Valérie Haberkorn
Vitamin A modulates the effects of thyroid hormone on UDP-glucuronosyltransferase expression and activity in rat liver.
We studied the influence of thyroid hormones and vitamin A status on the regulation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) expression and the glucuronidation of thyroid hormones by UGTs. For this, we used an original model of rats fed with different vitamin A diets and implanted subcutaneously by osmotic minipumps delivering vehicle or thyroid hormones, which permitted the control of plasma thyroid hormone concentrations. The activity and expression of family 1 UGTs are correlated and were significantly modified by both thyroid status and amounts of retinol in the diet. Dietary vitamin A did not perturbe the UGT1A expression in thyroidectomized animals. Thyroid hormones and dietary vitamin A …
Les huiles essentielles : principes d’utilisation
« Tout malade porte son propre medecin a l’interieur de lui-meme. Ce que nous pourrons faire de mieux, c’est donner une chance d’agir au medecin qui reside a l’interieur de chacun ». Dr Albert Schweitzer.
L’aromathérapie et les huiles essentielles
Un parfum produit le meme effet qu’un beau morceau de musique ou une caresse empreinte d’amour : il rejouit le cœur et les sens. Il n’y a donc rien d’etonnant a ce que les huiles essentielles connaissent, depuis quelques annees, un vif succes surtout si l’on songe que, au-dela du simple plaisir olfactif, elles peuvent exercer une action bienfaisante, voire therapeutique, aussi bien sur le corps que sur l’esprit.
Influence of vitamin A status on the regulation of uridine (5′-)diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1 and UGT1A6 expression by L-triiodothyronine
The uridine (5′-)diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) are involved in the phase II of various xenobiotics and endogenous compounds. They are responsible for glucuronidation of many substrates, especially including bilirubin (UGT1A1) and phenolic compounds (UGT1A6). We previously showed that the expression of both isoforms is regulated at the transcriptional level by thyroid hormone in rat liver. In this present study, effects of vitamin A dietary intake (0, 1.72, 69 ug retinol acetate/g food) on the regulation of UGT1A1 and UGT1A6 activity and expression by 3,5,3′ triiodo-L-THYRONINE (l-T3) were examined in the same organ. Activities were determined toward bilirubin and 4-nitrophenol.…