Emmanuel Sapin
Transcatheter embolization of a large aberrant systemic artery to an intralobar pulmonary sequestration using an Amplatzer vascular plug in an adolescent
International audience
Is laterality of congenital diaphragmatic hernia a reliable prognostic factor? French national cohort study.
International audience; Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess whether the laterality of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) was a prognostic factor for neonatal survival.Methods : This was a cohort study using the French national database of the Reference Center for Diaphragmatic Hernias. The principal endpoint was survival after hospitalization in intensive care.We made a comparative study between right CDH and left CDH by univariate and multivariate analysis. Terminations and stillbirths were excluded from analyses of neonatal outcomes.Results: A total of 506 CDH were included with 67 (13%) right CDH and 439 left CDH (87%). Rate of survival was 49% for right CDH and 74% …
Research of Complex Forms in Cellular Automata by Evolutionary Algorithms
This paper presents an evolutionary approach for the search for new complex cellular automata. Two evolutionary algorithms are used: the first one discovers rules supporting gliders and periodic patterns, and the second one discovers glider guns in cellular automata. An automaton allowing us to simulate AND and NOT gates is discovered. The results are a step toward the general simulation of Boolean circuits by this automaton and show that the evolutionary approach is a promising technic for searching for cellular automata that support universal computation.
Research of a Cellular Automaton Simulating Logic Gates by Evolutionary Algorithms
This paper presents a method of using genetic programming to seek new cellular automata that perform computational tasks. Two genetic algorithms are used : the first one discovers a rule supporting gliders and the second one modifies this rule in such a way that some components appear allowing it to simulate logic gates. The results show that the genetic programming is a promising tool for the search of cellular automata with specific behaviors, and thus can prove to be decisive for discovering new automata supporting universal computation.
A New Universal Cellular Automaton Discovered by Evolutionary Algorithms
In Twenty Problems in the Theory of Cellular Automata, Stephen Wolfram asks “how common computational universality and undecidability [are] in cellular automata.” This papers provides elements of answer, as it describes how another universal cellular automaton than the Game of Life (Life) was sought and found using evolutionary algorithms. This paper includes a demonstration that consists in showing that the presented R automaton can both implement any logic circuit (logic universality) and a simulation of Life (universality in the Turing sense).
Transanal coloanal anastomosis for Hirschsprung's disease: comparison between endorectal and perirectal pull-through procedures.
Le but de cette etude est de comparer les resultats de 2 techniques chirurgicales d'abaissement transanal par voie perineale pour maladie de Hirschsprung de forme recto-sigmoidienne. Materiel et Methode: Vingt-et-un patients porteurs de maladie de Hirschsprung de forme recto-sigmoidienne ont ete consecutivement operes entre novembre 1999 et avril 2003 dans les services de Chirurgie Pediatrique de Dijon et Strasbourg. Les 21 enfants ont ete operes par voie perineale transanale: Douze d'entre eux ont eu une dissection peri-rectale (TPR) et 9 une endorectale type Soave (TER). Les 2 groupes de patients ont ete compares pour la longueur du segment aganglionnaire, l'âge et le poids au moment de l…