Reinis Vangravs


Lack of significant differences between gastrointestinal tract microbial population structure of Helicobacter pylori-infected subjects before and 2 years after a single eradication event.

Background According to recent estimates 80% of Latvian population is infected with Helicobacter pylori thus their susceptibility to numerous gastric tract diseases is increased. The 1st line H. pylori eradication therapy includes treatment with clarithromycin in combination with amoxicillin or metronidazole and a proton pump inhibitor. However, potential adverse events caused by such therapies to microbiome are insufficiently studied. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effect of H. pylori eradication on human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiome. Methods The assessment of H pylori eradication impact on GIT microbiome was done by analyzing 120 samples acquired from 60 s…

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Optimization of Synthetic Media Composition for Kluyveromyces marxianus Fed-Batch Cultivation

The Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast recently has gained considerable attention due to its applicability in high-value-added product manufacturing. In order to intensify the biosynthesis rate of a target product, reaching high biomass concentrations in the reaction medium is mandatory. Fed-batch processes are an attractive and efficient way how to achieve high cell densities. However, depending on the physiology of the particular microbial strain, an optimal media composition should be used to avoid by-product synthesis and, subsequently, a decrease in overall process effi-ciency. Thus, the aim of the present study was to optimise the synthetic growth medium and feeding solution compositions (…

research product

Prevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Helicobacter pylori Infection among Asymptomatic Individuals in Kazakhstan

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is associated with several risk factors such as demographic, socioeconomic status and personal habits, which vary in different populations. This is the most up-to-date data on H. pylori prevalence and potential risk factors for H. pylori infection among asymptomatic middle-aged individuals in Kazakhstan. Methods: Apparently healthy individuals aged 40 to 64, who took part in the health control in the outpatient clinic, were invited to participate in the study; answered a questionnaire, donated a blood sample. The antibodies to H. pylori were analysed by latex agglutination method. The baseline characteristics of study subjects with or wi…

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Glicerīna cikla ietekme uz maizes rauga šūnu fenotipu

Šī darba mērķis bija novērtēt redoks kofaktora NADPH inženierijas mēģinājuma ietekmi uz rekombinantu Saccharomyces cerevisiae celmu fenotipu eksponenciālās augšanas laikā. Šajos CEN.PK2-1C rekombinantajos celmos tika ekspresēta NADP+ atkarīga glicerīna dehidrogenāze (Gld2p) ar mērķi atgriezt daļu glicerīna glikolīzē, kombinācijā ar glutationa antioksidatīvās sistēmas un NADPH kofaktora reģenerāciju. Rekombinantajiem celmiem tika noteikta subletālo stresu noturība, NADPH/NADP+ kofaktora un GSH/GSSG savstarpējās relatīvās attiecības, izmantojot spektrofotometriju un fluorometriju, kā arī rekombinantu augšanas dinamika ar ksilozi kā vienīgo oglekļa avotu. Darbā novērots, ka izveidotais „glicer…

research product

Dažādu dabas ekstraktu antioksidatīvās īpašības cilvēka dermas MCŠ kultūrās

Šī Darba mērķis bija novērtēt dabīgo Fissidens taxifolius, Lentinula edodes un Ganoderma lucidum ekstraktu iedarbību uz cilvēka dermas mezenhimālajām cilmes šūnu kultūrām. Darbā tika apskatīta Fissidens taxifolius, Lentinula edodes un Ganoderma lucidum dabīgo karstā ūdens ekstraktu ietekme uz četrām MCŠ kultūrām, pārbaudot to ietekmi uz SA β-gal aktivitāti un spēju reducēt ROS (reaktīvās skābekļa formas). Kopumā G. lucidum uzrādīja vispozitīvākos rezultātus gan β-gal aktivitātes, gan ROS testā. L. edodes ir līdzīgas īpašības, bet ar mazāku reducējošo potenciālu. F. taxifolius klātbūtnē netika novērota vērā ņemama antioksidatīvā aktivitāte. Darbs tika izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Bioana…

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