C. Gil

Determination and evaluation of cadmium, lead and nickel in greenhouse soils of Almerı́a (Spain)

This study determines total levels of three (Cd, Pb and Ni) potentially toxic trace elements in western Almería (Spain) greenhouse surface soil horizons using microwave digestion; it establishes the geochemical baseline concentration, and it investigates possible relationships between soil properties and elemental concentrations. The results show that the soil concentration of these heavy metals is lower than mentioned in the European and Spanish normative, but they are higher than those reported by other authors working on agricultural soils. The obtained geochemical baseline concentrations (mg kg(-1)) were: Cd 0.4-0.8, Pb 2.5-89.9 and Ni 16.1-30.7. Using the upper baseline criterion, 88% …

research product

Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating

We describe a new technique for the efficient generation of high-energy ions with electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in multi-ion plasmas. The discussed ‘three-ion’ scenarios are especially suited for strong wave absorption by a very low number of resonant ions. To observe this effect, the plasma composition has to be properly adjusted, as prescribed by theory. We demonstrate the potential of the method on the world-largest plasma magnetic confinement device, JET (Joint European Torus, Culham, UK), and the high-magnetic-field tokamak Alcator C-Mod (Cambridge, USA). The obtained results demonstrate efficient acceleration of 3He ions to high energies in dedicated hydrogen–deuterium mixtures.…

research product

Soil organic carbon stock on the Majorca Island: temporal change in agricultural soil over the last 10 years

8 Pags.- 5 Tabls.- 3 Figs.

research product

Novel method for determination of tritium depth profiles in metallic samples

Tritium accumulation in fusion reactor materials is considered a serious radiological issue, therefore a lot of effort has been concentrated on the development of radiometric techniques. A novel method, based on gradual dissolution, for the determination of the total tritium content and its depth profiles in metallic samples is demonstrated. This method allows for the measurement of tritium in metallic samples after their exposure to a hydrogen and tritium mixture, tritium containing plasma or after irradiation with neutrons resulting in tritium formation. In this method, successive layers of metal are removed using an appropriate etching agent in the controlled regime and the amount of evo…

research product

Assessment of the soil organic carbon stock in Spain

p.- 4 Tabls.- 6 Figs.

research product

Impact of 70 years urban growth associated with heavy metal pollution

Historical trends in trace element deposition were analyzed using herbaria specimens. We determined Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Na, P, K, S, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn contents in leaves of eight specimens collected in 1941. To assess changes, we collected the same plants from a botanical garden in 2012. The concentrations of major elements showed large species variability. However, temporal trends were predominately detected for heavy metals. The Cd, Ni and Cr contents in the 2012 leaves were 10, 13 and 16 times higher, respectively, than in 1941. Urban activities have substantially raised the levels of these metals in urban atmospheres due to changes in human activities over 70 years of urban …

research product

Selenium and heavy metals content in some Mediterranean soils

Abstract The study of metal contents in industrial, agricultural or/and polluted soils compared with natural or unpolluted soils is currently necessary to obtain reference values and to assess soil contamination. Nonetheless, very few works published appear in international journals on elements like Se, Li and Sr in Spanish soils. This study determines the total levels of Se, Li, Sr, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ba in 14 natural (unpolluted) soils (Gypsisols, Leptosols, Arenosols and Acrisols), 14 agricultural soils (Anthrosols, Fluvisols and Luvisols), and 4 industrial–urban affected-surface soil horizons (Anthrosols and Fluvisols) of Eastern Spain. The geochemical baselin…

research product

Background levels and baseline values of available heavy metals in Mediterranean greenhouse soils (Spain)

Abstract This study determines extractable levels of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Co in western Almeria (Spain) greenhouse surface soil horizons using EDTA solution, which is identified as the fraction available for organisms and plants. It also establishes background levels, geochemical baseline concentration and reference values (RV), and investigates the possible relationships between soil properties and elemental concentrations. The results show that the soil concentration of these extractable heavy metals was high as those reported by other authors for Spanish agricultural soils. The available RV concentrations obtained (mg kg −1 ) were: Cd 0.17, Cu 1.6, Pb 13.8, Zn 5.0 Ni 1.7 and Co 2.9. Us…

research product

Comparison of the structure of the plasma-facing surface and tritium accumulation in beryllium tiles from JET ILW campaigns 2011-2012 and 2013-2014

In this study, beryllium tiles from Joint European Torus (JET) vacuum vessel wall were analysed and compared regarding their position in the vacuum vessel and differences in the exploitation conditions during two campaigns of ITER-Like-Wall (ILW) in 2011-2012 (ILW1) and 2013-2014 (ILW2) Tritium content in beryllium samples were assessed. Two methods were used to measure tritium content in the samples - dissolution under controlled conditions and tritium thermal desorption. Prior to desorption and dissolution experiments, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were used to study structure and chemical composition of plasma-facing-surfaces of the beryllium sampl…

research product

Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality

Soil quality determination requires the analysis of a number of soil attributes using different approaches. In recent years, one of the most promising approaches has been the determination of enzymatic activities. Generally, only a few enzymes have been analysed and related with other parameters, such as total carbon, nitrogenous content or microbial biomass carbon. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible use of the API ZYM strip, a semi-quantitative miniaturised system that determines 19 enzymatic activities, to study soil quality. To this end, we tested the system in different soil types, including albicArenosols, mollicLeptosols, rendzicLeptosols, haplicLeptosols, and calcar…

research product

Influence of parent material and soil use on arsenic forms in soils A case study in the Amblés Valley (Castilla-León, Spain)

