarrollado en la ciudad fronteriza de Tijuana (México) y e…
El desarrollo en los libros. Revisar la bibliografía para repensar el desarrollo
Selección bibliográfica a partir del análisis crítico del concepto de desarrollo partiendo de obras básicas y de referencia, libros significativos para las teorizaciones sobre el desarrollo, así como materiales en los terrenos del desarrollo humano y sostenible, el desarrollo local, la cooperación internacional para le desarrollo, la mujer y las migraciones vinculadas al desarrollo.
Limits and challenges for the participation of migrants' associations in state development policies in Morocco and Mexico
In many developing countries, migrants play an important role by supporting their local communities in their places of origin. An extensive literature has made visible their contribution to local development, thus revealing their involvement in the provision of social services or the construction of infrastructures. In this paper we illustrate the extent and scope of this task and the types of actions that migrants have started up in different countries of the world in general, and the cases of Morocco and Mexico in particular, to examine the achievements and limitations of both states' policies and migrants' associations in regard to their involvement in local development initiatives.
This article analyses the relationships between emigration and Official Development Aid (ODA) policies, taking the cases of Spain and Morocco as the backdrop to the study. It discusses the principal characteristics of both the Spanish state and non-governmental cooperation in Morocco, the underlying motivations of the principal stakeholders, and the way international cooperation policies now encompass the phenomenon of emigration. The paper compares the field of co-development, which encompasses a rather limited understanding of immigration, with ODA policies, in which immigration is an increasingly important agenda item for both the central government and the Spanish autonomous communities…
The New Co-Development Agenda: Official and Non-Official Initiatives between Morocco and Spain
A search for approaches that can positively connect migration with development in migrants’ countries of origin has begun in Europe along with a new perception of the phenomenon of migration and a response to change in the cycle of movement. Pressure has intensified in the last few years during which Europe has set up higher barriers against the arrival of new migrants, and the living conditions for those already settled have become more harsh. Awareness of the intensification of (northward) migration – which is not always in answer to the labour market’s needs – has shifted the search for ‘solutions’ towards the countries of origin.
Civil society organizations in high-immigration borders. Between humanitarianism and the defense of rights
Abstract The purpose of this article is analyzing the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in places of high-immigration borders, such as the Mexico-United States and the Morocco-Spain borders, two of the most important migration corridors in the world. In these places, and under an increasing surveillance and militarization, CSO have for some time been carrying out work that constantly faces constraints imposed by state immigration and border control policies. The article is based on the results of the field work undertaken at the border city of Tijuana (Mexico) and the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla (Spain). Our researches show how the actions of CSO in relation to immigrants…