Peter Scholz-kreisel

Risk estimation for air travel-induced malaria transmission in central Europe – A mathematical modelling study

Abstract Background Aim of our study was to identify conditions under which malaria transmission caused by imported infectious mosquitoes or travellers could occur at large central European airports, and if such transmission could be sustained by indigenous mosquitoes. Methods We developed a deterministic and a stochastic compartmental Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Susceptible (humans)/Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious (mosquitoes) model with two mosquito (imported Anopheles gambiae, indigenous A. plumbeus) and three human (travellers, airport personnel exposed/not exposed to imported A. gambiae) populations. We assessed various scenarios to identify combinations of model parameters…

research product

P01.039 Development of signaling questions assessing distress and quality of life in glioma patients - Results of 50 interviews and an expert analysis

BACKGROUND: Due to cognitive or physical limitations, glioma patients might not be able to validly complete self-reporting tools assessing quality of life, distress, and unmet needs. This not only impairs individual patient care and therapy monitoring but also creates bias in studies applying patient reported outcome measures (PROMs). In our study, we searched for signaling questions implementable in patient-doctor consultations in order to optimize the assessment. METHODS: We performed 1) a literature research to find out the most important questions for glioma patients that are also covered by standard questionnaires. 2) After a pretest in n=10 patients, we performed structured interviews…

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Additional file 9 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 9: Web Table 1B. Differentially expressed genes 4 h after exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (0.05 Gray).

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Additional file 10 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 10: Web Table 1C. Differentially expressed genes 2 h after exposure to high dose ionizing radiation (2 Gray).

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Additional file 8 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 8: Web Table 1A. Differentially expressed genes 2 h after exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (0.05 Gray).

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Spontaneous and Radiation-Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Primary Fibroblasts of Patients With Pediatric First and Second Neoplasms

Frontiers in oncology 10, 1338 (2020). doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.01338

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“Living in Contaminated Areas”—Consideration of Different Perspectives

Following large-scale nuclear power plant accidents such as those that occurred at Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986 and Fukushima Daiichi (Japan) in 2011, large populations are living in areas containing residual amounts of radioactivity. As a key session of the ConRad conference, experts were invited from different disciplines to provide state-of-the-art information on the topic of "living in contaminated areas." These experts provided their different perspectives on a range of topics including radiation protection principles and dose criteria, environmental measurements and dose estimation, maintaining decent living and working conditions, evidence of health risks, and social impact and risk c…

research product

Second Malignancies Following Childhood Cancer Treatment in Germany From 1980 to 2014.

BACKGROUND Because of improvements in cancer treatment, more than 80% of all children with cancer now survive at least five years from the time of diagnosis. As a result, late sequelae of cancer and its treatment have become more common, particularly second malignancies. We studied the current incidence of second malignancies among childhood cancer survivors in Germany. METHODS This study is based on the cohort of the German Childhood Cancer Registry (Deutsches Kinderkrebsregister, DKKR). Persons given the diagnosis of a first malignancy at any time in the years 1980-2014 who were no more than 14 years old at the time of diagnosis and survived at least six months thereafter were included in…

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Additional file 2 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 2: Web Figure 7. Shared pathways from low and high dose ionizing radiation experiments. Gy = Gray. Web Figure 8. Pathways only affected in high dose ionizing radiation experiments. Gy = Gray.

research product

P03.04 Signaling questions assessing brain tumor patients’ distress in clinical routine - a feasibility study

Abstract BACKGROUND Approximately 20%-35% of patients with intracranial tumors show depressive symptoms and distress. Assessment in these patients remains challenging due to cognitive and/or neurological deficits. We developed 3 signaling questions in order to assess patients during patient-doctor consultation. The aim is to implement them in clinical routine and to compare the results with patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) along disease trajectory. MATERIAL AND METHODS Patients were prospectively examined in a structured interview applying the 3 following questions: 1),Has your mood worsened? (I)”; 2),Are you strained by physical changes? (II)”; 3),Has your faculty of thought decre…

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Additional file 3 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 3: Web Figure 9. Predicted downsteam diseases and functions. Web Figure 10. Predicted upstream regulators. LDIR = Low dose of ionizing radiation (0.05 Gray), HDIR = High dose of ionizing radiation (2 Gray).