Abstract The total, water soluble and extractable concentrations with EDTA of As from topsoils from the Ambles Valley (Avila, Spain) were determined. The geochemical baseline concentrations of total As were established, and the relationships between the concentration of the different As forms and soil properties were investigated. Total As content in soils was related with parent material, whereas anthropogenic activities affected its mobility. Iron, aluminium, clay content, soil organic matter and soil pH were the main controlling factors for As soil concentrations. The geochemical baseline concentrations obtained (mg kg − 1 ) were 7.3–35 in soils on granite parent material and 2.2–6.8 in …

research product

Determination and assessment of mercury content in calcareous soils.

Abstract This paper provides the first available information on the determination of the total mercury content in different Mediterranean calcareous soils by thermal decomposition, amalgamation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Fifty-three samples from five soil use groups (natural, dry land, greenhouse, irrigated and rice farming soils) were analysed. The results show that the levels of mercury in these soils were 9.4–1585 μg kg −1 . Soil organic matter and the zinc equivalent index have been related to Hg content in soils, suggesting that Cu, Ni, Zn and Hg are of a similar origin. The background level (BL), geochemical baseline concentrations (GBC) and the reference value (RV) were…

research product

Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall

Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. T…

research product

Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

The 2014–2016 JET results are reviewed in the light of their significance for optimising the ITER research plan for the active and non-active operation. More than 60 h of plasma operation with ITER first wall materials successfully took place since its installation in 2011. New multi-machine scaling of the type I-ELM divertor energy flux density to ITER is supported by first principle modelling. ITER relevant disruption experiments and first principle modelling are reported with a set of three disruption mitigation valves mimicking the ITER setup. Insights of the L–H power threshold in Deuterium and Hydrogen are given, stressing the importance of the magnetic configurations and the recent m…

research product

Assessing soil contamination and temporal trends of heavy metal contents in greenhouses on semiarid land

Information about the behavior and temporal evolution of heavy metals in agricultural soils is limited, particularly about greenhouse soils on semiarid lands, indeed it nonexistent. Western Almería (Southern Spain) is a semiarid land where some 30,000 ha are occupied by greenhouses with high productivity. As these greenhouses are fundamental to the socioeconomic development of this area, they should be maintained and well conserved. However, there are indications that long-term intensive agriculture with considerable agrochemicals use can deteriorate soil quality, which in turn, would reduce productivity and food quality. This study was conducted to investigate soil contamination and the te…

research product

Spatial relations of heavy metals in arable and greenhouse soils of a Mediterranean environment region (Spain)

This study characterises and compares Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd (HMs) contents and the main edaphic parameters in arable soils (AS) from western areas of the Andalusian Autonomous Community (SE Spain) with greenhouse soils (GS) from the province of Almería, one of the most productive agricultural systems in Europe. We explored 199 GS and 142 AS, representing local and regional scales of variation in this important Mediterranean area. The hazardousness of HMs was particularly relevant in GS where agricultural practices, which centre on maximising production, end up with products that finally enter the human food chain directly. Despite their similar edaphic characteristics, the main differen…

research product

Soil features in rookeries of Antarctic penguins reveal sea to land biotransport of chemical pollutants

© The Author(s).

research product

Determination of enzymatic activities using a miniaturized system as a rapid method to assess soil quality

Summary Soil quality determination requires the analysis of a number of soil attributes using different approaches. In recent years, one of the most promising approaches has been the determination of enzymatic activities. Generally, only a few enzymes have been analysed and related to other soil properties such as total carbon, nitrogen content or microbial biomass carbon. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible use of the API ZYM strip, a semi-quantitative miniaturized system that determines 19 enzymatic activities, to study soil quality. To this end, we tested the system in different soil types, including albic Arenosols, mollic Leptosols, rendzic Leptosols, haplic Leptosols …

research product

Screening for new accumulator plants in potential hazards elements polluted soil surrounding Peruvian mine tailings

Abstract Tailings usually provide an unfavorable substrate for plant growth because of their multi-stress environment. Plants growing on naturally metal-enriched soils are of particular interest in this perspective, since they are genetically tolerant to high metal concentrations and have an excellent adaptation to extreme conditions. Soil and plant samples were taken in Peru, at a polymetallic mine (mainly Ag, Pb and Cu) in Cajamarca Province, Hualgayoc district. Top soils (0–20 cm) were analyzed for physical and chemical properties by standard methods. Total As, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in top soils were determined by ICP–OES. Similar metals in plants were analyzed separately (aerial …

research product

Modelling of JET hybrid plasmas with emphasis on performance of combined ICRF and NBI heating

International audience; During the 2015--2016 JET campaigns, many efforts have been devoted to the exploration of high-performance plasma scenarios envisaged for DT operation in JET. In this paper, we review various key recent hybrid discharges and model the combined ICRF NBI heating. These deuterium discharges with deuterium beams had the ICRF antenna frequency tuned to match the cyclotron frequency of minority H at the centre of the tokamak coinciding with the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of D. The modelling takes into account the synergy between ICRF and NBI heating through the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of D beam ions, allowing us to assess its impact on the neutron rate…

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