Stéphane Tizio
Etats de santé et systèmes de soins dans les pays en développement. La contribution des politiques de santé au développement durable
The aim of this article consists in measuring in which way health policies in developing countries are contributing to sustainable development goals. Firstly, a return on the terminology and the abstract contents of the sustainable development allows us to identify it with the cumulative and circular process, according to which the economic growth generates human development. We put secondly in motto the crucial role of health in the maintenance of this virtuous circle, to appreciate the opportunity of health policies in the way they lead to reinforce links between economic growth and human development.
From free health care to pricing in subsaharian Africa : rise and fall of the project "health for all"
The idea o f the "health for all", that consists in insure to each the free access to health care and the equality on treating, has been found enough rapidly taken in defect by the catastrophic economic situation of countries of Africa to the South o f the Sahara. Faced with the impossibility to promote a free health policy for all, local governments and international organisations, such the WHO and the UNICEF, have proposed to make pay users for cares that they receive and to decentralize management of public health system so as to create the favorable environment to a market of health. This reform of health system in Subsaharan Africa, called the Bamako Initiative, is going to tempt to so…
Entre Etat et marché : une nouvelle régulation sanitaire pour les pays en développement
Stéphane Tizio — Between State and market : A new sanitary regulation for developing countries ? This paper is positioned in a critical perspective of the most recent international recommendations in matters of health in developing countries and particularly in Sub- Saharan African countries. A brief history of health policies shows that the promotion of these new instruments is greatly owed to the limits of the State and market models of organising health systems. Proceeding from the neo-institutional models of such new health policies, we shall demonstrate the implications and limits consisting, among other things, of discarding the political and ethical dimensions of regulating health sy…
Networking Healthcare from a competitive call to a medical cooperation as a guarantee of a found confidence
Le reseau en sante : de la mise en concurrence a la cooperation des soignants comme garantie d‘une confiance retrouveeL’objectif de cet article consiste a situer le reseau de sante entre la concurrence et la cooperation selon l’acceptation qui en est faite, et de repenser en consequence les relations entre les prestataires de soins ainsi que le pilotage de ces formes organisationnelles innovantes dans le systeme de sante francais. Nous proposons en premier lieu, une etude synthetique des resultats theoriques, puis sur les effets observes dans les differents pays concernes (anglo-saxons puis europeens), de l’introduction de mecanismes concurrentiels visant a reguler plus efficacement le syst…
La santé dans les pays en développement : défaillances de l’aide, équité et légitimité
National audience