E. Arena

Weak D and partial D: our experience in daily activity

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(1) Treatment with doxycyline substantially reduces the acute toxicity of daunomycin to the mouse. Treatment with doxycycline alters the distribution of daunomycin amongst the body tissues of the mouse. The ability of the isolated kidney to bind the daunomycin is enhanced by pretreatment with doxycycline. This observation is in agreement with the phenomenon noted in vivo with the same organ. (2) The antineoplastic activity of daunomycin, tested in vivo in mice bearing Sarcoma 180 is not modified by treatment with doxycyctine, nor does doxycycline modify the inhibition of DNA synthesis in isolated Sarcoma 180 cells by daunomycin. (3) The experiments carried out on isolated cell, namely: (a) …

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Durum wheat breads enriched with citrus fruits pectin and flavonoids

research product

Influence of Pharmacokinetic Variations on the Pharmacological Properties of Adriamycin

Whenever it appears impossible to modify the chemical structure of drugs with a high and established therapeutic activity but a low chemotherapeutic index, pharmacological research has to find other ways of improving the chemotherapeutic index. This problem is particularly important in the case of antitumor drugs, thus justifying research into the most suitable choice of dosage and routes of administration, as well as into the pharmacological associations which enable tumor cells to be hit at various stages of the reproductive cycle. Alternatively, the therapeutic index could be improved by the use of antagonistic compounds (like, for example, methotrexate and folinic acid) which act upon t…

research product

La scuola in ospedale: un’opportunità di attraversamento del rischio per il minore ospedalizzato

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