Francisco Javier Palao Gil

Un modelo colonial: la real Universidad de México

Los autores intentan trazar los rasgos de un modelo colonial: la real universidad de México en los siglos XVI y XVIL Para ello articulan su exposición en cuatro apartados: i) la influencia de la religión sobre la educación en Nueva España; ii) la instrucción específica para los caciques y nobles; iii) los modelos hispanos de universidades en la edad moderna; y iv) el análisis de la organización de la universidad de México. Concluyen qvie México no es mero trasunto de Salamanca, sino una universidad con su singular estructura de poderes. The authors try to establish the characteristics oí a colonial model, the Royal Mexican University in the XVI and XVJI centuries.The paper is divided into f…

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Alpha-adrenergic modulation of glutathione metabolism in isolated rat hepatocytes.

Glutathione metabolism was studied in isolated hepatocytes from 48-h starved rats. Phenylephrine (10 microM, final concentration) was incubated in the presence of a mixture of L-glutamine, glycine, L-serine, and L-methionine (at 10 times their normal plasma concentration). Alpha-adrenergic stimulation provoked a decrease in glutathione (GSH) synthesis. This effect was accompanied by an enhanced efflux of glutathione from the cells. Phenylephrine stimulated the rate of glutathione disulfide (GSSG) formation; however, this effect was clearly insufficient to explain the disappearance of GSH. Our results suggest that the decrease in cellular GSH levels observed under conditions of shock, stress…

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Consideraciones sobre la propiedad amortizada en el Vàlencia del XVIII: real hacienda y juzgado de amortización

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Francisco Murillo Ferrol y los primeros estudios de Ciencia política y Sociología en la Universidad de Valencia

Francisco Murillo Ferrol fue catedrático de derecho político en la Universidad de Valencia desde su acceso a la cátedra, en 1952, hasta su marcha a la Universidad de Granada en 1961. Fue el primer catedrático estable que tuvo la disciplina en Valencia desde 1932. Cuando llega, es un profesor formado en la filosofía del derecho y que había realizado algunas reflexiones sobre la teoría del Estado desde perspectivas históricas y clásicas. Sus ocho años y medio en Valencia fueron de intensa actividad: dirigió el colegio mayor 'Luis Vives'; participó intensamente en la vida académica de la Facultad; impulsó un Seminario interdisciplinar de ciencias sociales centrado en la sociología y la ciencia…

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Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine on ischaemia-induced myocardial damage in canine heart.

The glutathione redox pathway is an important antioxidant system in the myocardium. N-Acetylcysteine is a low molecular weight glutathione precursor that has been used clinically to replenish glutathione stores. The present study was aimed at evaluating the protective effect of N-acetylcysteine on myocardial damage resulting from permanent coronary occlusion (without reperfusion) in anaesthetized dogs. N-Acetylcysteine (150 mg kg−1 i.v.) administered 2 min before occlusion rerduced infarct size in dogs subjected to 24 h ischemia. The infarct size as a percentage of the area at risk was 86.8 ± 3.6% (n = 11) in control (salinetreated) dogs and 68.2 ± 2.4% (n = 7; P < 0.05 vs control) in N-ace…

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Effect of Glutathione on Canine Myocardial Ischaemia Without Reperfusion

Abstract The present study was to evaluate the effect of exogenous glutathione on myocardial damage resulting from permanent (no reperfusion) coronary ligation (3 or 6 h) in anaesthetized dogs. Haemodynamics, infarct size and myocardial glutathione content were determined. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was also determined in coronary venous blood samples. Glutathione was administered by the intraperitoneal route, 100 mg kg−1 as initial dose given 5 min before coronary ligation, and successive doses of 25 mg kg−1 every 40 min throughout the study period. Saline-treated dogs showed myocardial infarction, a decrease in myocardial glutathione content, and a transient increase …

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Escenes de la vida universitària

Historia de la Universidad de Valencia.

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Flow cytometric analysis of peroxidative activity in granulocytes from coronary and peripheral blood in acute myocardial ischemia and reperfusion in dogs: Protective effect of methionine

BACKGROUND Methionine has shown protective effects in experimental models of myocardial infarction and is highly reactive to oxidative compounds produced by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), which in turn have been associated with myocardial damage. We have investigated the effect of methionine administration on spontaneous leukocyte peroxidative activity in myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. METHODS In anesthetized dogs, with coronary occlusion (90 min) and reperfusion (90 min), PMN activation was measured by flow cytometric determination of H(2)O(2) with dihydrorhodamine 123, and correlated to hemodynamic parameters and infarct presence. To assess a possible direct effect of methionin…

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Myocardial Glutathione Alterations in Acute Coronary Occlusion in the Dog

Glutathione (GSH) decreases in dog mycocardium upon acute coronary occlusion when compared with sham-operated dogs. Total glutathione content (GSHeq = GSH + ZGSSG) remains unchanged throughout the experiment (6 h after surgery) in both sham- and acute coronary occlusion-operated dogs. GSSG and GSH/GSSG ratio increases and decreases respectively in all animals but tends to reach the normal value after 6 h in sham-operated dogs. Both parameters (GSSG and GSH/GSSG ratio) remain altered in acute coronary occlusion-operated ones. This alteration of glutathione status in ischemic myocardium is discussed.

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República, socialismo y civilidad en la Europa contemporánea [Ressenya]

Reseña del libro de Antoni Domènech "El eclipse de la fraternidad" Barcelona, Crítica, 473 p.

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