research product

Prevalence of cardiovascular late sequelae in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background Cardiovascular diseases are well-known late effects of childhood cancer and research on these late effects is a highly important emerging field. We conducted a systematic review with a meta-analysis to give an overview of the current evidence and the prevalence of late cardiovascular events. Procedure We included publications in which the study populations were children and adolescents who survived cancer. Outcome was defined as all cardiovascular clinical and subclinical endpoints or diagnoses appearing at least one year after cancer diagnosis. A systematic overview is presented for all included studies. A quantitative meta-analysis was conducted for hypertension and stroke. Res…

research product

Additional file 1 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 1: Web Figure 1. Representative measurements of the cell cycle distribution of HOECHST33258-stained fibroblasts by flow cytometry during (A) log-phase growth or (B) after G0/1 synchronization over 14 days for radiation experiments. Web Figure 2. Total number of differentially expressed genes in human fibroblasts from cancer free-controls at 0.25 h, 2 h and 24 h after exposure to low (0.05 Gray (Gy)) or high dose (2Gy) of X-rays compared to unirradiated fibroblasts (N = 3). Web Figure 3. Correlation of RNA quality metrics (RIN, Qbit RNA-concentration), expression variation (PC1–3) and number of aligned reads (aligned reads, aligned reads normalized) for all experiments. The c…

research product

Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Abstract Background Exposure to ionizing radiation induces complex stress responses in cells, which can lead to adverse health effects such as cancer. Although a variety of studies investigated gene expression and affected pathways in human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation, the understanding of underlying mechanisms and biological effects is still incomplete due to different experimental settings and small sample sizes. Therefore, this study aims to identify the time point with the highest number of differentially expressed genes and corresponding pathways in primary human fibroblasts after irradiation at two preselected time points. Methods Fibroblasts from skin biopsies of…

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Mitochondrial BAX Determines the Predisposition to Apoptosis in Human AML

Abstract Purpose: Cell-to-cell variability in apoptosis signaling contributes to heterogenic responses to cytotoxic stress in clinically heterogeneous neoplasia, such as acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The BCL-2 proteins BAX and BAK can commit mammalian cells to apoptosis and are inhibited by retrotranslocation from the mitochondria into the cytosol. The subcellular localization of BAX and BAK could determine the cellular predisposition to apoptotic death. Experimental Design: The relative localization of BAX and BAK was determined by fractionation of AML cell lines and patient samples of a test cohort and a validation cohort. Results: This study shows that relative BAX localization determine…

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Association of intrathecal pleocytosis and IgG synthesis with axonal damage in early MS

ObjectiveTo investigate the association of serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) levels with CSF parameters in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and early relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), taking into account radiologic and clinical parameters of disease activity.MethodsSimultaneously collected serum and CSF samples of 112 untreated patients newly diagnosed with CIS or RRMS were included in this cross-sectional study. CSF parameters were obtained as part of routine diagnostic tests. sNfL levels of patients and of 62 healthy donors were measured by highly sensitive single molecule array (SiMoA) immunoassay.ResultsPatients with RRMS (n = 91, median 10.13 pg/mL, interquartile range [IQR] 6.67–1…

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Additional file 5 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 5: Web Figure 12. Comparison of predicted downstream diseases and functions in different data sets.

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Additional file 6 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 6: Web Figure 13. Comparison of predicted upstream regulators in different data sets.

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Additional file 7 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 7: Gene expression in the "Not a Number" pathways (blue = downregulation, red = upregulation). Web Figure 14. Base excision repair (BER) system. Web Fig. 15. Molecular mechanisms of cancer. Web Fig. 16. Assembly of RNA polymerase III complex. Web Fig. 17. DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination. Web Fig. 18. Interleukin 4 (IL-4) signaling. Web Fig. 19. Interleukin 17 (IL-17) signaling. Web Fig. 20. Interleukin 17A (IL-17A) signaling in fibroblasts. Web Fig. 21. Mitochondrial dysfunction. Web Fig. 22. Myc mediated apoptosis signaling. Web Fig. 23.Nucleotide excision repair. Web Fig. 24. Protein ubiquitination. Web Fig. 25. Retinoic acid receptor (RAR) activ…

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Additional file 4 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 4: Web Figure 11. Comparison of affected pathways in different data sets.

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Additional file 11 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 11: Web Table 1D. Differentially expressed genes 4 h after exposure to high dose ionizing radiation (2 Gray).

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Additional file 12 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 12: Web Table 2. Differential expression activity in cellular pathways and involved molecules

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Additional file 13 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Additional file 13: Supplement file 1. Settings for comparison analyses in IPA.

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