Improved polyhedral descriptions and exact procedures for a broad class of uncapacitated p-hub median problems
Abstract This work focuses on a broad class of uncapacitated p-hub median problems that includes non-stop services and setup costs for the network structures. In order to capture both the single and the multiple allocation patterns as well as any intermediate case of interest, we consider the so-called r-allocation pattern with r denoting the maximum number of hubs a terminal can be allocated to. We start by revisiting an optimization model recently proposed for the problem. For that model, we introduce several families of valid inequalities as well as optimality cuts. Moreover, we consider a relaxation of the model that contains several sets of set packing constraints. This motivates a pol…
The multiple vehicle pickup and delivery problem with LIFO constraints
Abstract This paper approaches a pickup and delivery problem with multiple vehicles in which LIFO conditions are imposed when performing loading and unloading operations and the route durations cannot exceed a given limit. We propose two mixed integer formulations of this problem and a heuristic procedure that uses tabu search in a multi-start framework. The first formulation is a compact one, that is, the number of variables and constraints is polynomial in the number of requests, while the second one contains an exponential number of constraints and is used as the basis of a branch-and-cut algorithm. The performances of the proposed solution methods are evaluated through an extensive comp…
The probabilistic pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem
Abstract Transportation problems are essential in commercial logistics and have been widely studied in the literature during the last decades. Many of them consist in designing routes for vehicles to move commodities between locations. This article approaches a pickup-and-delivery single-vehicle routing problem where there is susceptibility to uncertainty in customer requests. The probability distributions of the requests are assumed to be known, and the objective is to design an a priori route with minimum expected length. The problem has already been approached in the literature, but through a heuristic method. This article proposes the first exact approach to the problem. Two mathematica…
The facility location problem with capacity transfers
Abstract This paper explores the concept of capacity transfer in the context of capacitated facility location problems. This is accomplished by assuming that facilities with surplus capacity/production can cooperate with those facing shortage by transferring part of that capacity/production. Such a transfer incurs a cost that nonetheless may be compensated by savings both in the installation costs and in the distribution costs. Mixed-integer mathematical programming models are proposed for the problem. A distinction is made between the case in which the triangle inequality holds for the transfer costs and the case in which it does not. We present compact models, which are enhanced with vali…
Formulations and valid inequalities for the capacitated dispersion problem
This work focuses on the capacitated dispersion problem for which we study several mathematical formulations in different spaces using variables associated with nodes, edges, and costs. The relationships among the presented formulations are investigated by comparing the projections of the feasible sets of the LP relaxations onto the subspace of natural variables. These formulations are then strengthened with families of valid inequalities and variable-fixing procedures. The separation problems associated with the valid inequalities that are exponential in number are shown to be polynomially solvable by reducing them to longest path problems in acyclic graphs. The dual bounds obtained from s…
Resultados de las Fusiones Empresariales: Una Aproximación Empírica en el Sector Asegurador
ESTE articulo analiza los efectos de las fusiones sobre la rentabili-dad, gestion y situacion financiera en el sector de seguros en Espa-na, siendo este un marco apenas investigado hasta ahora. El estu-dio se centra en todas las sociedades anonimas fusionadas en 1992, y su informacion contable durante el periodo 1991-1995. Para ello hemos rea-lizado un analisis agregado en el que se evalua si el conjunto de socieda-des fusionadas muestra estadisticamente diferencias significativas cuan-do se compara con el conjunto de las sociedades no fusionadas, mediante el estudio de la media de ciertos indicadores desde el ano previo a la fusion. Los resultados indican que no hay diferencias despues de …